张泉 杜亚星 张林峰 周明卫
中图分类号:TU831.6 文献标识码:A
Abstract:Based on the twodimensional heat transfer model for single U pipe in GSHP (Ground Source Heat Pump) system, this paper analyzed the influences of main different multivariables on the heat resistance, including the heat conductivity coefficient of backfill materials, the buried pipe spacing in the borehole and the water velocity in the pipes. Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA), in which elitism selection and migration were combined, was used to optimize the heat resistance in the borehole based on foregoing multivariables. According to the optimized result, the minimum heat resistance was obtained when the heat conductivity coefficients of backfill materials, the buried pipe spacing and the water velocity in the pipes reached their maximal designed values. The results are useful for the optimization of the heat exchanger design of GSHP.
Key words: ground source heat pump system(GSHP); single upipe; heat resistance; genetic algorithm (GA)
遗传算法具有全局性、并行性、适应性、收敛性等优点,对于地源热泵传热性能的优化研究具有很强的实践指导价值.杨卫波等人\[4\]以运行能耗为优化目标,利用Matlab遗传算法工具箱对太阳能地热复合源热泵系统进行了优化设计,得出了最优的埋管深度和太阳能集热器面积的比例以及最优的运行能耗.Sepehr等人\[5\]以初投资和运行费用为优化目标,利用遗传算法软件包及其他优化算法对蒸汽地热复合源热泵系统进行了优化,结果表明遗传算法比其他优化方法总花费减少7.1%.Sepehr等人\[6\] 以进出口温度等作为优化变量,对蒸汽地热复合源热泵系统的初投资和运行费用利用遗传算法软件包进行了优化,并对影响因素的敏感性进行了分析,优化后系统的花费显著减少.可以看出关于遗传算法在地源热泵中应用的研究,大都是以整个系统作为研究对象,较少对地埋侧做具体的研究.
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HU Pingfang, KAN Long ,JIANG Zhangning,et al. Simulation and analysis of the effect factor on the heat transfer in the Utube of grund source heat pump\[J\]. Fluid Machinery, 2009,37(3):64-68.(In Chinese)
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YANG Weibo, SHI Mingheng. Optimization of solarground source heat pump systems based on genetic algorithm\[J\]. Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning, 2007,37(2):12-17. (In Chinese)
\[5\]SEPEHR S, BEHZAD N. Vertical ground coupled steam ejector heat pump, thermaleconomic modeling and optimization\[J\]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011, 34(7):562-576.
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\[7\]ESKILSON P. Thermal analysis of heat extraction boreholes\[D\]. Sweden: University of Lund, 1987.
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DIAO Nairen, FANG Zhaohong.Groundcoupled heat technology[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,2006:81-124. (In Chinese)
LEI Yingjie. Genetic algorithm toolbox and application\[M\].Xian: Xidian University Press,2005:3-31. (In Chinese)
\[11\]REMUND C. Borehole thermal resistance: laboratory and field studies[J]. ASHRAE Transactions,1995,105(2):439-445.
HU Pingfang, KAN Long ,JIANG Zhangning,et al. Simulation and analysis of the effect factor on the heat transfer in the Utube of grund source heat pump\[J\]. Fluid Machinery, 2009,37(3):64-68.(In Chinese)
\[2\]杨昌智,黄兵.U型管换热性能影响因素研究\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版, 2009, 36(12): 44-48.
YANG Changzhi, HUANG Bing. Study on influence factor of heat transfer performance of Utube\[J\]. Journal of Hunan University: Natural Sciences, 2009, 36(12): 44-48. (In Chinese)
\[3\]CLAESSON J, ESKILSON P. Conductive heat extraction to a deep borehole: thermal analyses and dimensioning rules\[J\]. Energy, 1987, 13(6): 509-527.
\[4\]杨卫波,施明恒.基于遗传算法的太阳能地热复合源热泵系统的优化\[J\]. 暖通空调,2007,37(2):12-17.
YANG Weibo, SHI Mingheng. Optimization of solarground source heat pump systems based on genetic algorithm\[J\]. Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning, 2007,37(2):12-17. (In Chinese)
\[5\]SEPEHR S, BEHZAD N. Vertical ground coupled steam ejector heat pump, thermaleconomic modeling and optimization\[J\]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011, 34(7):562-576.
\[6\]SEPEHR S, BEHZAD N. Horizontal ground coupled heat pump: thermaleconomic modeling and optimization \[J\]. Energy Conversion and Management,2010,51(12):2600-2612.
\[7\]ESKILSON P. Thermal analysis of heat extraction boreholes\[D\]. Sweden: University of Lund, 1987.
\[8\]ROTTMAYER S P, BECKMAN W A. Simulation of a single vertical utube ground heat exchanger in an infinite medium \[J\].ASHRAE Transactions, 1997, 103(2):651- 659.
DIAO Nairen, FANG Zhaohong.Groundcoupled heat technology[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,2006:81-124. (In Chinese)
LEI Yingjie. Genetic algorithm toolbox and application\[M\].Xian: Xidian University Press,2005:3-31. (In Chinese)
\[11\]REMUND C. Borehole thermal resistance: laboratory and field studies[J]. ASHRAE Transactions,1995,105(2):439-445.
HU Pingfang, KAN Long ,JIANG Zhangning,et al. Simulation and analysis of the effect factor on the heat transfer in the Utube of grund source heat pump\[J\]. Fluid Machinery, 2009,37(3):64-68.(In Chinese)
\[2\]杨昌智,黄兵.U型管换热性能影响因素研究\[J\]. 湖南大学学报:自然科学版, 2009, 36(12): 44-48.
YANG Changzhi, HUANG Bing. Study on influence factor of heat transfer performance of Utube\[J\]. Journal of Hunan University: Natural Sciences, 2009, 36(12): 44-48. (In Chinese)
\[3\]CLAESSON J, ESKILSON P. Conductive heat extraction to a deep borehole: thermal analyses and dimensioning rules\[J\]. Energy, 1987, 13(6): 509-527.
\[4\]杨卫波,施明恒.基于遗传算法的太阳能地热复合源热泵系统的优化\[J\]. 暖通空调,2007,37(2):12-17.
YANG Weibo, SHI Mingheng. Optimization of solarground source heat pump systems based on genetic algorithm\[J\]. Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning, 2007,37(2):12-17. (In Chinese)
\[5\]SEPEHR S, BEHZAD N. Vertical ground coupled steam ejector heat pump, thermaleconomic modeling and optimization\[J\]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011, 34(7):562-576.
\[6\]SEPEHR S, BEHZAD N. Horizontal ground coupled heat pump: thermaleconomic modeling and optimization \[J\]. Energy Conversion and Management,2010,51(12):2600-2612.
\[7\]ESKILSON P. Thermal analysis of heat extraction boreholes\[D\]. Sweden: University of Lund, 1987.
\[8\]ROTTMAYER S P, BECKMAN W A. Simulation of a single vertical utube ground heat exchanger in an infinite medium \[J\].ASHRAE Transactions, 1997, 103(2):651- 659.
DIAO Nairen, FANG Zhaohong.Groundcoupled heat technology[M]. Beijing: Higher Education Press,2006:81-124. (In Chinese)
LEI Yingjie. Genetic algorithm toolbox and application\[M\].Xian: Xidian University Press,2005:3-31. (In Chinese)
\[11\]REMUND C. Borehole thermal resistance: laboratory and field studies[J]. ASHRAE Transactions,1995,105(2):439-445.