
2014-10-11 02:08季峰等
中国医学创新 2014年25期


【摘要】 目的:探讨ETV1在胃肠道间质瘤组织中的表达及临床意义。方法:应用免疫组化、实时荧光定量PCR、Western-blot检测ETV1在135例不同胃肠道间质瘤患者的肿瘤组织及瘤旁组织中的表达。结果:免疫组化结果显示,ETV1在胃肠道间质瘤中阳性表达率为68.1%,显著高于瘤旁正常组织的5.2%(P<0.05)。荧光定量PCR方法显示,间质瘤组织中ETV1的相对表达Ct值(3.30±2.37)低于瘤旁正常组织的(6.19±2.86),肿瘤组织中ETV1的表达是正常组织的7.41倍,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。Western-blot法检测显示,ETV1蛋白在胃肠道间质瘤中的表达水平(1.24±0.67)也较瘤旁正常组织高(0.88±0.28)(P=0.0369);Pearson相关分析显示,ETV1mRNA和蛋白水平呈正相关(r=0.526,P=0.017)。结论:ETV1在胃肠道间质瘤中特异性高表达,可能与胃肠道间质瘤的发生发展有关,有望成为新的肿瘤标志物,为临床治疗提供新靶点。

【关键词】 胃肠道间质瘤; 转录调控因子; 肿瘤发生

【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the expression of ETV1 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors and its clinical significance.Method:Surgical gastrointestinal stromal tumor tissues and adjacent normal mucosa were obtained from 135 patients with gastrointestinal stromal tumor.Immunohistochemistry was conducted to detect the distribution of ETV1 protein,while the quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and Western blot method were used to detect the expressions of ETV1 mRNA and protein.Result:Immunohistochemical analysis showed the positive rate of ETV1 expression was 68.1% in gastrointestinal stromal tumor tissues,it was significantly higher than 5.2% in the adjacent normal samples(P<0.05).Fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) showed that relative expression of Ct value was (3.30±2.37)in gastrointestinal stromal tumor tissues,it was significantly lower than (6.19±2.86) in adjacent normal samples,expression of ETV1 in tumor tissue was 7.41 times of normal tissue,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).Western blot analysis revealed that the expression of ETV1 protein was (1.24±0.67) in gastrointestinal stromal tumor tissues,it was significantly higher than (0.88±0.28) in normal colorectal tissues (P=0.0369).Pearson correlation analysis showed that the mRNA level was in positive correlation with the protein level(r=0.526,P=0.017).Conclusion:The specific expression of the ETV1 is in a correlation with the pathogenesis of gastrointestinal stromal tumor.ETV1 is expected to be a new tumor marker and the new target for clinical therapy.

【Key words】 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor; Transcription regulatory factors; Tumorigenesis

First-authors address:The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Medical College,Hangzhou 310000,China


ETS家族是最大的信号依赖转录调控因子家族之一,其过度表达和许多人类肿瘤发生有关,近年来已成为各国学者关注的重点。ETS变异体1(ETV1,ER81)是ETS家族成员之一。已有研究表明,ETV1在乳腺癌、黑色素瘤、前列腺癌、尤文氏瘤中过度表达,参与肿瘤的形成和发展[1-5]。国外已有研究发现,ETV1在胃肠道间质瘤(gastrointestinal stromal tumor,GIST)细胞中存在普遍高表达[6],但是国内鲜有相关报道。本实验采用免疫组织化学、实时荧光定量PCR和Western-blot方法检测GIST及瘤旁正常组织中ETV1的表达,探索其表达差异的意义。endprint

1 材料与方法

1.1 标本来源 选取本院2012年5月-2014年1月经手术治疗的GIST患者135例。其中男68例,女67例,年龄24~83岁,平均(58.7±11.8)岁,中位年龄59岁。肿瘤发生部位包括胃104例,小肠24例,其他部位7例。所有手术病例均为初治,术前均未行放、化疗或伊马替尼等分子靶向治疗。GIST标本取自病灶中央无坏死部分,另取距肿瘤边缘大于3 cm的瘤旁正常组织,离体后立即切成大约0.5 cm小块,于10 min内放于液氮中保存,后转存于-80 ℃冰箱。部分标本用4%甲醛固定,石蜡包埋,做免疫组化染色。所有标本均经过病理科医师证实为GIST。本实验获得医院伦理委员会同意。

1.2 免疫组化染色 组织石蜡包埋制成厚约4 μm组织切片,常规HE染色和免疫组化染色。每批染色均用已知阳性切片做阳性对照,用PBS代替一抗做阴性对照。结果判定:以胞质、胞核或胞膜染有均匀棕黄色颗粒、染色强度高于背景非特异性染色者为阳性细胞。采用双盲法,选取5个高倍视野进行计数。按半定量评分方法进行计算:根据每视野着色细胞占总细胞的数目(阳性细胞0、1%~25%、26%~50%、>50%)分别记为0、1、2、3分;按每张切片着色细胞的染色强度(阴性、弱、中、强)分别记为0、1、2、3分;根据两项评分之和判断结果:≤2分为阴性,≥3为阳性。

1.3 RT-PCR检测ETV1 mRNA表达

1.3.1 总RNA提取 称取100 mg组织,匀浆后用TRIzol法进行GIST组织及瘤旁组织的总RNA提取。紫外分光光度计定量并检测其纯度,A260/A280比值在1.8~2.0。按照Takara PrimeScript? RT reagent Kit with gDNA Eraser (Perfect Real Time)试剂盒(Takara公司)说明书步骤将其逆转录为cDNA。

1.3.2 实时荧光定量PCR ETV1正向引物为


5-TCAGGTTTCGGTGTATGAGTTG-3。以GAPDH为内参照,其正向引物为5-AGAAGGCTGGGGCTCATTTG-3,反向引物为5-AGGGGCCATCCACAGTCTTC-3。取cDNA 1 μL,按照SYBR? Premix Ex Taq? (Tli RNaseH Plus)试剂盒(Takara公司)说明书步骤进行反应,95 ℃预变性30 s,随后进行40个循环的PCR扩增反应(95 ℃变性5 s,60 ℃退火与延伸34 s)。肿瘤组织与正常组织的相对表达Ct值,即?Ct=Ct(ETV1)-Ct(GAPDH)。肿瘤组织中ETV1表达相对于瘤旁正常组织的倍数用2-??Ct计算。

1.4 Western blot法检测ETV1蛋白表达 取100 mg新鲜组织,将组织粉碎后加入裂解液提取总蛋白,4 ℃离心10 min,提取上清液,BCA法测定蛋白含量。在提取出的蛋白中加入适量5×上样缓冲液煮沸10 min。取等量样本于10%SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)分离,电转移至硝酸纤维素膜(NC膜)。5%脱脂牛奶室温封闭2 h,与兔抗人ETV1单克隆抗体或GAPDH单克隆抗体4 ℃孵育过夜,洗膜,与辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记的羊抗兔多克隆抗体室温孵育1 h,洗膜。用ECL显色曝光。组织中不同蛋白表达水平用目的条带与内参GAPDH条带的灰度值比值定量表示。

1.5 统计学处理 采用SPSS 19.0软件对所得数据进行统计分析,计量资料用(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验和单因素方差分析,计数资料用率表示,采用 字2检验,Kruskal—Wallis等级相关采用Spearman方法,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 ETV1的免疫组化染色结果 ETV1免疫组化阳性染色产物位于细胞核。ETV1在GIST中普遍高表达,阳性率达68.1%(92/135),但是在瘤旁正常组织基本不表达,为5.2%(7/135),差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),见图1。

3 讨论





[1] Ordó?ez J L,Osuna D,Herrero D,et al.Advances in Ewing's sarcoma research:where are we now and what lies ahead?[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(18):7140-7150.

[2] Jané-Valbuena J,Widlund H R,Perner S,et al.An oncogenic role for ETV1 in melanoma[J].Cancer Res,2010,70(5):2075-2084.

[3] Baker R,Kent C V,Silbermann R A,et al.Pea3 transcription factors and wnt1-induced mouse mammary neoplasia[J].Plos One,2010,5(1):e8854.

[4] Vageli D,Ioannou M G,Koukoulis G K.Transcriptional activation of hTERT in breast carcinomas by the Her2-ER81-related pathway[J].Oncol Res,2009,17(9):413-423.

[5] Oh S,Shin S,Janknecht R.ETV1,4 and 5:an oncogenic subfamily of ETS transcription factors[J].Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta,2012,1826(1):1-12.

[6] Chi P,Chen Y,Zhang L,et al.ETV1 is a lineage survival factor that cooperates with KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumours[J].Nature,2010,467(7317):849-853.

[7] Duffaud F,Blay J Y.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors:biology and treatment[J].Oncology,2003,65(3):187-197.

[8] Braconi C,Bracci R,Cellerino R.Molecular targets in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) therapy[J].Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2008,8(5):359-366.

[9] Kurpios N A,MacNeil L,Shepherd T G,et al.The Pea3 Ets transcription factor regulates differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells during mammary gland development[J].Dev Biol,2009,325(1):106-121.

[10] De Launoit Y,Baert J L,Chotteau-Lelievre A,et al.The Ets transcription factors of the PEA3 group:transcriptional regulators in metastasis[J].Biochim Biophys Acta,2006,1766(1):79-87.

[11] Shin S,Kim T D,Jin F,et al.Induction of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and modulation of androgen receptor by ETS variant 1/ETS-related protein 81[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(20):8102-8110.

[12] Dwyer J,Li H,Xu D,et al.Transcriptional regulation of telomerase activity:roles of the the Ets transcription factor family[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2007,1114(10):36-47.

[13] Goueli B S,Janknecht R.Upregulation of the catalytic telomerase subunit by the transcription factor ER81 and oncogenic HER2/Neu,Ras,or Raf[J].Mol Cell Biol,2004,24(1):25-35.

[14] Oikawa T.ETS transcription factors:possible targets for cancer therapy[J].Cancer Sci,2004,95(8):626-633.

(收稿日期:2014-03-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint



[1] Ordó?ez J L,Osuna D,Herrero D,et al.Advances in Ewing's sarcoma research:where are we now and what lies ahead?[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(18):7140-7150.

[2] Jané-Valbuena J,Widlund H R,Perner S,et al.An oncogenic role for ETV1 in melanoma[J].Cancer Res,2010,70(5):2075-2084.

[3] Baker R,Kent C V,Silbermann R A,et al.Pea3 transcription factors and wnt1-induced mouse mammary neoplasia[J].Plos One,2010,5(1):e8854.

[4] Vageli D,Ioannou M G,Koukoulis G K.Transcriptional activation of hTERT in breast carcinomas by the Her2-ER81-related pathway[J].Oncol Res,2009,17(9):413-423.

[5] Oh S,Shin S,Janknecht R.ETV1,4 and 5:an oncogenic subfamily of ETS transcription factors[J].Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta,2012,1826(1):1-12.

[6] Chi P,Chen Y,Zhang L,et al.ETV1 is a lineage survival factor that cooperates with KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumours[J].Nature,2010,467(7317):849-853.

[7] Duffaud F,Blay J Y.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors:biology and treatment[J].Oncology,2003,65(3):187-197.

[8] Braconi C,Bracci R,Cellerino R.Molecular targets in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) therapy[J].Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2008,8(5):359-366.

[9] Kurpios N A,MacNeil L,Shepherd T G,et al.The Pea3 Ets transcription factor regulates differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells during mammary gland development[J].Dev Biol,2009,325(1):106-121.

[10] De Launoit Y,Baert J L,Chotteau-Lelievre A,et al.The Ets transcription factors of the PEA3 group:transcriptional regulators in metastasis[J].Biochim Biophys Acta,2006,1766(1):79-87.

[11] Shin S,Kim T D,Jin F,et al.Induction of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and modulation of androgen receptor by ETS variant 1/ETS-related protein 81[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(20):8102-8110.

[12] Dwyer J,Li H,Xu D,et al.Transcriptional regulation of telomerase activity:roles of the the Ets transcription factor family[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2007,1114(10):36-47.

[13] Goueli B S,Janknecht R.Upregulation of the catalytic telomerase subunit by the transcription factor ER81 and oncogenic HER2/Neu,Ras,or Raf[J].Mol Cell Biol,2004,24(1):25-35.

[14] Oikawa T.ETS transcription factors:possible targets for cancer therapy[J].Cancer Sci,2004,95(8):626-633.

(收稿日期:2014-03-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint



[1] Ordó?ez J L,Osuna D,Herrero D,et al.Advances in Ewing's sarcoma research:where are we now and what lies ahead?[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(18):7140-7150.

[2] Jané-Valbuena J,Widlund H R,Perner S,et al.An oncogenic role for ETV1 in melanoma[J].Cancer Res,2010,70(5):2075-2084.

[3] Baker R,Kent C V,Silbermann R A,et al.Pea3 transcription factors and wnt1-induced mouse mammary neoplasia[J].Plos One,2010,5(1):e8854.

[4] Vageli D,Ioannou M G,Koukoulis G K.Transcriptional activation of hTERT in breast carcinomas by the Her2-ER81-related pathway[J].Oncol Res,2009,17(9):413-423.

[5] Oh S,Shin S,Janknecht R.ETV1,4 and 5:an oncogenic subfamily of ETS transcription factors[J].Biochimicaet Biophysica Acta,2012,1826(1):1-12.

[6] Chi P,Chen Y,Zhang L,et al.ETV1 is a lineage survival factor that cooperates with KIT in gastrointestinal stromal tumours[J].Nature,2010,467(7317):849-853.

[7] Duffaud F,Blay J Y.Gastrointestinal stromal tumors:biology and treatment[J].Oncology,2003,65(3):187-197.

[8] Braconi C,Bracci R,Cellerino R.Molecular targets in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors (GIST) therapy[J].Curr Cancer Drug Targets,2008,8(5):359-366.

[9] Kurpios N A,MacNeil L,Shepherd T G,et al.The Pea3 Ets transcription factor regulates differentiation of multipotent progenitor cells during mammary gland development[J].Dev Biol,2009,325(1):106-121.

[10] De Launoit Y,Baert J L,Chotteau-Lelievre A,et al.The Ets transcription factors of the PEA3 group:transcriptional regulators in metastasis[J].Biochim Biophys Acta,2006,1766(1):79-87.

[11] Shin S,Kim T D,Jin F,et al.Induction of prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia and modulation of androgen receptor by ETS variant 1/ETS-related protein 81[J].Cancer Res,2009,69(20):8102-8110.

[12] Dwyer J,Li H,Xu D,et al.Transcriptional regulation of telomerase activity:roles of the the Ets transcription factor family[J].Ann N Y Acad Sci,2007,1114(10):36-47.

[13] Goueli B S,Janknecht R.Upregulation of the catalytic telomerase subunit by the transcription factor ER81 and oncogenic HER2/Neu,Ras,or Raf[J].Mol Cell Biol,2004,24(1):25-35.

[14] Oikawa T.ETS transcription factors:possible targets for cancer therapy[J].Cancer Sci,2004,95(8):626-633.

(收稿日期:2014-03-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

长链非编码RNA AFAP1—AS1的过表达对胃癌细胞增殖和迁移的影响