摘 要 研究柱花草菠萝皮不同比例混合青贮发酵品质。试验设4个处理,分别为100 %柱花草单独青贮(CK)、70 %柱花草+30 %菠萝皮(SP1)、60 %柱花草+40 %菠萝皮(SP2)、50 %柱花草+50 %菠萝皮(SP3),青贮30 d后开窖取样,测定青贮饲料发酵品质。结果表明:与对照组相比,柱花草与菠萝皮混合青贮显著提高了乳酸含量,显著降低了pH值、丁酸和氨态氮/总氮,提高了发酵品质;各混合组随菠萝皮混合比例增大,乳酸增多,pH值和丁酸降低;SP2、SP3处理组pH值、乙酸、丙酸、挥发性脂肪酸和氨态氮/总氮无显著差异。从发酵品质和菠萝皮利用角度出发,50 %菠萝皮和柱花草混合青贮是可行的。
关键词 柱花草 ;菠萝皮 ;混合青贮 ;发酵品质
中图分类号 S543+.9
Fermentation Quality of Mixed Silages
of Stylosanthes guianensis and Pineapple Peel
WANG Jian1,3) LI Xuefeng2) ZHOU Hanlin3) HUAN Shuqian1)
WANG Zhiyong1) ZHANG Ying1)
(1 College of Agriculture,Hainan University,Haikou,Hainan 570228;
2 College of Environment and Plant Protection,Hainan University,Haikou,Hainan 570228;
3 Tropical Grassland and Animal Science Institute,CATAS,Danzhou,Hainan 571737)
Abstract Fermentation quality of mixed silages of Stylosanthes guianensis and pineapple peel was studied. Treatments were combinations of S. guianensis with pineapple peel at the following ratios: 100 : 0 (CK, 100% S. guianensis), 70 : 30 (SP1), 60 : 40 (SP2) and 50 : 50 (SP3) (fresh weight basics). The silos were open on 30 days after ensiling and the fermentation quality was measured. The results showed that, all mixed silages were well preserved. The mixed silages significantly increase lactic acid and decreased pH value, butyric acid contents and AN/TN as compared with control. The LA content increased and pH value, butyric acid contents decreased with the ratio of pineapple peel increasing. There were no significant differences pH value, acetic acid, propionic acid, volatile fatty acids contents and AN/TN between SP2 and SP3. In conclusion from the present study, that mixing 50% S. guianensis and 50% pineapple peel are recommended for fermentation quality utilization efficacy.
Key words Stylosanthes guianensis ; pineapple peel ; mixed ensilage ; fermentation quality
在热带亚热带地区,畜牧业生产所需饲草料往往受干旱季节的限制,为维持畜牧业生产一年四季正常运转免受饲草料缺乏的影响,青贮饲料的制作和利用是解决此限制的一种好途径[1,2]。热研2号柱花草[Stylosanthes guianensis(Aubl)Sw.cv.Reyan No.2]是一种优良热带豆科牧草,其具有耐高温,蛋白质含量高、产量高,耐酸性,耐瘠薄而在热带亚热带地区广泛种植[3,4]。雨季柱花草生长迅速,产量高;但旱季生长缓慢,产量低,造成饲草料供求不足,为确保柱花草全年都可利用,可通过调制成青贮饲料予以保存。热带牧草通常具有较低的可溶性糖,在青贮发酵时未能给乳酸菌提供充足的发酵底物产生乳酸,导致较差的发酵品质;与含水溶性碳水化合物丰富的材料混合,可以补充发酵底物,提高发酵品质[5]。菠萝皮是菠萝罐头生产的副产品,长期以来,被认为是农产品废弃物而大量丢弃或填埋,导致环境污染。菠萝皮水溶性碳水化合物含量较高[6],有研究表明添加菠萝皮可提高或改善青贮饲料的发酵品质[7]。目前,有关菠萝皮与柱花草混合青贮研究报道较少,本试验研究了菠萝皮和柱花草混合青贮发酵品质,为柱花草的青贮加工和菠萝皮的利用提供理论依据。
1 材料与方法
1.1 青贮原料
柱花草为种植于海南大学儋州实验基地热研2号柱花草,于2012年7月20日刈割,此时为营养生长期。菠萝皮为水果市场新鲜收集。青贮容器为实验室青贮罐,容积为250 mL塑料瓶。
1.2 试验设计
试验设4个处理,分别为柱花草单独青贮(对照组,CK)、70 %柱花草与30 %菠萝皮混合青贮(SP1)、60 %柱花草与40 %菠萝皮混合青贮(SP2)、50 %柱花草与50 %菠萝皮混合青贮(SP3),以上均为鲜重计。青贮30 d后分别打开青贮罐,取样分析,每个处理3次重复。
1.3 青贮饲料的调制
将青贮材料用铡刀切短至2 cm左右,按试验设计分别称取材料,充分混匀,然后装填到实验室青贮罐中,每罐180 g,压实后盖上内外盖,胶带密封,室温保存。
1.4 测定项目与分析方法
30 d青贮后分别打开青贮罐,取出青贮饲料充分混匀,从中取出35 g样品,放入200 mL的广口三角瓶中,加入70 mL水,置于4 ℃冰箱内浸提24 h。然后通过2层纱布和滤纸过滤,将滤液保存于50 mL的塑料瓶置于-20 ℃冰箱中冷冻保存待测。滤液用来测定pH值、乳酸(lactic acid, LA)、氨态氮(ammonia nitrogen,AN)、挥发性脂肪酸(volatile fatty acids,VFAs)。将剩余部分的青贮饲料收集起来烘干称重,测定干物质(dry matter, DM)、总氮(total nitrogen,TN)以及水溶性碳水化合物(water soluble carbohydrate,WSC)。其中:干物质65 ℃烘干60 h测定;pH值用PB-21 pH计测定;乳酸采用对羟基联苯法测定[8];氨态氮采用苯酚-次氯酸钠比色法测定[9];水溶性碳水化合物采用蒽酮-硫酸比色法测定[10];采用高效液相色谱仪(LC2000)测定挥发性脂肪酸,包括乙酸(acetic acid,AA)、丙酸(propionic acid, PA)与丁酸(butyric acid, BA,测定条件:色谱条件为采用COMOSIL5C18-PAD色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm)进行二元梯度洗脱,流动相A为20 mmol/L NaH2PO4(H3PO4调pH 2.65),B为甲醇;流速1 mL/min、柱温30 ℃、检测波长215 nm、进样体积20 μL,柱温140 ℃,汽化室温度180 ℃,氢气检测器温度220 ℃。总氮含量采用凯氏定氮法测定[11]。中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维采用Van Soest分析法测定[12]。
1.5 数据统计
试验数据采用SPSS 15.0软件进行单因素方差分析和Duncan多重比较。
2 结果与讨论
根据Catchpoole等[13]的评价标准,优质的青贮饲料应该具有pH≤4.2,乳酸含量3 %-13 %DM,丁酸含量<0.2 %DM,氨态氮/总氮<11 %DM,SP2、SP3混合组pH值均低于4.2,乳酸含量分别为65.28和72.13 g/kg DM,检测不到丁酸的产生,氨态氮/总氮<60 g/kg TN,尽管SP1组pH>4.2,但其较低的氨态氮/总氮(35.17 g/kg DM),说明菠萝皮的混合提高了青贮的发酵品质。SP1、SP2和SP3组的干物质含量显著低于对照组,是由于菠萝皮的干物质含量低于柱花草,故混合后干物质含量随菠萝皮比例的加大干物质降低。豆科牧草缓冲能高,水溶性碳水化合物低,这些特性使得豆科牧草单独青贮难以成功[5],Wang等[14]报道牧草成功青贮理论上所需的最低水溶性碳水化合物含量为60-70 g/kg DM。对照组的水溶性碳水化合物含量(35.52 g/kg DM)远低于理论最低的需要量,不能满足乳酸菌的生长,故有较差的发酵品质,较高的pH(4.94)、丁酸(5.14 g/kg DM)和氨态氮/总氮(111.28 g/kg TN)也证实了这一点。随菠萝皮比例增大,pH值下降,特别是当菠萝皮比例达40 %以上后pH值显著下降到4.2以下(P<0.05),这是因为菠萝皮混合后,水溶性碳水化合物含量增多,增加了乳酸菌的发酵底物,显著促进了乳酸生成(p<0.05),降低了pH值。青贮中乙酸的生成主要有2种途径[15],一是异型乳酸发酵,一是乳酸异化生成,与对照组相比,混合组的乙酸含量显著降低,乳酸/乙酸值高,说明菠萝皮混合后主要是同型乳酸发酵。与对照组相比,混合组的丁酸、总挥发性脂肪酸含量和氨态氮/总氮值显著降低,这是由于菠萝皮混合后,乳酸菌发酵底物充足,快速产生乳酸,降低pH值,抑制了丁酸菌和其它有害微生物的活性[16]。氨态氮/总氮值是衡量青贮发酵品质的重要指标,它客观上反映了蛋白质被微生物分解程度[17]。混合组的氨态氮/总氮值显著低于对照组(p<0.05),说明菠萝皮的混合能减少蛋白质的损失。随菠萝皮比例增加AN/TN增加,SP2、SP3组显著高于SP1组,可能是由于这两组菠萝皮比例较高,菠萝蛋白酶分解自身蛋白质的缘故。
3 结论
柱花草由于水溶性碳水化合物含量低单独青贮不易成功,与菠萝皮混合青贮后增加了乳酸菌的发酵底物,显著提高了乳酸含量,降低了pH值、丁酸和氨态氮/总氮,提高了青贮饲料的发酵品质。综合发酵品质和菠萝皮最大利用角度考虑,与柱花草混合青贮菠萝皮比例可以达到50 %。
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[11] AOAC. Official methods of analysis[M]. Association of Official and Analytical Chemists 14 Ed. Arlington, Virginia, 1984.
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[13] Catchpoole V R, Henzell E F. Silage and silage making from tropical herbage species[J]. Herbage Abstracts, 1971, 41:2 132-2 139.
[14] Wang J, Wang J Q, Zhou H, et al. Effect of addition of previously fermentation juice prepared from alfalfa on fermentation quality and protein degradation of alfalfa silage[J]. Animal feed science and technology, 2009,151:280-290.
[15] 原现军,余成群,李志华,等.西藏青稞秸秆与多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的研究[J].草业学报,2012,21(4):325-330.
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[17] 蒋 慧,张 玲,马金萍,等.枯黄期骆驼刺与稻草混贮对青贮饲料品质的影响[J].草业学报,2011,20(2):109-116.
[2] Yokota H, Ohshima M, Kim J H. et al. Lactic Acid production in napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.)silage[J]. J.Japan Grass.Sci.1995,41(3):207-211.
[3] 蒋侯明,何朝族,李居正,等.热带优良豆科牧草—热研2号柱花草的选育及推广[J].热带作物研究,1992(1):62-67.
[4] 易克贤.我国热带牧草产业化的发展现状、前景与对策[J].热带农业科学,2001,21(4):30-34.
[5] McDonald P, Henderson A R, Herson S J E. The Biochemistry of Silage (2nd edition)[M]. Marlow, UK: Chalcombe Publication, 1991.
[6] Jetana T, Suthikrai W, Usawang S, et al. The effects of 23 concentrate added to pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn. Mer.) waste silage in differing 24 ratios to form complete diets on digestion, excretion of urinary purine derivatives and 25 blood metabolites in growing male Thai swamp buffaloes[J]. Trop Anim Health Prod 2009, 26(41):449-459.
[7] 陈明霞,刘秦华,张建国.饲料稻新材料的特性及添加物对其青贮品质的影响[J].草业学报,2011,20(5):201-206.
[8] Barker S B, Summerson W H. The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material[J]. Journal of Biology Chemistry, 1941, 138: 535-554.
[9] Weatherbum M W. Pheno-hypochlorite reaction for determinations of ammonia[J]. Annual of Chemistry, 1967, 39:971-974.
[10] Owen V N, Albreeht K A, Muck R E, et al. Protein degradation and fermentation characteristic of red clover and alfalfa silage harvested with varying levels of total nonstructural carbohydrate[J]. Crop Science, 1999(6):1 873-1 880.
[11] AOAC. Official methods of analysis[M]. Association of Official and Analytical Chemists 14 Ed. Arlington, Virginia, 1984.
[12] Van Soest P J, Robertson J B, Levis B A. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition[J]. Journal of Dairy Science,1991,4(10):3 583-3 579.
[13] Catchpoole V R, Henzell E F. Silage and silage making from tropical herbage species[J]. Herbage Abstracts, 1971, 41:2 132-2 139.
[14] Wang J, Wang J Q, Zhou H, et al. Effect of addition of previously fermentation juice prepared from alfalfa on fermentation quality and protein degradation of alfalfa silage[J]. Animal feed science and technology, 2009,151:280-290.
[15] 原现军,余成群,李志华,等.西藏青稞秸秆与多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的研究[J].草业学报,2012,21(4):325-330.
[16] Henderson N. Silage additives[J]. Animal feed science and technology, 1993, 45:35-36.
[17] 蒋 慧,张 玲,马金萍,等.枯黄期骆驼刺与稻草混贮对青贮饲料品质的影响[J].草业学报,2011,20(2):109-116.
[2] Yokota H, Ohshima M, Kim J H. et al. Lactic Acid production in napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.)silage[J]. J.Japan Grass.Sci.1995,41(3):207-211.
[3] 蒋侯明,何朝族,李居正,等.热带优良豆科牧草—热研2号柱花草的选育及推广[J].热带作物研究,1992(1):62-67.
[4] 易克贤.我国热带牧草产业化的发展现状、前景与对策[J].热带农业科学,2001,21(4):30-34.
[5] McDonald P, Henderson A R, Herson S J E. The Biochemistry of Silage (2nd edition)[M]. Marlow, UK: Chalcombe Publication, 1991.
[6] Jetana T, Suthikrai W, Usawang S, et al. The effects of 23 concentrate added to pineapple (Ananas comosus Linn. Mer.) waste silage in differing 24 ratios to form complete diets on digestion, excretion of urinary purine derivatives and 25 blood metabolites in growing male Thai swamp buffaloes[J]. Trop Anim Health Prod 2009, 26(41):449-459.
[7] 陈明霞,刘秦华,张建国.饲料稻新材料的特性及添加物对其青贮品质的影响[J].草业学报,2011,20(5):201-206.
[8] Barker S B, Summerson W H. The colorimetric determination of lactic acid in biological material[J]. Journal of Biology Chemistry, 1941, 138: 535-554.
[9] Weatherbum M W. Pheno-hypochlorite reaction for determinations of ammonia[J]. Annual of Chemistry, 1967, 39:971-974.
[10] Owen V N, Albreeht K A, Muck R E, et al. Protein degradation and fermentation characteristic of red clover and alfalfa silage harvested with varying levels of total nonstructural carbohydrate[J]. Crop Science, 1999(6):1 873-1 880.
[11] AOAC. Official methods of analysis[M]. Association of Official and Analytical Chemists 14 Ed. Arlington, Virginia, 1984.
[12] Van Soest P J, Robertson J B, Levis B A. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition[J]. Journal of Dairy Science,1991,4(10):3 583-3 579.
[13] Catchpoole V R, Henzell E F. Silage and silage making from tropical herbage species[J]. Herbage Abstracts, 1971, 41:2 132-2 139.
[14] Wang J, Wang J Q, Zhou H, et al. Effect of addition of previously fermentation juice prepared from alfalfa on fermentation quality and protein degradation of alfalfa silage[J]. Animal feed science and technology, 2009,151:280-290.
[15] 原现军,余成群,李志华,等.西藏青稞秸秆与多年生黑麦草混合青贮发酵品质的研究[J].草业学报,2012,21(4):325-330.
[16] Henderson N. Silage additives[J]. Animal feed science and technology, 1993, 45:35-36.
[17] 蒋 慧,张 玲,马金萍,等.枯黄期骆驼刺与稻草混贮对青贮饲料品质的影响[J].草业学报,2011,20(2):109-116.