何宴清 杨萍 文莉 郑雪松 肖丽
何宴清 杨萍 文莉 郑雪松 肖丽
目的分析CD+34细胞与糖尿病肾病代谢参数的相关性及其与糖尿病肾病发病的关系。方法选择终末期肾病患者100例,根据是否合并2型糖尿病分为合并糖尿病的终末期肾病组(n=55),为终末期肾病组(n=45)。糖尿病组(n=50)。同时选取体检中心健康体检者作为健康对照组(n=60)。比较4组三酰甘油(TG)、胆固醇(TC)、空腹血糖(FPG)、餐后2 h血糖(2 hFPG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)、CD+34细胞/单核细胞值,尿微量白蛋白、肌酐(Cr)水平测定,肾小球滤过率的差异,以及各指标间的相关性。结果与阴性健康对照组比较,3个试验组CD+34细胞在单核细胞中的比值降低(P<0.05);糖尿病组高于终末期肾病组、糖尿病合并终末期肾病组(P<0.05)。糖尿病合并终末期肾病组外周血 CD+34/单核细胞值与HBA1c、Cr、FPG、微量白蛋白、2 hFPG呈负相关(r值分别为-0.439、-0.241、-0.298、-0.342、-0.447,P<0.05)。结论CD+34细胞可能是肾病患者的危险因素,参与肾病的发生,监测 CD+34细胞水平变化也许能用来预测 2 型糖尿病患者合并终末期肾病的发生发展,其中糖尿病可能进一步导致CD+34细胞数量的下降。
1.1 一般资料 选择2012年1月至2013年1月在我院肾病内科住院的终末期肾病患者100例,根据是否合并糖尿病分为2组:糖尿病合并终末期肾病组55例,男30例,女25例;终末期肾病组45例,男23例,女22例,为终末期肾病无糖尿病病史。糖尿病组为50例2型糖尿病患者无肾病病史。同时选取体检中心的60例健康体检者作为健康对照组。4组一般资料比较有可比性。见表1。
表1 4组一般资料比较 ±s
2.2 4组FPG、2 hFPG、HbA1c水平比较 健康对照组与糖尿病组、糖尿病合并终末期肾病组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),与终末期肾病组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);糖尿病组与终末期肾病组、糖尿病合并终末期肾病组比较有统计学意义(P<0.05);终末期肾病组与糖尿病合并终末期肾病组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。见表3。
2.3 4组患者微量白蛋白、Cr、eGFR比较 终末期肾病组及糖尿病合并终末期肾病组微量白蛋白、Cr、eGFR与健康组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。糖尿病组与健康对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),糖尿病组与终末期肾病组及2型糖尿病合并终末期肾病组微量白蛋白、Cr、eGFR差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。终末期肾病组及糖尿病合并终末期肾病组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。见表4。
表5 CD34+细胞与各指标相关分析
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ObjectiveTo analyze the correlation between CD+34cells and the parameters of diabetic nephropathy as well as the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.MethodsOne hundred patients with terminal stage nephropathy were divided terminal stage nephropathy A group (with diabetes,n=55) and terminal stage nephropathy B group (without diabetes,n=45),simple diabetes group (n=50),at the same time,60 healthy subjects were enrolled as control group.The TG,TC,FPG,2 hFPG,HbA1c,ratio of CD+34cells/monocytes,urine microcontent albumin,muscle anhydride levels,glomerular filtration rate were detected and comparted in the four groups.ResultsAs compard with that in control group,the ratio of CD+34cells/monocytes in three experimental groups were obviously decreased (P<0.05),which in diabetes group was significantly higher than that in terminal stage nephropathy A group and terminal stage nephropathy B group (P<0.05).The ratio of CD+34cells/monocytes was negatively correlated to HbA1c,Cr,FPG in terminal stage nephropathy A group (r=-0.439,-0.241,-0.241,-0.342,-0.298,respectively,P<0.05).ConclusionCD+34cells may be risk factors for patients with diabetic nephropathy,which may be involved in the pathiogenesis of diabetic nephropathy,so monitoring the changes of CD+34cells may predict the pathogenesis and development of type 2 diabetes mellitus complicated by terminal stage nephropathy,in which diabetes mellitus may result in further decrease of CD+34cells.
CD+34 cells;type 2 diabetes mellitus;terminal stage nephropathy
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