
2014-08-26 20:25
时代英语·高三 2014年6期

Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes) is fixated on a TV, on which her longtime mentor, Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin), now head of the CIA, can be seen at a congressional hearing on a bombing. Without uttering a word, the trembling wrinkles on Carries face reveal the incredulity that overcomes her when Saul refers to an unstable case officer. The only indication that any acting is going on is the monitors behind the set.

When Carrie sits back on the sofa with a gesture of abject disbelief, director Lesli Linka Glatter throws up her arms as if Danes has scored a goal, which, in a way, she has. “Cut! Thats great!” Glatter calls.

All this is observed by The New Yorker magazines John Lahr in a profile on the actress, Varieties of disturbance: where do Claire Danes volcanic performances come from?

Its a question well worth asking after Danes intriguing performance in the US drama thriller Homeland, which won her two Golden Globes.

Some will remember when Danes wakes up to find Leo DiCaprios Romeo dying in the 1996 adaptation of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. She was 16 and won acclaim for her first big screen role. But one can be excused for struggling to recall much of her work between then and now.

Dana Stevens, Slate magazines film critic, suggested: “Perhaps Hollywood hasnt found a role thats right for her.”

In Homeland, however, the actress finally proved that she can grab the audiences attention, with her brilliant portrayal of Carrie, a CIA analyst with bipolar disorder.

The daughter of a photographer and a painter, Danes enjoyed a privileged, bohemian upbringing in New York City. She took modern dance classes from the age of 4 and enrolled at the renowned Lee Strasberg Theater and Film Institute. Her route to fame began, aged 14, with the short-lived but long-admired teen drama My So-Called Life.

In 1994, Danes told People magazine: “Its really hard being a kid doing a grown-up job... Im so lonely that I will just sit on a sidewalk and look at other teenagers. But then I just stop and think: I made this decision, and look what I have instead — a TV series.”

In 1998, she began a degree in English and psychology at Yale University, where her grandfather had been dean of the art and architecture school. Her father is an alumnus, too. Danes told USA Today: “The one thing I really have to do, or I will be rejected by my family entirely, is going to college.”

Even so, she later dropped out of the prestigious university to star as Meryl Streeps daughter in The Hours, a film based on Michael Cunninghams book about three women who are connected by a Virginia Woolf novel.

But she never managed to find the right role until Homeland.

Danes once told The New York Times in an interview: “Actors want to surprise themselves. When its really good, you kind of transcend yourself, and that happens infrequently. Very, very rarely.”

With Carrie Mathison, it seems Danes struck gold.














