
2014-08-15 00:43:59胡溯帆
陶瓷研究 2014年1期


(江西陶瓷工艺美术职业技术学院 景德镇市 333001)



例1. Ceramic raw material are constituted by various non-metallic minerals and chemicals. (陶瓷原料由各种非金属矿物质和化工原料组成。)

例2 The composition and preparation of actual ceramic stains or colorants is influenced by a number of considerations derived from the decorative method for which they are to be used and possible action that may occur on them in the finished article.(事实上,陶瓷色料或着色剂的组成和制备要受到许多因素的影响,要考虑到所要使用的装饰方法以及在成品陶瓷上可能发生的反应。)


例3.The clay may be defined as an earthy material substance composed largely of anhydrous silicate of alumina which becomes plastic when wet and hard and rock like when fired. (我们可以将粘土定义为一种主要有无水硅酸盐组成的土质原料,这种土质原料在湿润的时候变得有塑性,烧制后变得坚硬如石。)



例4. There has been proposed an arbitrary line of demarcation, namely that the underglazed product, such as has been described, which absorbs not more than 1%of its weight upon and after immersion in water, shall be termed porcelain, otherwise it shall be called earthware.(已经提出了一个人为的划分界限,即:象已经提过的,浸在水中和浸过水后,吸收水分不超过其自身重量1%的无釉陶瓷制品称为瓷器,否则就称为陶器。)


例5. Mechanics of materials can be defined as branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid bodies subjected too various types of loading. (材料力学可定义为应用力学的一个分支,它研究固体材料在遭受不同的外力时的反应。)

例6. Designs and colors may be placed, as is commonly done, on the glaze and refired, or as less commonly and more recently with fine effect, directly on the body under the glaze, in which case the glaze when produced covers and protect both of the ware and the decoration. (采用通用的做法,装饰图案和色彩是施在釉上,然后将其重新烧成,最近有一种不常用却效果良好的一种作法,即直接把装饰图案和色料施在釉下的陶坯上,在这种情况下,所生成的釉层能够保护坯体及装饰层。)



It is asserted that … (有人主张…)

It is believed that … (有人认为…)

It is well-known that … (众所周知…)

It is generally considered that … (人们/大家认为…)

It is said that… (据说…)

It is reported that… (据报道…)

It is supposed that… (据推测…)

It may be said without fear of exaggeration that …(可以毫不夸张地说….)

It must be admired / admitted that … (必须承认…)

It will be seen from this that … (由此可见….)


例7. The Chinese use of the term porcelain at this time included not only the “pure” porcelain but also those with gray and dusky bodies which had been fired to such a state of vitrification that they emitted a musical note. (这时期,在中国,瓷器这术语不仅仅包括“纯白色的”白瓷,也包括灰色和暗色的陶瓷品,那陶瓷品被烧成完全玻璃化,所以当敲打时会发出清脆悦耳的声音。)

例8. Their ceramic properties are subject to the wide variation among different occurrences depending upon the geological environment in which mineral deposits were formed and physical and chemical modification that have taken place during subsequent geological history. (与矿物形成的地质环境有关的各种情况的变化,以及在随后的地质演变过程中所发生的物理和化学变化的变化,都会影响到性质。)

例9. The term refractories in its common uses designates that class of ceramic raw materials which are resistant to melting and deformation at very high temperature. (耐火材料这个术语通常是指那类在高温不易熔化、不变形的陶瓷原料。)

例10. The term Kaoling is derived from the Chinese word “KAOLING” which is a name of a hill in China from where the clay was used for making porcelain for the first time. (高岭土这个术语源于汉语“高岭”,“高岭”是中国境内的一座小山的名字,在那里人们首先用粘土制作瓷器。 )




例11. They must withstand the temperature of the glost firing without reacting with the glaze and thereby appearing to run. (它们必须能经受住釉烧的温度,不至于与釉发生化学反应而看起来要出现流釉。)

例12. In the case of clay refractories, it is customary to use prefired clay or crushed, fired rejects to increase the density and to reduce the firing shrinkage.(就粘土耐火材料来说,通常的作法是采用预烧过的粘土或经粉碎和培烧过的废料以增加耐火材料的密度,降低烧结收缩率。)

例13.If one keeps on heating up such a material, one eventually reached a temperature at which the crystalline area melt; this temperature is known as Tm and represents the melting point of the crystalline phase. (如果你继续加热这种材料,最终会达到结晶区域熔化的温度,这个温度就叫做熔点(Tm),它是晶相开始熔化的温度。)

例2中的“derived、finished” ,例3中的“composed、fired”,例6中的“ produced”和 例10中的“making”都是非谓语运用的实例。


《英汉语比较与科技翻译》 周志培 冯文池 华东理工大学出版社

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