
2014-08-10 12:26:40彭雪蓉赵立龙
生态学报 2014年22期

彭雪蓉,刘 洋,赵立龙

(浙江大学管理学院, 杭州 310058)


彭雪蓉*,刘 洋,赵立龙

(浙江大学管理学院, 杭州 310058)



1 问题的提出

生态创新是一个极具吸引力的概念,传统经济增长方式带来的环境恶化促使人们对可持续发展的渴望和重视,生态创新的概念也随之流行起来。生态创新被认为是国民经济可持续发展的引擎、产业转型升级的通道[1]、企业商业机会的来源[2],从而得到了实践界和理论界的双重青睐[3- 5],相关研究快速增长[4],并逐渐进入企业战略管理的主流[6],一个有力的证据是美国管理学会(AOM)成立了组织与自然环境(ONE)兴趣小组[6]推动相关研究,并将绿色管理作为2009年AOM国际年会的主题。






(3)生态创新的内涵缺乏一致性[13- 16]

一方面,不同的理论定位导致研究孤立,研究者往往根据自身的学科背景和偏好提出和使用不同的概念,如环保(技术)创新[9,17]、绿色(技术)创新[8,12,18- 22]和可持续(导向)创新[23]等,进而导致后续研究难以检索到系统全面的文献以及研究结论发生偏差,比如董颖和石磊[11]综述得出国外企业层面相关研究较系统,而杨燕和邵云飞[7]综述却得出企业层面生态创新研究相当有限。另一方面,生态创新是一个高度情境化的构念,其绿色化的内涵会随着时代不断变迁[7,15]。




2 企业生态创新的研究脉络



企业生态创新是环境责任行为。企业社会责任的基本思想是企业与社会是相互交织而非独立的实体存在,社会对企业行为与结果有某种期许,一方面,所有企业必须符合其所嵌入环境的制度要求,以获得制度合法性;另一方面,每个企业应该为其行为对社会造成的负面结果负责,以履行公共责任[26]。因此,企业社会责任要求企业尽可能最小化负外部性(少做坏事)、最大化正外部性(多做好事)。生态创新作为企业环境责任行为的一种,是企业社会责任的重要组成部分[27]。首先,生态创新明确强调企业提供的产品,相对于现有其他产品或方法,在整个生命周期使用最少的自然资源和释放最少的有毒物质[13],即具有更低的环境负外部性,这就使得企业必须与产业上下游企业合作。其次,生态创新是一种战略性企业环境责任[28- 31],将环境责任与企业核心业务(创新)整合,既能显著降低环境影响,又能创造商业价值[32],即追求企业和环境的“双赢”,试图破解“企业赚钱和从善如何两不误”的经典难题。但这样就出现一个问题,企业生态创新的动机很难判断[33],即生态创新的环境收益可能是企业出于生态保护的“有意为之”,也可能是企业逐利过程中的“无心插柳”[11]。



表1 环保战略分类







3 企业生态创新的内涵与特征



生态创新追求企业与环境的“双赢”,同时兼顾企业经济目标和环保目标[14- 15,32],因为企业是生态圈的重要组成部分,生态创新遵循的既不是人类中心主义也不是环境中心主义的逻辑[49],而是一种折中的科学研究范式,力求在环境利益与人类利益之间达到平衡。具体体现在,与传统的企业社会责任相比,生态创新是一种战略性企业社会责任,强调社会责任与核心业务整合以为企业带来经济回报;与传统的创新相比,生态创新将环保纳入到创新价值的评价中,以实现可持续发展。





(4)生态创新的结果具有“双重正外部性”——知识溢出和高生态效能[53- 54]



(1)生态创新是不是都由规制驱动?以往创新管理的研究者认为规制推动是生态创新的一个独特特征[54],原因是生态创新的“双重正外部性”导致企业缺乏生态创新的动力。但最近的研究指出:一方面规制会推动采取反应式环保战略的企业进行生态创新,另一方面采取主动环保战略的企业会影响环保规制的制定[55- 56],也就是说环境规制与企业生态创新行为之间可能存在共演关系。






4 企业生态创新与相近概念的辨析



生态创新明确强调经济和环境的二元目标,而环保创新和绿色创新对此未强调。例如欧洲委员会第六框架生态创新项目将生态创新严格界定为环保创新(具有更低的环境影响但不考虑商业价值的创新)与传统创新(具有商业价值但不考虑环境影响的创新)的交叉领域[14]。研究者认为能显著降低环境影响的创新兼顾商业价值非常重要,因为生态创新除非能提供一种可行的生态产品并从传统产品中抢到一定的市场份额,否则对于可持续发展毫无贡献[57]。同样,除非能证明生态产品在产品性能方面没有因降低环境影响而下降,否则不会在市场上取得长期的成功[58- 59]。此外,生态创新的二元目标可以避免“反弹效应”,即单位产品环境影响的降低抵不过产品用量的增加反而使总污染量增加[11]。

表2 生态创新与环保创新、绿色创新的对比


(2) 3个概念涉及的内容范围不同


(3) 3个概念对研发过程中环境影响的评估基础界定存在差异


(4) 3个概念使用主体存在差异


5 企业生态创新的维度划分与测量


5.1 企业生态创新维度划分


(1) 思路借鉴传统创新的维度划分方式

根据生态创新的形式分为产品创新、工艺创新、管理创新[60- 61],或者产品创新、工艺创新、组织创新、市场创新、商业模式创新[62],或者绿色技术创新与绿色管理创新[63],又或者生态技术创新或非生态技术创新[50];根据生态创新的强度分为突破式生态创新和渐进式生态创新[64]。

(2) 根据生态创新的独特性对其进行细分


表3 生态创新的维度划分


5.2 企业生态创新的测量


表4 生态创新的测量方式比较




6 结论与研究展望












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A literature review of corporate eco-innovation: theoretical veins, concept clarification and measurement

PENG Xuerong*, LIU Yang, ZHAO Lilong


Eco-innovation is characterized by the double positive externalities (knowledge and environmental spillovers), and as such concern towards it and its importance have grown in both practice and academia over the past two decades. In contrast, extant literature has shown a vague and inconsistent understanding about the applicable analysis level, theoretical position, definition and measurement of eco-innovation. This treatment has limited the concept of eco-innovation, and impeded its use, diffusion and theoretical development. It is the aim of this paper to fill this gap by (1) focusing on eco-innovation from a firm level, (2) reviewing relevant research from three organizational study fields (i.e., corporate social responsibility, environmental management and innovation management), (3) providing an integrated definition and identifying the unique characteristics of eco-innovation, (4) reviewing the dimensions and measurement of eco-innovation, and (5) presenting recommendations for future research. The main conclusions of this paper are presented below. First, corporate eco-innovation is a crossing field among corporate social responsibility (CSR), environmental management and innovation management. Therefore, eco-innovation can be viewed as a kind of environmental responsibility according to the CSR perspective, which emphasizes that firms should be responsible for the negative influence of their conduct on society. Eco-innovation can also be viewed as an environmental strategy from an environmental management perspective, which places the emphasis on how firms integrate environmental issues into corporate strategy by product, process and management innovation. Furthermore, eco-innovation can be viewed as one type of innovation according to the innovation management perspective, where the emphasis is on how to more effectively implement eco-innovation. It is clear that the CSR perspective pays greater attention to the objectives and consequences of eco-innovation, while the environmental and innovation management perspectives are concerned more about the content and process of eco-innovation.Second, eco-innovation has four unique characteristics according to the three organizational research fields described above: (1) corporate eco-innovation has the double externality problem, because it not only has knowledge spillover but also reduces environmental negative influence; (2) the objective of eco-innovation is to offer both environmental protection and economic return; (3) the content of eco-innovation is both diverse and dynamic, and changes with time and space; and (4) the R&D process of eco-innovation is systematic and complex and requires external cooperation (from suppliers and clients) and internal cross-functional collaboration because eco-innovation demands diversified knowledge and life circle analyses of environmental influence.Third, eco-innovation can be divided into different dimensions based on various criteria. More specifically, some divide eco-innovation into incremental and radical eco-innovation according to the magnitude of eco-innovation and others reduce eco-innovation into eco-product innovation, eco-service eco-innovation, eco-process innovation and eco-business model innovation based on the form of eco-innovation. In contrast, some categorize eco-innovation as add-on eco-innovation, integrated eco-innovation, alternative product eco-innovation, macro-organizational eco-innovation or general-purpose eco-innovation according to the degree of integration of eco-innovation and corporate core business.The diversity of dimensions results in inconsistencies in the measurement of eco-innovation. Generally speaking, there are two eco-innovation measurement methods. One method measures eco-innovation from an input perspective, which generally uses R&D spending and environmental fees as the proxy of eco-innovation; the other method measures eco-innovation from an output perspective, and generally uses environmental patents, new environmental product sales or eco-efficiency improvements as an eco-innovation proxy.In short, this paper attempts to provide a solid foundation for corporate eco-innovation research by the review and clarification of the basic theoretical issues of eco-innovation as given above. This paper also provides specific directions for future research, recommending further systematic studies on antecedents, and the process and consequences of corporate eco-innovation with the context of emerging economic countries such as China.

eco-innovation; environmental innovation; green innovation; theoretical veins; concept clarification; measurement


2013- 02- 21; 网络出版日期:2014- 03- 17


*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:

彭雪蓉,刘洋,赵立龙.企业生态创新的研究脉络、内涵澄清与测量.生态学报,2014,34(22):6440- 6449.

Peng X R, Liu Y, Zhao L L.A literature review of corporate eco-innovation: theoretical veins, concept clarification and measurement.Acta Ecologica Sinica,2014,34(22):6440- 6449.

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