摘 要:以番茄品种世诚116的花粉为材料,采用亚历山大染色法测定成熟花粉粒的数量和活力。将番茄花粉分别贮藏在室温(25℃),4℃和-17℃条件下,测定其活力最强的贮藏温度和贮藏时间。试验结果表明,随着贮藏时间的延长,花粉活力和总萌发数呈下降趋势,室温保存当天的花粉活力最强,贮藏3 d花粉活力降为68.60%;4℃冰箱保存
8 d后,花粉活力降为57.00%,保存80 d,花粉总量减少,但其有活力的花粉占花粉总量的58.14%;-17℃冰箱保存
1 d的花粉活力最高,为83.10%,保存28 d时,其花粉活力降为48.79%,保存80 d时,其活力在59.38%。而在卡诺依氏固定液中保存80 d的一组花蕾,其花粉活力仍保持在70.55%。
中图分类号:S641.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3547(2014)12-0053-02
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 试验方法
2013年11月4日10:00左右取花瓣展开成180°的番茄花朵,带回试验室收集花粉,检测花粉活力。不同贮藏条件下,每次检测取6朵花,测定成熟花粉粒数量和活力。参考Pressman等[4]的花粉收集、染色和花粉数量计数方法。用镊子从每朵花上取1个花药,置于有0.5 mL花粉萌发液的离心管中。充分振荡离心管使花粉粒释放出来,然后放在25℃的培养箱2 h,并在离心管中滴入1滴亚历山大染料,充分混匀,萌发液呈紫红色。混匀后,在离心管中部吸取1滴萌发液,放在细胞计数器载玻片上,在光学显微镜下检查花粉数目,并统计花粉活力,每个花药取6个视野。亚历山大染料主要对花粉核酸染色,有活力与无活力的花粉染色后分别呈紫红色、绿色。统计萌发数,萌发标准为花粉管长度大于花粉直径[5]。试验重复5次,取平均数。
染色液配方为乙醇10 mL、1%孔雀石绿溶于95%酒精1 mL、蒸馏水50 mL、甘油25 mL、苯酚
5 g、水合氯醛5 g、1%酸性品红5 mL、1%橙黄G0.5 mL、冰醋酸1~4 mL。花粉萌发液组成为100 g/L蔗糖、2 mmol的硼酸、2 mmol的硝酸钙、2 mmol的硫酸镁、1 mmol的硝酸钾。卡诺依氏固定液组成为酒精∶氯仿∶乙酸=6∶3∶1[6]。
花粉以花朵形式保存,花朵放在一次性水杯中,每个杯中加入50粒硅胶干燥剂,用密封袋密封。每次测定前先拿出来冷处理15 min。分别储存在室温25℃、4℃冰箱和-17℃冰箱中。在贮存第0,1,3,8,17,28,80天时进行观察记载。
2 结果与分析
由表1可知,不同贮藏条件下,随贮存天数延长,番茄花粉活力和萌发率总体呈逐渐降低趋势。整体萌发率不高,可能与选择的萌发培养基及培养时间和温度有关,有待进一步试验。室温贮存3 d,番茄花粉生活力降到68.60%,萌发率降为5.70%,继续贮存意义不大。4℃冰箱干燥密闭保存8 d后,生活力降为57.00%,萌发率降为1.70%,但贮藏80 d后其生活力略有上升,为58.14%,而萌发率为0。密闭干燥条件下,4℃冰箱中可较长期保存番茄花粉。-17℃冰箱干燥密闭保存17 d时,生活力降为52.97%,萌发率为28.12%。在-17℃环境下,不同贮存时间下,番茄花粉萌发率略高于室温和4℃贮存条件下。
硅胶干燥、低温、密封的条件下保存番茄花粉,其呼吸作用被抑制减弱,生活力得以延长。从表1可以看出,4℃和-17℃低温保存花粉,可较长时间保持较高生活力,延长授粉时间。而在卡诺依氏固定液中保存80 d,花粉活力仅从80.11%降为70.55%,可见,卡诺依氏固定液可用于保存番茄花粉。
3 结论与讨论
本文研究了一套亚历山大法检测番茄花粉活力的方法,简便,可靠,简易试验室也能操作。总结出番茄花粉室温贮存最好是采粉当天使用,其最长贮存时间为3 d,继续贮藏意义不大,影响授粉受精;4℃冰箱贮存最长为8 d,在此期间,贮存时间越短生活力和萌发率越强;-17℃冰箱贮存17 d时花粉活力和萌发率保持在52.97%和28.12%,到28 d活力在48.79%。一般1个月授粉工作可完成。在花粉量少且珍贵的情况下,可贮存在-17℃。利用卡诺依氏固定液保存花粉,可较长时间保存花粉活力。
[1] 闫立英,冯志红,张慎好,等.番茄花粉生活力研究[J].种子,2005(6):23-26.
[2] 刘永庆,田雨南.三种茄果类蔬菜花粉萌发的研究[J].湖南农业大学学报:自然科学版,1992(3):556-564.endprint
[3] 王少先,孙立民.甜瓜花粉的萌发特性[J].洛阳农业高等专科学校学报,1995(2):23-27.
[4] Pressman E, Shaked R, Shen S, et al. Variations in carbohydrate content and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) stamen parts during pollen maturation[J]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3(2): 252-260.
[5] 赵凌侠,鞠文焕.番茄属(Lycopersicon)花粉萌发培养基组分的优化[J].东北农业大学学报,2000(2):147-151.
[6] Peterson R, Slovin J P, Chen C B. A simplified method for differential staining of aborted and non-aborted pollen grains[J]. International Journal of Plant Biology, 2010(1): 66-69.
Preservation Methods and Determination of Tomato Pollen Vitality
LI Zijuan, HUANG Wen, YING Fangqing, ZHAO Jianshe, WAN Xiujuan, HU Jing'ang
( Zhengzhou Vegetable Research Institute, 450015 )
Abstract: With the pollens of tomato cultivar Shicheng 116 as material, we observed the quantity and viability of mature pollen grains by using the Alexander staining method, and we stored the tomato pollens at room temperature (25℃), 4℃ and -17℃, aiming to find out the best storage temperature and the longest storage time. In addition, we preserved a group of flower buds in Carnoy's fluid. The results showed that, as the storage time prolonged, the pollen viability and germination numberwere decreased. Stored at room temperature, the pollen viability was the strongest on the first day, and the pollen activity was reduced to 68.60% after three days. Stored at 4℃ in refrigerator, the pollen viability was reduced to 57.00% after the preservation of eight days, and the total amount of pollen was decreased after eighty days' preservation, but the ratio of viable pollens was 58.14%. Stored at -17℃ refrigerator, the pollen vitality was the highest of 83.10% on the first preservation day, and the pollen vitality was reduced to 48.79% after the preservation of twenty eight days, while the the pollen vitality was increased to 59.38% after eighty days' preservation. The pollen vitality was 70.55% after being preserved in the Carnoy's fluid for eighty days.
Key words: Tomato; Pollen vitality; Alexander stainingendprint
[3] 王少先,孙立民.甜瓜花粉的萌发特性[J].洛阳农业高等专科学校学报,1995(2):23-27.
[4] Pressman E, Shaked R, Shen S, et al. Variations in carbohydrate content and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) stamen parts during pollen maturation[J]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3(2): 252-260.
[5] 赵凌侠,鞠文焕.番茄属(Lycopersicon)花粉萌发培养基组分的优化[J].东北农业大学学报,2000(2):147-151.
[6] Peterson R, Slovin J P, Chen C B. A simplified method for differential staining of aborted and non-aborted pollen grains[J]. International Journal of Plant Biology, 2010(1): 66-69.
Preservation Methods and Determination of Tomato Pollen Vitality
LI Zijuan, HUANG Wen, YING Fangqing, ZHAO Jianshe, WAN Xiujuan, HU Jing'ang
( Zhengzhou Vegetable Research Institute, 450015 )
Abstract: With the pollens of tomato cultivar Shicheng 116 as material, we observed the quantity and viability of mature pollen grains by using the Alexander staining method, and we stored the tomato pollens at room temperature (25℃), 4℃ and -17℃, aiming to find out the best storage temperature and the longest storage time. In addition, we preserved a group of flower buds in Carnoy's fluid. The results showed that, as the storage time prolonged, the pollen viability and germination numberwere decreased. Stored at room temperature, the pollen viability was the strongest on the first day, and the pollen activity was reduced to 68.60% after three days. Stored at 4℃ in refrigerator, the pollen viability was reduced to 57.00% after the preservation of eight days, and the total amount of pollen was decreased after eighty days' preservation, but the ratio of viable pollens was 58.14%. Stored at -17℃ refrigerator, the pollen vitality was the highest of 83.10% on the first preservation day, and the pollen vitality was reduced to 48.79% after the preservation of twenty eight days, while the the pollen vitality was increased to 59.38% after eighty days' preservation. The pollen vitality was 70.55% after being preserved in the Carnoy's fluid for eighty days.
Key words: Tomato; Pollen vitality; Alexander stainingendprint
[3] 王少先,孙立民.甜瓜花粉的萌发特性[J].洛阳农业高等专科学校学报,1995(2):23-27.
[4] Pressman E, Shaked R, Shen S, et al. Variations in carbohydrate content and sucrose-metabolizing enzymes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) stamen parts during pollen maturation[J]. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2012, 3(2): 252-260.
[5] 赵凌侠,鞠文焕.番茄属(Lycopersicon)花粉萌发培养基组分的优化[J].东北农业大学学报,2000(2):147-151.
[6] Peterson R, Slovin J P, Chen C B. A simplified method for differential staining of aborted and non-aborted pollen grains[J]. International Journal of Plant Biology, 2010(1): 66-69.
Preservation Methods and Determination of Tomato Pollen Vitality
LI Zijuan, HUANG Wen, YING Fangqing, ZHAO Jianshe, WAN Xiujuan, HU Jing'ang
( Zhengzhou Vegetable Research Institute, 450015 )
Abstract: With the pollens of tomato cultivar Shicheng 116 as material, we observed the quantity and viability of mature pollen grains by using the Alexander staining method, and we stored the tomato pollens at room temperature (25℃), 4℃ and -17℃, aiming to find out the best storage temperature and the longest storage time. In addition, we preserved a group of flower buds in Carnoy's fluid. The results showed that, as the storage time prolonged, the pollen viability and germination numberwere decreased. Stored at room temperature, the pollen viability was the strongest on the first day, and the pollen activity was reduced to 68.60% after three days. Stored at 4℃ in refrigerator, the pollen viability was reduced to 57.00% after the preservation of eight days, and the total amount of pollen was decreased after eighty days' preservation, but the ratio of viable pollens was 58.14%. Stored at -17℃ refrigerator, the pollen vitality was the highest of 83.10% on the first preservation day, and the pollen vitality was reduced to 48.79% after the preservation of twenty eight days, while the the pollen vitality was increased to 59.38% after eighty days' preservation. The pollen vitality was 70.55% after being preserved in the Carnoy's fluid for eighty days.
Key words: Tomato; Pollen vitality; Alexander stainingendprint