中图分类号:S917.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-1302(2014)03-0171-03
性。有研究表明,生化指标能够准确地检测到鱼类生长的细微变化和食物分布的波动[1]。因此,在通过传统方法不能度量出鱼类生长的变化时,采用有效的生化指标来评价鱼类的生长是非常重要的。鱼类的生长依赖于蛋白质的持续合成,RNA和DNA在仔鱼生长和发育中也有重要作用。RNA参与合成蛋白质,控制着细胞和核糖体的体积,进一步影响细胞的生长率。DNA是生物的遗传物质,DNA浓度高表明单位组织中细胞数目多,RNA/DNA是体内蛋白质合成的体现。根据RNA/DNA比值可以估算出鱼类的生长速度[2-4]。 目前已在隆头鱼(Tautoga Onitis)[5]、黑线鳕(Melanogrammus aeglefinus)[6]、东方蓝鳍鲔(Thunnus orientalis)[7]、草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)[8]、红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)[9]等鱼中进行了核酸指标与生长参数的研究,结果表明RNA/DNA比值是评价养殖鱼类生长潜能的敏感参数。在鱼类的体长、体重较难测量时,可以采用核酸指标来度量生长状况。
1 材料与方法
1.1 样品采集和保存
试验所用牙鲆鱼苗取自江苏省赣榆县海头镇养鱼场,培育时水温16~19 °C,溶氧7.9~8.7 mg/L,盐度3.1%~3.3%。分别在22、24、28、29、32、34、36日龄上午投饵前定点定时取样,按照鱼苗大小随机取一定量的样品用于测定RNA、DNA浓度及总蛋白浓度,样品麻醉后快速保存于液氮中备用。在测定DNA、RNA浓度及总蛋白浓度前,于半解冻的状态下用游标卡尺和电子天平测定体长(BL)、全长(TL)及体重(BW)。
1.2 核酸和总蛋白的测定
1.3 数据分析
试验数据均用“平均值±标准差”表示,采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。
2 结果与分析
2.1 DNA、RNA及总蛋白的变化
由图1可知,DNA浓度在22~32日龄期间保持相对稳定,32~34日龄时急剧升高,34~36日龄缓慢升高,在36日龄达到最高值。RNA浓度在24日龄升至峰值(2.34 μg/mg),然后逐渐下降,在32日龄降至最低值(1.15 μg/mg),之后呈先升高再下降的趋势。总蛋白浓度在22~29日龄间呈升高趋势,之后呈先降低再上升的趋势。
2.2 Protein/DNA和RNA/DNA的变化
2.3 核酸、总蛋白浓度与牙鲆体长、体重的关系
由表1、图4、图5可知,RNA、DNA浓度及总蛋白浓度与牙鲆体长和体重有明显的线性关系;RNA/DNA和 Protein/DNA 与牙鲆体长和体重的线性关系弱于RNA、DNA浓度及总蛋白浓度。
3.3 Protein/DNA
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[11]Amara R,Galois R. Nutritional condition of metamorphosing sole:spatial and temporal analyses[J]. Journal of Fish Biology,2004,64(1):72-88.
[12]Buckley L J,Bulow F J. Techniques for the estimation of RNA,DNA,and protein in fish[M]//Summerfelt R C,Hall G E. The age and growth of fish. Ames,IA:Iowa State University Press,1987:345-354.
[13]Kuropat C,Mercaldo-Allen R,Caldarone E,et al. Evaluation of RNA concentration as an indicator of growth in young-of-the-year winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus and tautog Tautogaonitis[J]. Marine Ecology-Progress Series,2002,230:265-274.
[14]Bradford M M. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding[J]. Analytical Biochemistry,1976,72:248-254.
[15]佟雪红,徐世宏,刘清华,等. 条斑星鲽变态期间DNA、RNA及总蛋白变化的研究[J]. 海洋科学,2010,34(5):41-48.
[16]Tanaka M,Kawai S,Seikai T,et al. Development of the digestive organ system in Japanese flounder in relation to metamorphosis and settlement[J]. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology,1996,28:19-31.
[17]Peck M A,Buckley L J,Caldarone E M,et al. Effects of food consumption and temperature on growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth in early juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,251:233-243.
[18]Park S U,Lim H K,Han H S. Changes in RNA/DNA ratio and growth of slime flounder,Microstomus achne,larvae until metamorphosis[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(1):50-54.
[19]Malzahn A M,Clemmesen C,Rosenthal H. Temperature effects on growth and nucleic acids in laboratory-reared larval coregonid fish[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,259:285-293.
[20]Vinagre B C,Fonseca V,Maia A,et al. Habitat specific growth rates and condition indices for the sympatric soles Solea solea(Linnaeus,1758)and Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858,in the Tagus estuary,Portugal,based on otolith daily increments and RNA-DNA ratio[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(2):163-169.
[21]Clemmesen C. The effect of food availability,age or size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae:laboratory calibration[J]. Marine Biology,1994,118:377-382.
[22]Kimura R,Watanabe Y,Zenitani H. Nutritional condition of first-feeding larvae of Japanese sardine in the coastal and oceanic waters along the Kuroshio Current[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences,2000,57(2):240-248.
[23]Islam M S,Tanaka M. Nutritional condition,starvation status and growth of early juvenile Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) related to prey distribution and feeding in the nursery ground[J]. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2005,323:172-183.
[11]Amara R,Galois R. Nutritional condition of metamorphosing sole:spatial and temporal analyses[J]. Journal of Fish Biology,2004,64(1):72-88.
[12]Buckley L J,Bulow F J. Techniques for the estimation of RNA,DNA,and protein in fish[M]//Summerfelt R C,Hall G E. The age and growth of fish. Ames,IA:Iowa State University Press,1987:345-354.
[13]Kuropat C,Mercaldo-Allen R,Caldarone E,et al. Evaluation of RNA concentration as an indicator of growth in young-of-the-year winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus and tautog Tautogaonitis[J]. Marine Ecology-Progress Series,2002,230:265-274.
[14]Bradford M M. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding[J]. Analytical Biochemistry,1976,72:248-254.
[15]佟雪红,徐世宏,刘清华,等. 条斑星鲽变态期间DNA、RNA及总蛋白变化的研究[J]. 海洋科学,2010,34(5):41-48.
[16]Tanaka M,Kawai S,Seikai T,et al. Development of the digestive organ system in Japanese flounder in relation to metamorphosis and settlement[J]. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology,1996,28:19-31.
[17]Peck M A,Buckley L J,Caldarone E M,et al. Effects of food consumption and temperature on growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth in early juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,251:233-243.
[18]Park S U,Lim H K,Han H S. Changes in RNA/DNA ratio and growth of slime flounder,Microstomus achne,larvae until metamorphosis[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(1):50-54.
[19]Malzahn A M,Clemmesen C,Rosenthal H. Temperature effects on growth and nucleic acids in laboratory-reared larval coregonid fish[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,259:285-293.
[20]Vinagre B C,Fonseca V,Maia A,et al. Habitat specific growth rates and condition indices for the sympatric soles Solea solea(Linnaeus,1758)and Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858,in the Tagus estuary,Portugal,based on otolith daily increments and RNA-DNA ratio[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(2):163-169.
[21]Clemmesen C. The effect of food availability,age or size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae:laboratory calibration[J]. Marine Biology,1994,118:377-382.
[22]Kimura R,Watanabe Y,Zenitani H. Nutritional condition of first-feeding larvae of Japanese sardine in the coastal and oceanic waters along the Kuroshio Current[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences,2000,57(2):240-248.
[23]Islam M S,Tanaka M. Nutritional condition,starvation status and growth of early juvenile Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) related to prey distribution and feeding in the nursery ground[J]. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2005,323:172-183.
[11]Amara R,Galois R. Nutritional condition of metamorphosing sole:spatial and temporal analyses[J]. Journal of Fish Biology,2004,64(1):72-88.
[12]Buckley L J,Bulow F J. Techniques for the estimation of RNA,DNA,and protein in fish[M]//Summerfelt R C,Hall G E. The age and growth of fish. Ames,IA:Iowa State University Press,1987:345-354.
[13]Kuropat C,Mercaldo-Allen R,Caldarone E,et al. Evaluation of RNA concentration as an indicator of growth in young-of-the-year winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus and tautog Tautogaonitis[J]. Marine Ecology-Progress Series,2002,230:265-274.
[14]Bradford M M. A rapid and sensitive method for the quantification of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding[J]. Analytical Biochemistry,1976,72:248-254.
[15]佟雪红,徐世宏,刘清华,等. 条斑星鲽变态期间DNA、RNA及总蛋白变化的研究[J]. 海洋科学,2010,34(5):41-48.
[16]Tanaka M,Kawai S,Seikai T,et al. Development of the digestive organ system in Japanese flounder in relation to metamorphosis and settlement[J]. Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology,1996,28:19-31.
[17]Peck M A,Buckley L J,Caldarone E M,et al. Effects of food consumption and temperature on growth rate and biochemical-based indicators of growth in early juvenile Atlantic cod Gadus morhua and haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,251:233-243.
[18]Park S U,Lim H K,Han H S. Changes in RNA/DNA ratio and growth of slime flounder,Microstomus achne,larvae until metamorphosis[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(1):50-54.
[19]Malzahn A M,Clemmesen C,Rosenthal H. Temperature effects on growth and nucleic acids in laboratory-reared larval coregonid fish[J]. Marine Ecology Progress Series,2003,259:285-293.
[20]Vinagre B C,Fonseca V,Maia A,et al. Habitat specific growth rates and condition indices for the sympatric soles Solea solea(Linnaeus,1758)and Solea senegalensis Kaup 1858,in the Tagus estuary,Portugal,based on otolith daily increments and RNA-DNA ratio[J]. Journal of Applied Ichthyology,2008,24(2):163-169.
[21]Clemmesen C. The effect of food availability,age or size on the RNA/DNA ratio of individually measured herring larvae:laboratory calibration[J]. Marine Biology,1994,118:377-382.
[22]Kimura R,Watanabe Y,Zenitani H. Nutritional condition of first-feeding larvae of Japanese sardine in the coastal and oceanic waters along the Kuroshio Current[J]. Journal of Marine Sciences,2000,57(2):240-248.
[23]Islam M S,Tanaka M. Nutritional condition,starvation status and growth of early juvenile Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus) related to prey distribution and feeding in the nursery ground[J]. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,2005,323:172-183.