【摘要】 目的:试图比较现行三种预后评分对呼吸衰竭患者预后的判别能力;方法:选取2009年1月-2012年3月入住本院符合呼吸衰竭诊断标准的138例患者,应用三种不同评分(APACHEⅡ,APACHEⅢ和SAPSⅡ)评估其预后情况,根据入院30 d存活情况比较不同评分的预测能力。结果:死亡组患者三种评分分值均明显高于存活组,同时ICU住院天数明显短于存活组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);其中SAPSⅡ敏感度最高,三种评分受试者工作曲线的曲线下面积均在0.8以上。结论:现行三种评分均可较好地预测呼吸衰竭患者的预后,值得临床推广。
【关键词】 呼吸衰竭; 预后; 急性生理及慢性健康状况
Comparison of Different Scoring Systems in Patients with Respiratory Failure/LIAN Xiao-feng,XIA Yong-hua,XU Zhi-qiang,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2014,11(12):004-007
【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the capability of three scoring systems in patients with respiratory failure.Method:138 patients diagnosed as respiratory failure admitted to our hospital from January 2009 to March 2012 were selected,and evaluated their prognosis with three scoring systems(APACHEⅡ,APACHEⅢ and SAPS Ⅱ),and according to the admission of 30 d survival,the predictive ability of these scoring systems were compared.Result:Prognosis scores of three scoring systems in the death group were significantly higher than those of the survival group,at the same time,length of ICU stay was significantly shorter than the survival group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.001).Among them SAPSⅡ was the highest sensitivity,the area under curve of ROC of the three systems were all above 0.8.Conclusion:The existing three scoring can well predict the prognosis of patients with respiratory failure,is worthy of clinical promotion.
【Key words】 Respiratory failure; Outcome; APACHE
First-authors address:Anyang District Hospital,Anyang 455000,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 选取2009年1月-2012年3月入住本院呼吸内科、ICU及急诊科的呼吸衰竭患者共138例,其中男74例,女64例,年龄21~86岁,平均(59.3±17.2)岁。原发病方面:重症肺部感染41例,慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重37例,弥漫性实质性肺疾病16例,充血性心力衰竭及急性冠脉综合征13例,神经肌肉疾病10例,心肺复苏术后11例,外科术后6例,其他4例。
1.2 方法 用统一设计的病例观察表收集患者资料,包括基本情况以及既往健康状况以及评分所需各项生理指标(血常规、肝肾功能、电解质、血气分析、意识状态、血管活性药物应用情况、机械通气情况等),各项指标均采集以入住病房或急诊科后第1个24 h内最高或最低值(评分最高值);按照APACHEⅡ、APACHEⅢ、SAPSⅡ评分标准进行评分。
1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 17.0软件对所得数据进行统计分析,计量资料均用(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,计算不同评分灵敏度、特异度等指标,绘制受试者工作曲线(Receiver Operating Curve,ROC),计算其曲线下面积,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 不同性别间各预后评分比较 入院后30 d存活者79例(57.25%),死亡者59例(42.75%),其中不同性别的患者病死率、ICU住院天数及预后评分比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),见表1。
2.2 存活组和死亡组预后评分的比较 根据入院后30 d病死情况分为存活组和死亡组,比较其预后评分,死亡组的APACHEⅡ、APACHEⅢ、SAPSⅡ评分均明显高于存活组,同时ICU住院天数明显短于生存组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001),见表2。
2.3 不同系统评估能力的比较 根据各评分系统对患者入院30 d预后的判别情况,计算其敏感度、特异度及受试者工作曲线(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC),可见三个系统均可较理想地判别患者预后,其中SAPSⅡ敏感度最高,三种评分受试者工作曲线的曲线下面积均在0.8以上,见表3。
3 讨论
为了更加准确地评估预后,基于涉及全美40家医疗中心17 440例患者的研究,Knaus等[6]于1991年提出了APACHEⅢ评分系统,与APACHEⅡ相比,急性生理学参数增加了24 h尿量、尿素氮、白蛋白、总胆红素、血糖等5项指标,用更科学的APACHEⅢ酸碱评分(由pH值和PaCO2共同决定)及APACHEⅢ神经学评分代替了动脉血pH值及格拉斯高昏迷评分;所用评分均以入院后24 h内最差值计算[15]。研究表明该评分与APACHEⅡ相关性良好,且并未高估低危患者的病死率;有报道认为APACHEⅢ更适用于内科危重患者,曲线下面积可达0.868(0.854-0.880),优于SAPS3及MPM0Ⅲ,但三者拟合度均较差,且引入患者是否接受复苏,并未能改善APACHEⅢ预测能力[16-17]。近期一项纳入3931例因心肺复苏后入住ICU患者的研究表明,APACHEⅢ评分可较好预测患者生存情况,曲线下面积为0.71(0.61-0.80),但略逊于院外心脏骤停评分(OHCA评分)[18]。在呼吸衰竭患者中,APACHEⅢ和APACHEⅡ评分分值均可很好地预测患者预后,前者区分能力优于后者(0.7462 vs 0.6856)[19]。Paul等[20]研究了APACHEⅢ评分在澳大利亚及新西兰地区的评估效能,纳入5 585 852入住ICU患者,总体病死率12.6%,该评分预测病死率为14.5%,尽管随时间推移,该评分在澳洲患者预后评估上的区分度保持稳定,但其余各项指标呈下降趋势,因而提示该地区需要对数据模型进行更新。本研究中,死亡组APACHEⅢ评分(93.67±26.87)分明显高于存活组的(58.70±19.91)分,特异度为三种评分中最高,敏感度稍逊于APACHEⅡ,且AUC高于APACHEⅡ。
简化的急性生理学评分(SAPS)系统于1984年由Le Gall等[21]提出,该评分系统以APACHEⅡ为基础,去掉了慢性健康评分,由生理学评分、年龄、机械通气等三部分组成,各项参数权重由Logistic回归模型分析产生,区分度良好,但可高估病死率;多数研究肯定了该评分对预后判别区分的能力,ROCAUC可达0.76,但或可高估患者病死率[16,22]。在一项涉及有机磷中毒患者预后的研究中显示,SAPSⅡ评分系统敏感度、特异度及准确度可达86.2%、77.5%和79.4%,曲线下面积0.852,与APACHEⅡ相当,但略逊于SOFA评分[23]。在预测呼吸衰竭患者脱机拔管成功率方面,高SAPSⅡ评分与低氧血症、高龄、高血清肌酐水平等均提示拔管失败可能性较大,其中SAPSⅡ评分预测能力最佳,其曲线下面积可达0.725[24]。在本研究中,死亡组(58.12±17.46)分明显高于存活组的(34.03±12.87)分,差异有统计学意义,敏感度最高,但特异度稍差,AUC高于前两者,可很好地评估患者预后情况,与国内外报道一致。此外,作为评估预后的工具,具有较高敏感度的评分可更早期地识别预后不佳的患者,相对于特异度而言,敏感度应该更为医师重视。
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(收稿日期:2013-11-25) (本文编辑:欧丽)
[15] Knaus W A,Wagner D P,Draper E A,et al.The APACHEⅢ prognostic system.Risk prediction of hospital mortality for critically ill hospitalized adults[J].Chest,1991,100(6):1619-1636.
[16] Kellner P,Prondzinsky R,Pallmann L,et al.Predictive value of outcome scores in patients suffering from cardiogenic shock complicating AMI[J].Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed,2013,108(8):666-674.
[17] Keegan M T,Gajic O,Afessa B.Comparison of APACHEⅢ,APACHEⅣ,SAPSⅢ and MPM0Ⅲ and influence of resuscitation status on model performance[J].Chest,2012,142(4):851-858.
[18] Skrifvars M B,Varghese B,Parr M J.Survival and outcome prediction using the ApacheⅢ and the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) score in patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) following out-of-hospital,in-hospital or ICU cardiac arrest[J].Resuscitation,2012,83(6):728-733.
[19] Hsu C W,Wann S R,Chiang H T,et al.Comparison of the APACHEⅡ and APACHEⅢ scoring systems in patients with respiratory failure in a medical intensive care unit[J].J Formos Med Assoc,2001,100(7):437-442.
[20] Paul E,Bailey M,Van Lint A,et al.Performance of APACHEⅢ over time in Australia and New Zealand:a retrospective cohort study[J].Anaesth Intensive Care,2012,40(6):980.
[21] Le Gall J R,Lemeshow S,Saulnier F.A new simplified acute physiology score (SAPS Ⅱ) based on a European/North American multicenter study[J].Jama,1993,270(24):2957-2963.
[22] Lucena J F,Alegre F,Martinez-Urbistondo D,et al.Performance of SAPSⅡ and SAPS Ⅲ in intermediate care[J].Plos One,2013,8(10):e77229.
[23] Kim Y H,Yeo J H,Kang M J,et al.Performance assessment of the SOFA,APACHEⅡ scoring system,and SAPSⅡ in intensive care unit organophosphate poisoned patients[J].J Korean Med Sci,2013,28(12):1822-1826.
[24] Budweiser S,Baur T,J?rres R A,et al.Predictors of successful decannulation using a tracheostomy retainer in patients with prolonged weaning and persisting respiratory failure[J].Respiration,2012,84(6):469-476.
(收稿日期:2013-11-25) (本文编辑:欧丽)
[15] Knaus W A,Wagner D P,Draper E A,et al.The APACHEⅢ prognostic system.Risk prediction of hospital mortality for critically ill hospitalized adults[J].Chest,1991,100(6):1619-1636.
[16] Kellner P,Prondzinsky R,Pallmann L,et al.Predictive value of outcome scores in patients suffering from cardiogenic shock complicating AMI[J].Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed,2013,108(8):666-674.
[17] Keegan M T,Gajic O,Afessa B.Comparison of APACHEⅢ,APACHEⅣ,SAPSⅢ and MPM0Ⅲ and influence of resuscitation status on model performance[J].Chest,2012,142(4):851-858.
[18] Skrifvars M B,Varghese B,Parr M J.Survival and outcome prediction using the ApacheⅢ and the out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) score in patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) following out-of-hospital,in-hospital or ICU cardiac arrest[J].Resuscitation,2012,83(6):728-733.
[19] Hsu C W,Wann S R,Chiang H T,et al.Comparison of the APACHEⅡ and APACHEⅢ scoring systems in patients with respiratory failure in a medical intensive care unit[J].J Formos Med Assoc,2001,100(7):437-442.
[20] Paul E,Bailey M,Van Lint A,et al.Performance of APACHEⅢ over time in Australia and New Zealand:a retrospective cohort study[J].Anaesth Intensive Care,2012,40(6):980.
[21] Le Gall J R,Lemeshow S,Saulnier F.A new simplified acute physiology score (SAPS Ⅱ) based on a European/North American multicenter study[J].Jama,1993,270(24):2957-2963.
[22] Lucena J F,Alegre F,Martinez-Urbistondo D,et al.Performance of SAPSⅡ and SAPS Ⅲ in intermediate care[J].Plos One,2013,8(10):e77229.
[23] Kim Y H,Yeo J H,Kang M J,et al.Performance assessment of the SOFA,APACHEⅡ scoring system,and SAPSⅡ in intensive care unit organophosphate poisoned patients[J].J Korean Med Sci,2013,28(12):1822-1826.
[24] Budweiser S,Baur T,J?rres R A,et al.Predictors of successful decannulation using a tracheostomy retainer in patients with prolonged weaning and persisting respiratory failure[J].Respiration,2012,84(6):469-476.
(收稿日期:2013-11-25) (本文编辑:欧丽)