【摘要】 目的:应用低频振幅(ALFF)分析方法研究首次发病为抑郁障碍的患者脑功能的异常,探讨首发抑郁障碍发病的脑机制。方法:对2011年11月-2013年10月在山西医科大学第一医院收集的13例首发抑郁障碍患者进行脑功能磁共振扫描,另选取14例年龄、性别、受教育年相匹配的正常对照组进行脑功能磁共振扫描,采用汉密尔顿抑郁评分变化测定临床反应。结果:抑郁组与正常对照组比较研究发现右侧中央旁回ALFF值明显大于正常对照组(P<0.05);右侧的岛叶、海马、尾状体的ALFF值明显低于正常对照组(P<0.05)。结论:抑郁障碍患者与正常对照组相比存在静息态脑功能的异常。
【关键词】 抑郁障碍; 抗抑郁治疗; 功能核磁共振; 低频振幅
Research of Brain Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging on Patients with First-episode Major Depressive Disorder/JIA Ai-xiang,LI Wei,ZHANG Ai-xia,et al.//Medical Innovation of China,2014,11(12):001-004
【Abstract】 Objective:To explore the mechanism of depressive emotion of patients with major depressive disorder(MDD) by the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (ALFF).Method:Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of 13 MDD patients that met the criteria of DSM-IV (before and after 8-week treatment) and 14 healthy subjects(age,sex,years of education matching) were analyzed with ALFF.Clinical response was measured by change in serial scores on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression.Result:Compared with the healthy control,the ALFF of Insula_R(aal),Hippocampus_R(aal),Caudate Body were significantly decreased,while Paracentral_Lobule_R(aal) was significantly increased in the untreated first-episode major depressive disorder patients(P<0.05).Conclusion:Compared to the control group,the resting-state function of some brain regions are abnormal in patients with depressive disorder.
【Key words】 Depressive disorder; Antidepressant treatment; FMRI; ALFF
First-authors address:The First Hospital of Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本研究的抑郁组来自山西医科大学第一医院精神卫生科2012年10月-2013年2月门诊及住院符合DSM-IV诊断标准的未用药的首发重性抑郁症患者13例,其中男7例,女6例,平均年龄(31.21±7.63)岁,平均受教育时间(13.45±3.62)年。正常对照组是从本院职工、患者无血缘关系的家属及周围社区居民招募的从未患有精神疾病的14例性别、年龄、受教育年相匹配的正常人,且抑郁自评量表SDS<30分,其中男7例,女7例,平均年龄(31.84±8.26)岁,平均受教育时间(14.03±2.93)年,两组受试者的性别、年龄、受教育时间等一般资料比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。所有受试者均由两名经验丰富且经过严格培训的主治医师筛选。
1.2 排除标准 (1)非汉族或非右利手;(2)年龄小于18岁或大于50岁;(3)双眼裸视视力或者矫正视力≤1.0;(4)符合SCID-IP中精神分裂症、分裂情感性障碍和酒药依赖诊断标准的患者或者其他精神障碍;(5)由其他器质性或药物引起的继发性重性抑郁障碍或双相障碍;(6)HAMD17评分<17分;(7)患者或者其监护人不同意参加本研究的。
1.3 纳入标准 (1)符合DSM-IV首发抑郁障碍的诊断标准(HAMD-17>17分);(2)近半年未服用其他抗抑郁药物、抗精神病药物,也未行多参数无抽搐电休克治疗(modified electra convulsive therapy,MECT);(3)无严重的神经系统疾病、躯体疾病及幽闭恐惧症者;(4)实验室检查及体格检查均未发现有异常生化指标、脑电图、心电图异常者;(5)无自杀行为及严重自杀观念的患者;(6)无严重的兴奋、冲动等不能配合治疗的患者;(7)非哺乳期或妊娠妇女;(8)近一个月期间未参加其他科研治疗的患者。
1.4 研究方法
1.4.1 临床评定方法 由2名在经过评估和诊断一致性检验(Kappa=0.81)的主治医师对治疗前后的重型抑郁患者分别进行HAMD17评定,对正常对照受试者采用抑郁自评量表(SDS)评定临床症状。
1.4.2 核磁共振扫描 核磁共振扫描设备设备为西门子公司生产的Magnetom Trio(A Tim System)3T全身磁共振成像系统,由12通道并行采集头线圈接受信号。数据采集时时受试者为仰卧位,用海绵垫固定头部以减少头部的移动,头戴专用无磁耳机以接收试验人员的信息,使用橡皮耳塞,以减少噪音干扰。受试者应闭目、安静、平稳呼吸、保持头部不动、尽量可能减少思维活动。具体扫描过程和序列参数如下:(1)轴位Tl加权像:采用快速自旋回波序列(SE)扫描全脑,横轴位扫描基线与前后连合线平行,扫描参数分别采用:重复时间(TR)580 ms,采集矩阵256×144,回波时间(TE)18 ms,33层,视野(FOV)256×192 mm,扫描间隔0 mm,层厚4 mm;扫描时间9 min 14 s;(2)静息状态fMRI:功能图像采用BOLD序列,重复时间TR=2000 ms,自旋回波序列TE=30 ms,FA 90°,32层,采集矩阵64×64,FOV 192 mm×l92 mm,间隔0 mm,层厚3 mm,220次采集;扫描时间为7 min 10 s。
1.5 统计学处理 (1)fMIR数据的处理:fMIR数据由MRIcron转化为NIFTI格式后对每个个体的220个时点数据纳入DPARSF V2.0软件(该软件在MATLAB R2008b平台上启动),然后对数据依次进行时间、空间标准化、滤波、去线性漂移及低频振幅分析;(2)ALFF分析:ALFF值从能力角度上反映某个体素相对与基线变化的幅度大小,代表神经元自发活动的强弱,计算所有频率点上一个频段(0.01~0.08 Hz)内振幅值的平均值。经DPARSF软件分析,得到每个个体的ALFF图再进入下一步分析;(3)用REST 1.5软件对重性抑郁组患者治疗前后的ALFF值与正常对照组的ALFF值分别进行两样本的t检验,重性抑郁组患者治疗前后的ALFF值做配对t检验,同时行成图像。统计结果经AlphaSim多重比较校正后达到P<0.001,像素范围≥6。使用xjview插件计算有统计学意义的差异脑区团块的大小、所在脑区及其坐标(MNI坐标)和激活强度(用t检验统计值“R”表示,R值越大,激活强度越大)。
2 结果
3 讨论
[1] Kessler R C,Berglund P,Demler O,et al.The epidemiology of major depressive disorder:results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication(NCS-R)[J].Jama,2003,289(23):3095-3105.
[2] Nemeroff C B.Prevalence and management of treatment-resistant depression[J].Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,2007,68(8):17.
[3] World Health Organization.Mental health:new understanding,new hope[M].Geneva:World Health Organization,2001:1-4.
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[6] Raichle M E,Gusnard D A.Appraising the brain's energy budget[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2002,99(16):10 237-10 239.
[7] Raichle M E,Mintun M A.Brain work and brain imaging[J].Annu Rev Neurosci,2006(29):449-476.
[8] Greicius M D,Krasnow B,Reiss A L,et al.Functional connectivity in the resting brain:a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2003,100(1):253-258.
[9] Zhu X,Wang X,Xiao J,et al.Evidence of a dissociation pattern in resting-state default mode network connectivity in first-episode,treatment-naive major depression patients[J].Biological Psychiatry,2012,71(7):611-617.
[10] Lemogne C,Delaveau P,Freton M,et al.Medial prefrontal cortex and the self in major depression[J].J Affect Disord,2012,136(1):e1-e11.
[11] Marchetti I,Koster E H W,Sonuga-Barke E J,et al.The default mode network and recurrent depression:a neurobiological model of cognitive risk factors[J].Neuropsychology Review,2012,22(3):229-251.
[12] Hamilton J P,Furman D J,Chang C,et al.Default-mode and task-positive network activity in major depressive disorder:implications for adaptive and maladaptive rumination[J].Biological Psychiatry,2011,70(4):327-333.
[13] Hamilton J P,Chen M C,Gotlib I H.Neural systems approaches to understanding major depressive disorder:an intrinsic functional organization perspective[J].Neurobiology of Disease,2013,125(52):4-11.
(收稿日期:2014-02-01) (本文编辑:欧丽)
[1] Kessler R C,Berglund P,Demler O,et al.The epidemiology of major depressive disorder:results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication(NCS-R)[J].Jama,2003,289(23):3095-3105.
[2] Nemeroff C B.Prevalence and management of treatment-resistant depression[J].Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,2007,68(8):17.
[3] World Health Organization.Mental health:new understanding,new hope[M].Geneva:World Health Organization,2001:1-4.
[4] Biswal B,Zerrin Yetkin F,Haughton V M,et al.Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echo-planar mri[J].Magn Reson Med,1995,34(4):537-541.
[5] Raichle M E,MacLeod A M,Snyder A Z,et al.A default mode of brain function[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2001,98(2):676-682.
[6] Raichle M E,Gusnard D A.Appraising the brain's energy budget[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2002,99(16):10 237-10 239.
[7] Raichle M E,Mintun M A.Brain work and brain imaging[J].Annu Rev Neurosci,2006(29):449-476.
[8] Greicius M D,Krasnow B,Reiss A L,et al.Functional connectivity in the resting brain:a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2003,100(1):253-258.
[9] Zhu X,Wang X,Xiao J,et al.Evidence of a dissociation pattern in resting-state default mode network connectivity in first-episode,treatment-naive major depression patients[J].Biological Psychiatry,2012,71(7):611-617.
[10] Lemogne C,Delaveau P,Freton M,et al.Medial prefrontal cortex and the self in major depression[J].J Affect Disord,2012,136(1):e1-e11.
[11] Marchetti I,Koster E H W,Sonuga-Barke E J,et al.The default mode network and recurrent depression:a neurobiological model of cognitive risk factors[J].Neuropsychology Review,2012,22(3):229-251.
[12] Hamilton J P,Furman D J,Chang C,et al.Default-mode and task-positive network activity in major depressive disorder:implications for adaptive and maladaptive rumination[J].Biological Psychiatry,2011,70(4):327-333.
[13] Hamilton J P,Chen M C,Gotlib I H.Neural systems approaches to understanding major depressive disorder:an intrinsic functional organization perspective[J].Neurobiology of Disease,2013,125(52):4-11.
(收稿日期:2014-02-01) (本文编辑:欧丽)
[1] Kessler R C,Berglund P,Demler O,et al.The epidemiology of major depressive disorder:results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication(NCS-R)[J].Jama,2003,289(23):3095-3105.
[2] Nemeroff C B.Prevalence and management of treatment-resistant depression[J].Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,2007,68(8):17.
[3] World Health Organization.Mental health:new understanding,new hope[M].Geneva:World Health Organization,2001:1-4.
[4] Biswal B,Zerrin Yetkin F,Haughton V M,et al.Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echo-planar mri[J].Magn Reson Med,1995,34(4):537-541.
[5] Raichle M E,MacLeod A M,Snyder A Z,et al.A default mode of brain function[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2001,98(2):676-682.
[6] Raichle M E,Gusnard D A.Appraising the brain's energy budget[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2002,99(16):10 237-10 239.
[7] Raichle M E,Mintun M A.Brain work and brain imaging[J].Annu Rev Neurosci,2006(29):449-476.
[8] Greicius M D,Krasnow B,Reiss A L,et al.Functional connectivity in the resting brain:a network analysis of the default mode hypothesis[J].Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,2003,100(1):253-258.
[9] Zhu X,Wang X,Xiao J,et al.Evidence of a dissociation pattern in resting-state default mode network connectivity in first-episode,treatment-naive major depression patients[J].Biological Psychiatry,2012,71(7):611-617.
[10] Lemogne C,Delaveau P,Freton M,et al.Medial prefrontal cortex and the self in major depression[J].J Affect Disord,2012,136(1):e1-e11.
[11] Marchetti I,Koster E H W,Sonuga-Barke E J,et al.The default mode network and recurrent depression:a neurobiological model of cognitive risk factors[J].Neuropsychology Review,2012,22(3):229-251.
[12] Hamilton J P,Furman D J,Chang C,et al.Default-mode and task-positive network activity in major depressive disorder:implications for adaptive and maladaptive rumination[J].Biological Psychiatry,2011,70(4):327-333.
[13] Hamilton J P,Chen M C,Gotlib I H.Neural systems approaches to understanding major depressive disorder:an intrinsic functional organization perspective[J].Neurobiology of Disease,2013,125(52):4-11.
(收稿日期:2014-02-01) (本文编辑:欧丽)