
2014-04-29 23:29王绪芬袁素芳
安徽农业科学 2014年20期

王绪芬 袁素芳

摘要 对滨州市瓜类蔬菜农药残留进行了检测,调查了瓜类蔬菜不同品种农药残留分布情况,并对其原因进行了分析。结果表明,共检测蔬菜样品280个,蔬菜样品检出90个;超标蔬菜样品检出7个;共检出农药11种,检出次数150次,检出最多的是氯氰菊酯,超标农药最多的是联苯菊酯,超标蔬菜全部为黄瓜,占总超标数的100%。主要原因是黄瓜保护地栽培面积较大,施用农药浓度过高,用药次数多,菜农忽视农药安全间隔期。

关键词 瓜类蔬菜;农药残留分布;原因分析

中图分类号 S481+.8 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2014)20-06694-01

Analysis on Distribution Characteristics and Causes of Cucurbit Vegetable Pesticide Residues

WANG Xufen et al

(Binzhou Agriculture Bureau, Binzhou, Shandong 256603)

Abstract The pesticide residues in cucurbit vegetable in Binzhou City were detected, the residue distribution was investigated, and the causes were analyzed. The results showed that, among 280 vegetable samples, 90 vegetable samples were examined that have pesticide residue. 7 vegetable samples exceeded the standard and 11 kinds of pesticide were examined out 150 times. The pesticide that was examined out the most frequently is cypermethrin. The pesticide that exceeded the standard mostly is Bifenthrin. All the vegetable that exceeded the standard is Cucumber and it is 100% of the number that exceeded the standard. The main causation is that the area of cucumber protected cultivation is very great , the pesticide applying consistency is high, applying pesticide is too frequent, vegetable farmers ignore the pesticide safe plastochrone.

Key words Cucurbit vegetable; Pesticide residue distribution; Cause analysis



1 瓜类蔬菜的生产情况

瓜类蔬菜是滨州市蔬菜的主要种类之一,常年种植面积达10 000 hm2左右,尤其是冬暖大棚面积占很大比例。滨州市种植的瓜類蔬菜主要包括黄瓜、苦瓜、西葫芦、南瓜、丝瓜、冬瓜等,其中以黄瓜和西葫芦的种植面积较大,黄瓜种植面积4 372 hm2,产量223 693 t;西葫芦种植面积4 269 hm2,产量266 363 t。

2 不同蔬菜农药残留检出情况


3 不同蔬菜农药残留超标情况
