[目的]探索散葉烘烤“七步法”的适用性,降低烟农劳动强度,提高烟叶烘烤质量。[方法]通过设置2种不同的烘烤方式,即常规挂竿烘烤与散叶烘烤“七步法”,进行对比研究。[结果]试验表明,采用散叶烘烤“七步法”进行烘烤有利于烟叶烘烤质量的提高,外观质量与挂竿方式差别不明显,身份适中,橘黄烟多,上中等烟比例为90.56%,较挂竿方式提高了0.33个百分点;杂色烟比例为3.02%,较挂竿方式降低0.66个百分点;挂灰烟和光滑烟比例较低;鲜干比为7.63,较挂竿方式低0.09个百分点;均价为12.78元/kg,较挂竿方式提高了1.75%,烤后烟叶的化学成分较为协调,淀粉含量较低,还原糖含量较高,烟碱含量适宜;散叶烘烤堆放烟叶时,烟叶密度须均匀,松紧适当,否则易产生低劣烟。[结论] 研究可为散叶烘烤“七步法”的推广应用提供依据,从而真正达到减工降本、提质增效的目的。
Study on the “Seven Steps Method” Modes of Loose Leaves Bulk Curing of Zhengan County
WU You, HOU Jun, GOU Jianyu, HE Kai* et al
(Zhengan Branch of Guizhou Tobacco Company, Zhengan, Guizhou 563400)
Abstract[Objective] In order to investigate the applicability of the “seven steps method” modes which was used to cure the loose tobacco leaves, reduce the labor intensity of farmers, and improve the cured quality of tobacco. [Method] Hang pole bulk curing and the “seven steps method” modes of loose leaves bulk curing were used for the comparison study. [Result] The results indicated that, the “seven steps method” modes of loose leaves bulk curing was of advantage to improve leaves curing quality, the difference of appearance quality was inconspicuous compared with the mode of leaves hanged with the bamboo pole, leaves body was moderate, the orange leaves proportion were high, the total proportion of classy and medium leaves was 90.56%, improved by 0.33 percentage point compared with the mode of leaves hanged with the pole, grey disorder was 3.02%, decrease by 0.66 percentage point compared with the mode of leaves hanged with the pole, variegated and slick leaves proportion were low, fresh/dry ratio of leaves was 7.63, decrease by 0.09 percentage point compared with the mode of leaves hanged with the pole, the even price was 12.78 Yuan/kg, improved 1.75% compared with the mode of leaves hanged with pole, cured leaves chemical composition were more coordinated, starch content was low, reducing sugar content was high, nicotine content was suitable.Loose leaves bulk curing whose fluecured tobacco leaf density stacking density to be uniform, elastic appropriate, otherwise ittends to produce inferior tobacco leaf. [Conclusion] The study can provide reference basis for application of “seven steps method” modes of loose leaves bulk curing, so as to reduce cost and labor, improve quality and efficiency.
Key words Fluecured tobacco; Curing; The mode of leaves hanged with the pole; The “seven steps method” modes of loose leaves bulk curing
近年来随着烟草种植规模的不断扩大, 我国的烤烟年产量稳定在250万t左右,约占全世界总产量的50%[1],我国成为世界上烤烟生产量最大的国家。与此同时,随着烟叶生产专业化及生产技术水平的提高,简化劳动强度,将烟农从技术难度较高的环节中解脱出来,是烟草生产的发展趋势[2]。因而,省工、节能、提质、增效成为现代烟草农业建设的主题,新型烘烤方式也应运而生[3]。烤烟散叶烘烤,是一种不用编烟,直接装烟,烤后无需解烟,比常规烘烤工效要提高1倍以上,大大降低了烘烤成本和劳动强度的新型、技术要求较低的烘烤方法。该方法的引进大大推进了现代烟草农业的建设进程[4],有学者研究表明,散叶密集烘烤具有减少劳动用工、降低烘烤成本、提高烟叶品质、增加烤烟收益[3,5-6]的效果。
1.1 试验材料
试验供试品种为K326,部位为中部烟叶,烘烤设备为2.7 m×8.0 m气流下降式密集烤房2座。