Journal of Electronic Science and Technology Information for Authors

2014-04-15 11:29:19

JEST—Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, formerly, Journal of Electronic Science and Technology of China, is published quarterly devoting to the state-of-the-art achievements in electronic science and technology, including the most highlight areas:communication technology, electronic systems and array processing, computer science and information technology, optoelectronic and photonic technologies, information and network security, electronic materials and devices, bioelectronics and biomedicine, sensing and measurement, neural networks and intelligent systems, and signal processing and image processing.

Submission of a manuscript to JEST should make assurance that it has not been copyrighted, published or accepted for publication elsewhere, that it is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, and that it will not be submitted elsewhere while under consideration.All manuscripts should be prepared following the “Manuscript Submission Guidelines” below.Do not send manuscripts in your own style to the editors.Prospective authors are urged to read this and follow its recommendations on the organization of their manuscript.

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Submission: Full manuscript, Registration Form and Copyright Form should be submitted by e-mail to or online from Form and Copyright Form can be downloaded from should allow approximately 8 w eeks for the initial review cycle.

Submission format:The acceptable manuscripts should be prepared in MS WORD using the JEST template.The format of the template is in double-column with figures and tables included within the text.The complete template is available at: that computer notation, powers of ten, special macros created by authors, etc.(e.g., x**2, 1.E-10), are not acceptable.The style fo r equations, references, abbreviations, figure captions, etc., should exactly match the standard JEST format.

Manuscript length:Lengths of all full manuscripts may be no more than 10 published pages.Manuscripts that exceed this limit will incur mandatory overlength page charges.Authors are encouraged to make their initial submission as short as possible for economy consideration.Because of limited space available in the JEST, manuscripts that exceed 16 published pages will not be considered.

Full manuscript: A complete manuscript must include title; names of authors and their complete contact information; abstract; text;all images, figures and tables; references; and brief introduction to all authors.Every manuscript must (a) provide a clearly defined statement of the problem being addressed, (b) state why it is important to solve the problem, and (c) give author’s original and significant contributions to the problem.

Title and abstract: The first page of the manuscript shall contain the paper title, full names of authors (surname in capital) and contact information for all authors (full mailing address: institutional affiliations, city, zip code, country), the abstract, and the keywords.An abstract should have not more than 150 words and cover four points: statement of problem, assumptions and methods of solutions, results and conclusion or discussion of the importance of the results.Indexing keywords are mandatory and must be included with all manuscripts published in the JEST.Please choose approximately 4 to 8 keywords which describe the major points or topics covered in your article.These willmake the paper, by itself, a useful tool for information retrieval.

Figures and tables:Each figure and table should have a caption to concisely and intelligibly illustrate the contents of it.Figures/tables may be worked into the text or placed at the end of the manuscript.To conserve space in the publication, most figures/tables are reduced to single-column width if possible.This may result in as much as a 4:1 reduction from the original.Therefore, figures/tables should be kept to a minimum in original and be easily viewed on published pages.In the finalized sizes of figures/tables, authors are advised to make sure that:

All images/photographs should be black-and-white; color is not advised.

Figure captions are in 9-point font and texts in figures in 8-point font.

Lines in the figures are in 0.75 pounds and arrows in the minimum.

Trigram tables are suggested, the first and the 3rd lines are both in 1.5 pounds and the 2nd line is in 0.75 pounds.

Table captions and texts in tables are both in 9-point font and table captions are in black.

Abbreviations: This Journal follows the widely used standards on units and abbreviations.It is required to use abbreviations after their full texts are given in the first.

Mathematics: All mathematical expressions must be legible.It is advised to edit mathematical expressions by the MathType.Do not give derivations that are easily found in the literature; merely cite the reference.

All references should be archived material such as journal articles, books, and conference proceedings.Web pages should not be referenced, since their content and accessibility may change over time.Personal communications and unpublished data are not acceptable references.References require a complete author list, a complete title, and first and last pages cited for each entry.The standard reference format and examples are available at

Requirement for Publication

Once the manuscript is accepted by JEST, author should acknowledge that they accept the rules established for publication of manuscripts, including security permission, copyright, technical responsibility, and other requirements for publication.Responsibility for contents of contributions rests upon the authors and not upon the Editorial Board of JEST or its reviewers.

Copyright: It is the policy of the JEST to own the copyright to the technical contribution it publishes on behalf of the interests of the JEST, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others.To comply with the Copyright Law of China, authors are required to sign and submit a JEST Copyright Form.This form returns to authors and their employers the full rights to reuse their material for their own purpose.The electronic JEST Copyright form is available at

Page Charges: When a manuscript is submitted to this journal, authors will be asked to pay a charge covering the cost of reviewers.After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors or their company or institution will be requested to pay a charge to cover part of the cost of publication of the first 10 published pages that comprise the standard length.Each author will receive 2 free copies of this publication if the charge is honored.The authors or their company or institution will be billed in excess of the first 10 published pages.To avoid incurring mandatory page charges, the authors are strongly advised to practice economy in the original manuscript submission.