
2014-04-11 06:20:47
水利经济 2014年6期



关于水生态文明建设的思考 祁正卫(4,1)


水污染共同侵权司法救济的特殊规则探讨 唐忠辉(1,1)

南水北调中线水源区绿水管理技术研究 李 建,尹 炜,杨国胜(1,7)

江苏省水利生态环境效益分析 袁汝华,李正辉(1,17)

南水北调受水区地下水保护刍议 陈金木,陈茂芳(1,33)

宝鸡市城市化与水土资源利用关系分析 李京文,汪 妮(1,57)

基于生态水利工程学的黄河故道徐州段生态治理 张 森,陈 菁,张营灏,陈 丹,李 帆(1,62)

规范河道分级管理的构想 王冠军,柳长顺,王志强(6,32)

国外生态补偿机制对我国流域生态补偿的启示 黄涛珍,李爱萍(6,35)

江西省莲花县水生态文明试点建设现状与对策 李洪任,刘聚涛,丁惠君(6,39)

加强枢纽运行管理 全力推进小浪底生态文明建设 樊思林,陈 伟(6,42)

呼伦贝尔水文化禀赋与精髓 杨大杰,王 晶,王乃岳(6,46)


水利投融资平台主要风险、影响因素及防控措施 马毅鹏,乔根平(1,37)

大型准公益性水利建设项目融资能力研究 尤庆国,张瑞美,张献锋,仇小霖(1,42)

我国水利投融资现状分析 张辰硕(1,54)

淮安市城市防洪排涝规划后评价 杨 航,俞双恩(1,64)

中国水利现代化的思考与对策 梁福庆(2,1)

丹江口水源地利益补偿资金缺口定量分析 王保乾,李 勇(2,4)

基于农户视角的农村水利基础设施需求因素分析 华 坚,祁智国,马殷琳(2,8)

江苏省农村居民生活用水需求影响因素实证研究 李闽慧,岳金桂,韦 诚,常本春(2,12)

基于云模型的城市极端雨洪灾害风险评价 王 贺,刘高峰,王慧敏(2,15)

基于序关系法的北京市水资源可持续利用模糊综合评价 陈 午,许新宜,王红瑞,俞 淞(2,19)

我国水利结构性融资可行性分析与流程构建 赵庞晶,冷建飞(2,25)

国际水利水电工程EPC项目经营产值核算法探讨 王 波,严华东(2,30)

小康社会实现程度与农村水利建设关键指标关联性研究 李 芳,唐 震,冯保清(2,33)

蓝藻事件对无锡市城镇居民日常生活环境意识影响的损益分析 沈菊琴,倪 晨,徐 立,孙付华(3,1)

基于降雨函数最小正周期的虚拟水贸易决策 陶 雯,田贵良(3,6)

基于Malmquist指数的水利投资效率分析 王 闪,袁汝华(3,9)

农村水利建设财政投入的地区差异比较及测度研究 曹茜茜,张长征(3,13)

水利金融的市场运行机制研究 龚 萍,黄德春(3,18)

基于比例二元语义的水利工程项目评价 冒小芬,陈建明(3,22)

沙河市小流域综合治理效益分析 林聪杰(3,26)

中国长三角地区城市增长极协调发展水平研究 王保乾,郑显艳,王 程,WANG Lu(4,6)

基于三阶段DEA方法的我国海洋污染治理效率研究 周申蓓,莫卫,刘 朋,杜阿敏,陆梦恬(4,11)

我国城市非常规水源财政补贴机制研究 张天悦(4,16)

基于综合集成赋权的水务公司财务评价 王惠子,赵 敏(4,21)

水电与太阳能发电应用前景比较分析 杨军锋,陈建明(4,25)

基于IPAT-LMDI的中国水足迹变化驱动力分析 奚 旭,孙才志,赵良仕(5,1)

基于随机前沿生产函数的我国工业用水效率影响因素研究 卞锦宇,刘 恒,耿雷华,姜蓓蕾,方 瑞(5,6)

腹地经济与港口经营效益互动关系实证研究 郑慧祥子,田贵良(5,10)

福建省大型水利项目投融资机制研究 郑 雨,赵 敏,吴兆丹,沈欣媛(5,14)

基于DEA的江苏省工业水资源利用效率研究 王 莹(5,19)

综合利用水利工程项目资金筹措研究——以石虎塘航电枢纽工程为例 杨辉辉,李媛媛(5,23)

江苏省水利科技进步贡献率定量分析 顾金霞,袁汝华(5,26)

中央农田水利建设资金实施的困境和对策 陈 韬,陈丽平,王丽君(6,1)

土库曼斯坦虚拟水及其战略评估 刘昊奇,吕光辉,何学敏,秦 璐,张雪妮,冉启洋(6,7)

我国水利投资效率演进的时空特征及影响因素——基于空间计量的视角 李 超(6,12)

国际工程水利EPC项目经济效益指标预警模型 严华东,颜家勇,李世忠,李欣蓬(6,17)

水利投融资平台风险控制分析 白小丹(6,22)


我国水权流转情况跟踪调查 张瑞美,尹明万,张献锋,闫 莉(1,20)

黄河水权制度建设与黄河水权转让实践 陈永奇(1,23)

非法取水罪立法研究 刘定湘,赵阳洋(1,27)

对水利改革红利的思考 王健宇(1,30)

四川省水利工程水价改革现状及对策 孙小铭,尹晓东,刘 静(1,47)

推进农业水价改革的思考 张献锋,冯 巧,尤庆国,仇小霖(1,50)

健全水权转让制度的思考 张瑞美,陈 献,尤庆国,徐瑛丽(2,37)

基于期货市场价格发现的虚拟水结构优化 刘成浩,宋 敏(2,41)

农村饮水安全水价的WSR研究框架 周 锋,陈 菁,陈 丹,蔡 勇,张 力,孙伯明(2,46)

典型国家海水淡化水定价机制及对我国的启示 邢淑颖,刘淑静,李 磊,王 静(3,31)

不同流域生态补偿模式的交易费用比较 潘 娜,葛颜祥,侯慧平(3,35)

青岛市工业与农业部门间潜在水权交易规模测算 孙江永,段治平(4,30)

河北省南水北调受水区水价制度研究与应用 孙梅英,付银环,马素英,张 爽(5,30)

我国水资源费征收存在的问题及调整建议 刘希胜,贾绍凤,杨 芳,温 川(5,33)

基于AHP与FUZZY的流域梯级水电站电价风险分析 谭唯薇,贾建伟,范瑞琪,叶玉健,武 晶(6,25)

基于供求双方价格机制的综合水价改革研究 曹生国,任 宇,杨 坤(6,29)


上海市万元工业增加值用水量指标统计的思考 王霞萍(2,50)

我国水电企业承揽国际EPC项目战略分析 刘亚昆,吕周洋(2,53)

中国企业东南亚水电投资风险与防控对策 郝云剑,张 阳(2,57)

流域生态补偿实践的国内外比较 刘传玉,张 婕(2,61)

永定河生态修复工程建设管理实践与思考 董正举,黄俊雄,汪元元,马东春,刘培斌,魏 炜(3,40)

南京市固城湖饮用水源地保护措施对策 方国华,刘 羽,黄显峰(3,45)

基于角色的水利行业监理信息系统访问控制优化模型 张柳军,丰景春(3,48)

基于PCA-ANN的水利工程标高金预测模型 石林林(3,52)

花凉亭灌区经济档案建设与管理探讨 陈卫国,程慧红,张强民,黄 义,张安全,胡常海(3,56)

沿海地区常规水资源开发利用方法与策略 王 文,张 鹭,杨 云(4,35)

农村饮水安全工程政策研究 杜晓荣,谢 旭,吴晓婕(4,39)

广州市感潮河涌水环境改善效益评估 陈兴茹,白音包力皋(4,44)

绿水管理机制及其应用前景 裘巧俊,李 建,余凯波(4,48)

基于结构方程的农村水环境管理评价研究 夏艳秋,袁汝华(4,52)

3G移动视频单兵设备在水利监理行业中的应用 孙晶晶(4,56)

基于云模型的城市极端雨洪灾害预警研究 王 贺,刘高峰,王慧敏(4,59)

黑河流域分水政策制度变迁分析 钟方雷,徐中民,窪田顺平,李 佳,秋山知宏(5,37)

蓄滞洪区生态补偿若干问题分析 刘定湘,刘 敏(5,43)

海南省南渡江流域生态环境调查与保护对策 刘贤词,岳 平,邢 巧,吴晓晨(5,46)

公众参与流域水污染防治机制初探 王俊燕,刘永功(5,50)

从密松水电站事件看跨界水电合作项目的风险管理 董 芳(5,55)

自贡市水务一体化管理对节水型社会建设的影响 沈克宇(5,60)

苏北农村水利工程长效管理面临的困境及对策 宋 力,陆俊华(5,64)

我国粮食安全视角下的农业用水保障战略研究 仇相玮,胡继连(6,50)

GB/T 19001—2008在水文质量管理中的实践 欧应钧,杜亚南(6,54)

国内外水务集团管理现状的分析及启示 范 凯(6,59)

宿迁市宿城区水利现代化建设现状评价及对策 仝道斌,周 丽,李彧玮,俞双恩(6,62)


水电工程移民利益共享障碍及对策 余庆年,张 冲,王仲萍(1,69)

广东省水库移民可持续发展的后期扶持模式探究 吴高键,屈维意,彭文桢,王洪亮(2,65)

水库移民遗留问题处理前后移民生计资本对比分析——以岩滩水电站B县移民安置区为例 邵 毅,施国庆,严登才(2,70)

河南省丹江口库区移民迁安监督管理体系研究 韩振燕,郎晓苏,童晓军(3,58)

T市移民安置满意度结构方程模型构建 李 斌,耿 铫(3,63)

水利水电工程移民安置目标:政策与现实 严凤霞,刘 龙(4,63)

农村水库移民专业合作社运作的实践逻辑——以温州市水库移民创业实践为例 许佳君,陈梦扬,董维武(6,65)


水利风景区适应能力评价体系研究 赵 敏,蔡元成(1,12)

水利风景区适应能力内生机理与升级路径分析 徐彩芝,蔡元成,赵 敏(3,67)

浙江省水库型水利风景区旅游开发现状及发展对策 邵 婷,童纪新(3,71)

生态文明视野下的城市水利风景区开发探讨——以J风景区为例 顾金土,石 竟(4,67)

水利风景区发展潜力综合评价 刘 娟,赵 敏(5,67)


Special rules of judicial remedy to joint infringement of water pollutionTANGZhonghui(1,1)

Green water management in water source area of Mid-Route Project of South-to-North Water DiversionLIJian,etal(1,7)

Evaluation system for adaptive capacity of water conservancy parksZHAOMin,etal(1,12)

Ecological environment benefit of water conservancy in Jiangsu ProvinceRUANRuhua,etal(1,17)

Investigation and tracking of water right transferZHANGRuimei,etal(1,20)

Establishement of water right system and practice of water right transfer of Yellow RiverCHENYongqi(1,23)

Legislative study on crime of illegal water intakingLIUDingxiang,etal(1,27)

Reflections on bonus of water conservancy reformWANGJianyu(1,30)

Protection of groundwater in benefited regions of South-to-North Water Diversion ProjectCHENJinmu,etal(1,33)

Main risks,influence factors and prevention and control measures of water conservancy financing platformMAYipeng,etal(1,37)

Financing capacity of large quasi public water resource projectsYOUQingguo,etal(1,42)

Current situations and countermeasures for water price reform of water conservancy projects in Sichuan ProvinceSUNXiaoming,etal(1,47)

Thinkings on reform of agricultural water priceZHANGXianfeng,etal(1,50)

Current situation of investment and financing for construction of water conservancy in ChinaZHANGChenshuo(1,54)

Relationship between urbanization process and utilization of water-land resources of Baoji CityLIJingwen,etal(1,57)

Ecological restoration of abandoned channel of Yellow River in Xuzhou based on ecological hydraulic engineeringZHANGSen,etal(1,62)

Post-evaluation of urban flood control and drainage projects in Huai’an CityYANGHang,etal(1,64)

Measures and obstacles of benefit-sharing for resettlement of hydropower projectsYUQingnian,etal(1,69)

Thoughts and countermeasures for water conservancy modernization in ChinaLIANGFuqing(2,1)

Quantitative research on fund gap of benefit compensation of Danjiangkou water source areaWANGBaoqian,etal(2,4)

Demand factors of water conservancy infrastructures in rural areas under perspective of farmer household: case study of northern area of Jiangsu ProvinceHUAJian,etal(2,8)

Empirical study on influence factors for demand of rural residents’domestic water in Jiangsu ProvinceLIMinhui,etal(2,12)

Urban extreme rainstorm flood loss based on cloud modelWANGHe,etal(2,15)

Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of sustainable utilization of water resources in Beijing City based on rank correlation methodCHENWu,etal(2,19)

Feasibility analysis and flowchart formulation for structured finance of water resources in ChinaZHAOPangjing,etal(2,25)

Accounting methods for operating output value of international hydropower EPC projectsWANGBo,etal(2,30)

Correlation between realization degree of well-off society and key indices of rural water conservancy constructionLIFang,etal(2,33)

Improvement of regulations for water right transferZHANGRuimei,etal(2,37)

Structural optimization of virtual water based on price discovery function of futures marketLIUChenghao,etal(2,41)

Research framework of rural safe drinking water price based on WSR system approachZHOUFeng,etal(2,46)

Index statistics of industrial water consumption of added value per 10000 yuan in Shanghai CityWANGXiaping(2,50)

SWOT analysis of China’s hydropower enterprises to undertake international EPC projectsLIUYakun,etal(2,53)

Risks and prevention and control measures of hydropower investment of China’s enterprises in Southeast AsiaHAOYunjian,etal(2,57)

Comparison of practices of payments for watershed ecosystem services between China and other countriesLIUChuanyu,etal(2,61)

Modes of late support for sustainable development of reservoir resettlement in Guangdong ProvinceWUGaojian,etal(2,65)

Comparative analysis of resettlement livelihood capitals before and after treatment of left-over problems: a case of resettlement area in B County of Yantan Hydropower StationSHAOYi,etal(2,70)

Profit and loss of public awareness of environmental protection of residents in Wuxi City in response to Blue-green Algae EventSHENJuqin,etal(3,1)

Decision of virtual water trade based on minimal positive period of rainfall functionsTAOWen,etal(3,6)

Efficiency of water investment based on Malmquist indexWANGShan,etal(3,9)

Measurement and comparison of regional differences of financial investment in rural water conservancyCAOQianxi,etal(3,13)

Market operating mechanism of water conservancy financeGONGPing,etal(3,18)

Evaluation of water projects based on proportional 2-tupleMAOXiaofen,etal(3,22)

Benefit analysis of integrated management of small watershed in Shahe CityLINCongjie(3,26)

Water-pricing mechanism of seawater desalination in typical countries and its enlightenment to ChinaXINGShuying,etal(3,31)

Comparison of transaction costs of different basin ecological compensation modesPANNa,etal(3,35)

Practices and considerations of construction and management of ecological restoration of Yongding RiverDONGZhengju,etal(3,40)

Protective measures for drinking water source of Gucheng Lake in NanjingFANGGuohua,etal(3,45)

Optimization of role-based access control model for monitoring information system of water conservancy industryZHANGLiujun,etal(3,48)

Prediction model for mark-up of water conservancy projects based on PCA-ANNSHILinlin,etal(3,52)

Establishment and management of economic archives of Hualiangting Irrigation DistrictCHENWeiguo,etal(3,56)

Supervision and administration system for resettlement arrangement of Danjiangkou Reservoir area in Henan ProvinceHANZhenyan,etal(3,58)

Structural equation for resettlement satisfaction of T CityLIBin,etal(3,63)

Internal mechanism and upgrade paths of adaptive capacity of water parksXUCaizhi,etal(3,67)

Development situations and measures of reservoir water parks in Zhejiang ProvinceSHAOTing,etal(3,71)

Some considerations about establishment of water-ecological civilization in ChinaQIZhengwei(4,1)

Level of coordinated development of urban growth pole in Yangtze River Delta region of ChinaWANGBaoqian,etal(4,6)

Efficiency of marine pollution treatment in China based on three-stage DEA analysisZHOUShenbei,etal(4,11)

Financial subsidy mechanism of urban non-conventional water resources in ChinaZHANGTianyue(4,16)

Financial evaluation of water affair companies based on integrated weighting methodWANGHuizi,etal(4,21)

Comparative analysis of application prospects between hydropower and solar energyYANGJunfeng,etal(4,25)

Estimation of potential transaction scale of water right between industrial and agricultural sectors in Qingdao CitySUNJiangyong,etal(4,30)

Methods and strategies for development of conventional water resources in coastal regionsWANGWen,etal(4,35)

Policies for rural drinking water safety projectDUXiaorong,etal(4,39)

Benefit evaluation of water-surging environment of tidal rivers in Guangzhou CityCHENXingru,etal(4,44)

Green water management mechanism and its application prospectQIUQiaojun,etal(4,48)

Evaluation of rural water environment based on structural equationXIAYanqiu,etal(4,52)

Application of 3G mobile video individual equipments in water conservancy supervision industrySUNJingjing(4,56)

Warning of urban extreme rainstorm flood disasters based on cloud modelWANGHe,etal(4,59)

Resettlement goal for hydropower projects: policy and realityYANFengxia,etal(4,63)

Development of urban water parks in the vision of ecological civilization:case study of J Water ParkGUJintu,etal(4,67)

Driving forces for change of water footprint in China based on IPAT-LMDI modelXIXu,etal(5,1)

Efficiency of industrial water use in China by SFAPBIANJinyu,etal(5,6)

Empirical research on interaction between hinterland economy and port operating efficiencyZHENGHuixiangzi,etal(5,10)

Investment and financing mechanism of large-scale hydraulic projects in Fujian ProvinceZHENGYu,etal(5,14)

Industrial water use efficiency of Jiangsu Province based on DEAWANGYing(5,19)

Capital mobilization for comprehensive water conservancy project——Case study of Shihutang Navigation and Hydropower ProjectYANGHuihui,etal(5,23)

Quantitative analysis of contribution rate of technological progress of water conservancy in Jiangsu ProvinceGUJinxia,etal(5,26)

Research and application of water price system in intake area of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in Hebei ProvinceSUNMeiying,etal(5,30)

Problems and suggestions of collection of water resource fee in ChinaLIUXisheng,etal(5,33)

Institutional evolution of water allocation policies in Heihe River basin since 1960ZHONGFanglei,etal(5,37)

Several issues about ecological compensation of flood storage and detention areasLIUDingxiang,etal(5,43)

Investigation of ecological environment in Nandu River basin of Hainan Province and countermeasures for its protectionLIUXianci,etal(5,46)

Preliminary investigation of public participation mechanism of water pollution control in river basinsWANGJunyan(5,50)

Investment risk management of transnational hydropower projects based on event of Myitson Hydropower Project in BurmaDONGFang(5,55)

Effect of integrated water management on establishment of water-saving society——Case study of Zigong CitySHENKeyu(5,60)

Predicament of long-term management of rural water conservancy projects in northern Jiangsu Province and its countermeasuresSONGLi,etal(5,64)

Comprehensive evaluation of development potential of water conservancy scenic areasLIUJuan,etal(5,67)

Difficulties and countermeasures in operation of China’s central fund on farmland water conservancyCHENTao,etal(6,1)

Evaluation of virtual water strategy in TurkmenistanLIUHaoqi,etal(6,7)

Spatio-temporal features and influencing factors of investment efficiency of water conservancy in China: perspective based on spatial econometricsLIChao(6,12)

Warning model for indices of economic benefits of international EPC Project of water conservancyYANHuadong,etal(6,17)

Risk control for investment and financing platform of water conservancyBAIXiaodan(6,22)

Risk analysis of electricity price of a cascade hydropower station in a watershed based on AHP and FUZZYTANWeiwei,etal(6,25)

Comprehensive water price reform based on price mechanism of supply and demand sidesCAOShengguo,etal(6,29)

Preliminary conception about hierarchical management of river channelsWANGGuanjun,etal(6,32)

Enlightenment of foreign ecological compensation mechanism to ecological compensation of river basins in ChinaHUANGTaozhen,etal(6,35)

Current status of establishment of water-ecological civilization and its countermeasures in Lianhua County of Jiangxi ProvinceLIHongren,etal(6,39)

Strengthening of operation management and promotion of ecological civilization construction of Xiaolangdi ProjectFANSilin,etal(6,42)

Endowment and essence of water culture in Hulun BuirYANGDajie,etal(6,46)

Strategic research on safety of agricultural water resources from perspective of food security in ChinaQIUXiangwei,etal(6,50)

Application of GB/T 19001—2008 in quality management of hydrologyOUYingjun,etal(6,54)

Analysis and enlightenment of management status of worldwide water groupsFANKai(6,59)

Evaluation of current situation of water conservancy modernization in Sucheng District of Suqian City and its countermeasuresTONGDaobin,etal(6,62)

Practical logic of operation of professional cooperative societies for rural reservoir resettlement:case study of business startup of reservoir resettlement in WenzhouXUJiajun,etal(6,65)

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