
2014-04-07 10:20:15耿明会关永贤宋海斌陈江欣
海洋学研究 2014年2期




(1.中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室,北京 100029;2.中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,北京 100029;3.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;4.广州海洋地质调查局,广东广州 510760)



0 引言



1 台西南盆地

台西南盆地,位于吕宋火山岛弧和南海北部张裂(被动)大陆边缘之间,盆地内包含2个构造单元:马尼拉海沟俯冲形成的叠瓦状增生楔的主动大陆边缘和伴随南海海盆扩张形成的被动大陆边缘。利用多道地震方法(图2)在此区域发现了众多天然气渗漏系统的证据,图3为指示天然气水合物存在的似海底反射BSR(Bottom-simulating reflector)带,BSR主要分布在增生楔下半坡以及南海北部大陆坡东北部,这2个区域分别有褶皱冲断构造和铲状正断层作为流体运移通道从而有利于形成天然气水合物赋存区。增生楔上半坡分布有成簇泥底辟,流体运动活跃,还可观察到天然气渗漏进入海洋的现象[6-7]。泥火山主要展布在南部凹陷陆坡深水区和陆上台南—高雄地区(图4),其中陆上泥火山区已发现天然气苗,陆坡深水区泥火山及其伴生圈闭构造为渗漏型天然气水合物的富集提供了有利环境[8-10]。

2 珠江口盆地


3 琼东南盆地


4 莺歌海盆地


5 中建南盆地

中建南盆地面积超过105km2,跨越陆架和陆坡等地貌单元,水深变化极大;盆地沉积厚度极大,达到8 500 m;地温梯度高,有利于有机质转化,因此烃源岩发育;局部构造发育、圈闭类型丰富多样,烃类的运移和聚集条件良好,是油气远景区[32-34]。图9和图10所示的研究区域位于南海西北部,包括中建南盆地的北部和部分广乐隆起区域。该区域位于南海北部和西部的交接处,断层发育,地质条件复杂,流体运移活跃[32]。利用地震及多波束测深资料已发现中建南盆地北部有断层、泥火山、麻坑、多边形断层、管道等流体运移通道发育,为烃类气体在天然气水合物稳定带聚集提供了通道[35-37]。如图9和图10所示,中建南盆地北部发育麻坑和泥火山,麻坑多为直径在千米量级的巨麻坑,深度约百米,其形成与海底含天然气流体的逸散相关,麻坑在形成之初大多数形状为圆形或椭圆形,后在多变海洋环境和海底流体活动作用下变为拉长形或新月形。

6 结语




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Preliminary geophysical studies of the natural gas seepage systems in the northern South China Sea

GENG Ming-hui1,2,3,GUAN Yong-xian4,SONG Hai-bin1,2,CHEN Jiang-xin1,2,3
(1.Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China;2.Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China;3.University of Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100049,China;4.Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey,Guangzhou 510760,China)

Five sedimentary basins develop in the northern continental margin of the South China Sea:the Southwest Taiwan Basin,the Pearl River Mouth Basin,the Qiongdongnan Basin,the Yinggehai Basin and the Zhongjiannan Basin.We summarized the research of five basins'gas seepage systems with the use of geophysical methods,focusing on three aspects:natural gas hydrate reservoirs,fluid migration pathways and seeping features near the seabed.The results show that BSRs indicating the presence of natural gas hydrate are found in the Southwest Taiwan Basin,the Pearl River Mouth Basin,and there is a large gas field in the Yinggehai Basin;five basins have active fluid migration,where we can find a variety of pathways:faults,diapirs,gas chimneys,polygonal faults,channels(canyon)and other fracture structures;seeping features near the seabed have been found in the Southwest Taiwan Basin,the Pearl River Mouth Basin,the Yinggehai Basin and the Zhongjiannan Basin.The northern continental margin of the South China Sea with wide distribution of the gas seepage systems deserves further studies.

northern South China Sea;natural gas;fluid migration path;seabed cold seeps






10.3969/j.issn. 1001-909X.2014.02.006.

GENG Ming-hui,GUAN Yong-xian,SONG Hai-bin,et al.Preliminary geophysical studies of the natural gas seepage systems in the northern South China Sea[J].Journal of Marine Sciences,2014,32(2):46-52,doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-909X.2014.02.006.





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