
2014-04-06 05:46:33
世界建筑导报 2014年4期


“每当一位新的建筑师走向世界舞台前沿,他作品的整体往往以一种超乎意料的方式,一步一步的逐渐呈现,宛如一种独特的建筑想象;作品里面所蕴含特有的丰富和活力,甚至出乎建筑师本人的意料,王维仁正是这样一位建筑师。他具有社会责任感而又平实谦逊,是一个理想主义的建筑师;更应该说的是,他将他对合院作为一种普世空间理念的思考,体现到他一路的建筑实践中,将合院空间赋予了适当地域特征,成功的结合了南中国的海洋性气候。更重要的是,从一个可再生的角度,他赋予‘合院’这种模距化的变换排列单元以新的生命,成功的透过多个向度反复地将这些组件排列组合、灵活调整以适应不同的基地与设计内容。”——肯尼思 法兰普顿

王维仁建筑研究室于1992年注册于旧金山, 1994年成立于香港及台北。其设计着重人本精神与生态地景,强调与城市空间及地域文化的整合。其设计获奖包括:香港建筑师学会奖,环保建筑大奖,美国建筑师学会设计奖及远东建筑奖。 其主要作品包括香港理工大学小区学院,香港岭南大学小区学院及教堂,杭州西溪湿地艺术村N地块,东莞台商学校游泳馆,台北白沙湾旅客服务中心,成都建川博物馆伪军馆等。其设计作品多次获邀参展,包括2008年威尼斯建筑双年展,2007香港深圳城市


“Every so often an architect comes to the fore on the world stage where the work as a whole quite unexpectedly begins to reveal, step by step, as it were,the presence of a unique architectural imagination; one of exceptional fertility and energizing range which perhaps even surprises the author himself, who, in this instance, is the Hong Kong architect Weijen Wang. Socially committed and realistically modest to a fault, this is a man of ideas or, rather, one should say this is an architect with a universal spatial concept in mind, namely, the courtyard to which he has been able to impart an appropriate regional inflection, eminently suitable to the oceanic climate of Southern China. More importantly, from a generative standpoint, he has been able to endow the patio (as a modular, permutable unit)with a new generative life through which he has succeeded in iterating different combinatorial assemblies, ingeniously inflected in terms of both site and program.”--- Kenneth Frampton

Wang Weijen Architecture’s started at San Francisco in 1992 and moved to Taipei and Hong Kong since 1994. The design focuses on humanity, ecological landscape,and on the integration with urban space and local culture. Their awards won include:HKIA Special Architectural Award, Green Building Award, AIA Merit Design Award,and Far Eastern Architectural Award. Main projects include: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Community College, Community College and Chapel for Hong Kong建筑双年展,2005年深圳建筑双年展,2004年北京建筑双年展,2002年台北市立美术馆等。



其设计获奖包括1999,2001,2002年美国建筑师学会设计奖;2001,2002,2003台湾远东建筑奖;2008年香港绿色建筑奖;2009年香港建筑师学会奖。其设计作品多次获邀参展,包括2008威尼斯建筑双年展,北京建筑双年展,深圳建筑双年展,香港建筑双年展,台北市立美术馆。其作品与文章发表于Stradt Bauwelt,TA WA,Dialogue, Domus,A+U 等国内外期刊上,包括牛津大学出版社2010的新书:思考再织城市。Linnan University, N site in Hang Zhou Xixi Wetland Art Village, Swimming Hall for Dongguan Taiwanese Business School, Baishawan Visitor Center in Taipei and War Museum for Jianchuan Museum Town in Chengdu. Their design projects were invited for Exhibition in 2008 Venice Biennale, 2007 Hong Kong-Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, 2005 Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism, 2004 Beijing Architecture Biennale and 2002 Taipei Museum of Modern Art.


Wang Weijen, associate professor at department of architecture of Hong Kong University, graduated from UC Berkeley and Taiwan University. His design projects won several AIA Design Awards and Far Eastern Architectural Award, and were exhibited including in Taipei Museum of Modern Art, Beijing Architecture Biennale,Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism and Venice Architecture Biennale of 2008.

He was also the curator of 2007/1008 Hong Kong –Shenzhen Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism. His research mainly focuses on Chinese architecture and cities. He was a visiting associate professor at department of architecture of MIT in 2008-2009.

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