项目丰富了人们对特罗斯蒂根高地地理环境和自然风光的体验。通过对各种设计元素与材料的仔细斟酌,场地的属性与特征得到凸显。同时,经过充分改造、功能完备的各类设施也改善了游客体验的品质。建筑被定位为出现在规划设计范围与自然景观之间、明晰而精确的过渡元素。设计通过以水体作为动态元素——从皑皑的积雪到奔流坠落的瀑布——和以岩石作为静态元素的概念,在场地中产生了一系列前置引导的关系,阐释和突出了其独一无二的空间特质。□(徐知兰 译)
The project enhances the experience of the Trollstigen plateau's location and nature. Thoughtfulness regarding elements and materials underscore the site's nature and character, and welladapted, functional facilities augment the visitor experience. The architecture is characterized by clear and precise transitions between planned zones and the natural landscape. rough the notion of water as a dynamic element-from snow to running and then falling water-and rock as a static element, the project creates a series of prepositional relations that describe and magnify the unique spatiality of the site.□
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 挪威公路管理局/Norwegian Public Roads Administration
主持建筑师/Principal Architects: Reiulf D Ramstad, Christian Skram Fuglset
项目团队/Project Team: Kristin Stokke Ramstad, Anja Hole Strandskogen, Ragnhild Snustad, Kanog Anong Nimakorn, Espen Surnevik, Atle Leira, Christian Dahle, Lasse A. Halvorsen结构工程师/Structural Engineer: Dr Techn. Kristofer Apeland建筑面积/Building Area: 1200m2
总规划面积/Total Planning Area: 150000m2
投资/value: 200 MNOK
委托类型/Commission Type: 邀标(2004年)一等奖,与13.3景观综合咨询公司合作/Invited competition (2004), in cooperation with Multiconsult 13.3 landscaping, 1st prize
摄影/Photos: Diephotodesigner.de
1 特罗斯蒂根国家旅游线路规划图/Situation plan, Trollstigen National Tourist Route2. 3 游客中心外景/Exterior view, visitor center
4 游客中心总平面/Site plan, vistor center
LI Xiaofeng: This project compliments the local character and the natural features of the Trollstigen Plateau. The architect gave thoughtful about how design elements and materials could strengthen the unique beauty of the site. The new architectural landscape this building creates is well adapted to its surroundings and its amenities expand the Trollstigen tourist experience. Additionally, the architecture forms a beautiful transition between the manmade and natural landscapes. A central concept was to considerwater as a dynamic element in the project. Flowing water from snow melt is captured and its movement contrasts with the rock faces that surround the site. Such attention to landscape design allows the project to embrace the unique spatial qualities of this site.
JIN Qiuye: The project's austerity impresses me. The plain concrete exterior surface of the building extends to the interior while its angular massing echoes the surrounding dark barren mountains.Its delicate zig-zagging railings, transparent glass panels and the mirror-like pools seem fragile within the mountainous tundra environment of northern Norway. The deliberately abstracted forms of the building further emphasize the feeling of the building as an intruder. Exterior concrete seating throws sharp shadows against the wall and the foor and the designer is careful to leave a precise gap between the indoor freplace and the ceiling, a nod to the tough and unforgiving nature of the place.
Trollstigen National Tourist Route, Rauma, Møre og Romsdal, Norway, 2012
Architects: Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter
5 游客中心内景/Interior view, visitor center
6 步行道/Pedestrian walkway
7 观景台/viewing platform