
2014-03-12 04:55
环球时报 2014-03-12

遇到紧急事件(emergency event),我们应该知道如何逃生自救。“火灾”译为 fire;“大火”译为 conflagration;“纵火”译为 arson。例如:1. 遇到火灾,你不可乘电梯,也不可匆忙跳楼。In case of a fire, you cannot take an elevator, nor can you jump from a building hurriedly.2. 如果你发现门被锁住,你应该立即破门而出以逃离大火。If you find the door locked, you should immediately break the door out to escape from the conflagration.3. 如果有人进行纵火袭击,你必须用湿毛巾掩住口鼻,匍匐撤离这个地方。If someone carries out an arson attack, you must cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel and leave the area by crawling. “爆炸”,英语译为explosion, blast。例如:4. 如果遇到爆炸,你必须立即趴下,以防止吸入更多有毒烟雾。If there is an explosion, you must lie down immediately to prevent inhaling more toxic smoke.5. 如果遇到炸弹爆炸,你应该找到最近的掩体,以降低进一步爆炸伤害。In case of bomb blast, you should find the nearest shelter to reduce further explosive damage. “劫持”,英语译为 to kidnap;“劫持者”,英语译为 kidnapper;“沦为人质”,英语译为 to be held hostage。例如:6. 如果你被劫持,沦为人质,你必须保持冷静。不与劫持者对视或聊天。If you are kidnapped and held hostage, you must keep calm. Do not make eye contact or chat with the kidnapper. “恐怖袭击”,英语译为terrorist attack;“化学武器袭击”,英语译为chemical weapon attack。例如:7. 如遇恐怖袭击,你应扔下财物,尽快撤离。如果不可能撤离,你应找个地方藏身。最好藏在大型物体后面。In case of a terrorist attack, you should leave your belongings behind, and evacuate as soon as possible.If an evacuation is not possible, you should find a place to hide. It is advisable to hide behind large objects.8. 如遇化学武器袭击,你必须利用随身物品遮掩口鼻,逆风走开,立刻撤离现场。In case of chemical weapon attack, you must cover your mouth and nose with your personal items, go against the wind and leave the spot at once.▲(本栏目供稿:王逢鑫教授)
