原子与分子物理学报第31卷,第1~6期目 次

2014-03-10 18:27
原子与分子物理学报 2014年6期


NeNO 分子光谱常数和非谐振力场的从头算研究 ………………………………………………………………孙月强,朱子亮,王美山1(1)

基态Bn(n=2,3)结构与完全解析势能函数 …………………………………………………………………祝恒江,路俊哲,魏 婕,等1(6)

含酯基和吡啶环苯并菲衍生物分子的电荷传输和三阶非线性光学性质 ………………………………………杨琼芬,李 权,赵可清1(15)

AlH+离子A2∏态势能函数的变分研究 …………………………………………………………………………刘国跃,廖碧涛,吴 英1(21)

Mg、Na原子的嵌入对富勒烯C50的电子传输特性与负微分电阻效应的影响 …………………………………陈 蕾,霍新霞,张秀梅1(26)

3种β-巯基乙胺类席夫碱分子荧光光谱的量子化学研究 …………………………………………………袁 帅,刘 峥,李 巍,等1(31)

类环型Hulthén势任意分波束缚态的近似解析解 ………………………………………………………………陆法林,尤 源,陈昌远1(37)

SiH 自由基分子激发态的多参考组态相互作用计算 ………………………………………………………………………张 熙,张树东1(45)

DOO-自由基光电子能谱的Franck-Condon分析 ………………………………………………………李仁忠,张缓缓,景军锋,等2(173)

NpFn分子结构与电子结构的理论研究 ……………………………………………………………………杜磊强,武芳线,董晨钟,等2(181)

外电场作用下L1OH 分子的特性研究 …………………………………………………………………………吴学科,梁冬梅,荆 涛2(187)

Mg2Ni分子的结构和势能函数 …………………………………………………………………………………洪文钦,胡爱荣,阮 文2(192)

CH 自由基在外电场中的分子结构和势能函数 ……………………………………………………………伍冬兰,涂 娟,万慧军,等2(197)

环丙酮分子及离子的解离的研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………崔金玉2(202)

噻二唑衍生物分子的电子光谱与三阶非线性光学性质 …………………………………………………徐友辉,陈自然,张宇红,等2(207)

紫衫醇C13侧链的微观结构及光谱性质 ………………………………………………………………………刘信平,聂光华,王 艳2(213)

细胞色素P450蛋白酶催化下环己胺脱氨基反应机理的理论研究 ……………………………………………张笑乾,李朝正,刘玉芳3(343)

二水合丙氨酸复合体内的质子迁移和氢键迁移 ……………………………………………………………………………………孟祥军3(350)

8-氧-2'-去氧鸟嘌呤核苷水解机理的理论研究 …………………………………………………………………郑 妍,尤 勇,梁晓琴3(355)

基态Lin(n=2,3)结构与完全解析势能函数 ……………………………………………………………………………路俊哲,祝恒江3(364)

PO2自由基的光谱常数和非谐力场的理论研究 ……………………………………………………………齐崇海,王美山,杨传路,等3(371)

分子表面随机采样分析用于苯乙基噻唑硫脲衍生物抗艾滋病药物的3D-QSAR 研究 ………………仝建波,赵 翔,钟 黎,等3(377)

XF3(X=N,P,As)分子价层电离势的三阶代数图-表构建法计算 …………………………………………………杨文艳,陈恒杰4(515)

自辐射场下UO2分子光谱研究 ………………………………………………………………………………谢安东,谢晶,周玲玲,等4(521)

L-苯丙氨酸构象和电离能的理论研究 ……………………………………………………………………王美婷,关 君,王克栋,等4(525)

氢分子离子库仑爆炸中核动力学的理论研究 …………………………………………………………………张彩萍,施昊霆,苗向阳4(532)

Cu(I)催化合成六氢氮类杂卓衍生物反应机理的研究 …………………………………………………………张 林,张 明,李来才4(536)

D-A 型二噻吩并磷杂茂衍生物分子的双光子吸收性质 …………………………………………………………………丁红娟,王传奎4(545)

铕-2-羟基喹啉-4-羧酸配合物的合成及光谱性能 …………………………………………………朱乾华,万帮江,杨 琼,等4(550)

甲烷在多孔硅表面物理吸附特征研究 ……………………………………………………………………闫东芝,炎正馨,龚 安,等4(555)

基态原子与理想金属Au表面间的范德瓦尔斯作用及超精细能级C3的估算 …………………………魏奶萍,李 莉,张相武,等4(560)

凝聚态硝基甲烷分解机理的密度泛函研究 ………………………………………………………………董光兴,程新路,葛素红,等5(687)

氢负离子剥离电子通量的数值研究 ………………………………………………………………………………………唐田田,张 敏5(695)

硅铝酸银分子筛吸附氖原子的从头算 ……………………………………………………………………闫跃阳,王 茜,黄 整,等5(701)

Debye屏蔽势下的Na原子 ………………………………………………………………………………………康 帅,许 宁,罗光毅5(706)

含苯乙烯桥侧链三枝分子的二阶非线性光学性质 ………………………………………………………………………漆星剑,陈自然5(712)

HIV-1蛋白酶与抑制剂BEG 相互作用的分子对接计算研究 ……………………………………………伊长虹,梁志强,王 伟,等5(718)

共轭高分子链中极化子间相互作用对电荷迁移率的影响 ………………………………………………………………寿渊鹏,邱 宇5(724)

钯(Ⅱ)催化苯乙烯与N-氟代双苯磺酰胺反应机理的研究 ……………………………………………郭雅琼,王晓岚,毛 双,等6(855)

气相中二氧化钒活化甲烷C-H 键的理论研究 ………………………………………………………………陈晓霞,王永成,张秀兰6(861)

含乙酰胺基链苯并菲盘状液晶分子的电荷传输性质与热力学性质 …………………………………………李雪梅,张建平,毛 焱6(868)

HOF分子非谐性力场、光谱常数和振动能级的迭代三激发耦合簇计算 ………………………………陈恒杰,方 旺,刘丰奎,等6(873)

外电场下BN 分子的结构及性质 …………………………………………………………………………………………徐红萍,尹跃洪6(880)

同位素7Li和6Li的性质殊异 ……………………………………………………………………………………朱正和,宋江锋,罗德礼6(887)

类锂离子体系高角动量态1s2ng(n=5~9)的精细结构的理论计算 ……………………………………韩雪飞,王 硕,邵 琳,等6(893)


氢分子团簇的研究进展及其应用 ……………………………………………………………………………张 强,曹茂启,谢 阳,等1(50)

Pdn(n=1~9)团簇的结构及磁性的第一性原理计算 ………………………………………………………温俊青,姚 攀,李东明,等1(57)

对全金属La24-团簇芳香性的从头算理论研究 ……………………………………………………………刘 勇,祁红艳,罗亚文,等1(66)

AunLa(n=1~8)团簇的密度泛函研究 …………………………………………………………………………张建婷,李 晶,盛 勇1(71)

密度泛函理论研究Nin,Nin±(n=1~5)团簇的结构和电子性质 …………………………………………张 蓓,刘东东,陈 楚,等1(79)

氘氢混合气体的高频离子源中H2D+与D2+的比例实测研究 …………………………………………袁学东,朱洲森,缪竟威,等2(218)

富镓GanAs团簇稳定性及缺陷特性的密度泛函理论研究 ………………………………………………马德明,乔红波,李恩玲,等2(223)

B原子的掺杂对富勒烯C32的电子传输特性与负微分电阻效应的影响 ………………………………………………霍新霞,张秀梅2(229)

中性及带电混合团簇Al12X(X=Li、Na、K、Rb、Cs)结构和磁性的密度泛函研究 …………………………………………………………姜园园,热比古丽·图尔荪,阿布来提·阿布力孜,等2(234)

锌、镉和汞二价负离子团簇的结构和芳香性研究 ………………………………………………………郭雅晶,李秀燕,杨 致,等2(241)

WmCn(m+n≤7)团簇电子结构与光谱性质 ………………………………………………………………张秀荣,李维军,王杨杨,等2(249)

Nb2Sin-(n=1~6)团簇的几何构型、电子性质和磁性的理论研究 ……………………………………侯 茹,郭 平,陈永庄,等3(385)

Cu87团簇在升温与急冷过程中结构变化的原子尺度模拟 ………………………………………………………………邹壮辉,张 林3(393)

不同冷速对金属铜Cu凝固过程中微观团簇结构演变影响的模拟研究 …………………………………易学华,卜寿亮,钟庆湖,等3(398)

密度泛函 理论计算GanZn(n=1~7)团簇的几何结构和稳定性 …………………………………………………………………贺德春3(407)

H2在Li掺杂Al7C+上吸附的理论研究 …………………………………………………………………秦彦军,陈宏善,马占林,等3(414)

吡咯烷酮对Aun(n=2~10)团簇保护机制的第一性原理研究 …………………………………………高艳蓉,余盛萍,赵志刚,等3(419)

乙烯基自由基与IB金属小团簇的相互作用研究 …………………………………………………………徐秋红,李大枝,宋明芝,等4(568)

Cun(n=2~20)团簇的稳定性和电子性质的密度泛函研究 ……………………………………………………………李向富,李高清4(575)

高频离子源形成的HD+离子束中H3+比例实测研究 …………………………………………………朱洲森,缪竟威,袁学东,等4(581)

MgnLa(n=2-6)掺杂团簇的密度泛函研究 ………………………………………………………………………………附青山,余祖孝5(729)

过渡金属掺杂氧化锌团簇的物性研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………谢建明,陈红霞5(734)

金属Cr9团簇与DNA/RNA 碱基相互作用的密度泛函理论研究 ………………………………………李振彰,王先菊,孙光东,等5(740)

钇团簇吸附氢分子的理论研究 …………………………………………………………………………………姚建刚,田兆芸,张朝民5(746)

H20@C80F60结构稳定性和电子性质的密度泛函研究 ……………………………………………………曹青松,刘玉真,袁勇波,等6(897)

Bn(n=2-8)团簇结构和稳定性的密度泛函理论研究 …………………………………………………………曹欣伟,姜振益,薛瑞波6(902)

Fe掺杂ZnTe团簇结构和磁性质 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………陈红霞6(909)

Ih和D5h对称的三金属氮化物富勒烯Sc3N@C80的几何结构、电子结构和磁学特性 …………………郭小建,邓开明,刘玉真,等6(916)


7.0 MeV 的Xe30+入射Au靶引起Xe L、M 壳层电子的多重激发 ………………………………………李耀宗,张小安,梁昌慧,等1(85)

球形微腔共振模式下的内场分布 ……………………………………………………………………………刘万强,孙贤明,高珊珊,等1(90)

金等离子体M 带谱3d→4f 和3d→5f 电子离子碰撞激发强度 ……………………………………………杨宁选,张建军,董晨钟2(260)

共轭高分子链中大极化子与小极化子的弹性碰撞 ………………………………………………………………………寿渊鹏,邱 宇2(269)

CN(XΠ)分子系统碰撞诱导转动传能实验的理论解释 …………………………………………………李 健,鞠丽苹,王伟丽,等3(424)

CO-He碰撞系统态-态传能截面的研究 …………………………………………………………………………………王伟丽,付 华4(585)

K(5P)与H2的反应碰撞和电子-振动能量转移 ……………………………………………………………李佳灵,张文军,封 丽,等4(589)

超精细能级中85Rb激发态(|52P1/2F>、|52P3/2F>)原子与理想金属表面间范德瓦尔斯作用系数C3的估算 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………魏奶萍,李 莉,张相武,等5(752)

氢分子振动态与铯分子基态碰撞中转动-振动能量转移 ………………………………………………仲崇玉,王淑英,刘 静,等6(923)

H 原子(e,2e)反应中的初态扭曲效应与末态电子关联效应 ……………………………………………徐永亮,蒋晓涵,潘霖庆,等6(928)


单镜面附近激发态极化原子的自发辐射 ……………………………………………………………………………………………唐文涛1(94)

啁啾激光场中氢分子离子电离过程的理论研究 …………………………………………………………………………张彩萍,苗向阳2(274)

利用两色红外组合场驱动氦原子产生单个阿秒脉冲 ……………………………………………………张 宗,王国利,赵松峰,等2(279)

H2+和HD+分子离子体系高次谐波发射效率的理论研究 ………………………………………………………………裴亚楠,苗向阳3(431)

蓝宝石动态损伤的时间演化特性 …………………………………………………………………………操秀霞,李加波,李绪海,等3(436)

理论研究强激光场中2pz态氢原子的电离 …………………………………………………………………初玉玲,唐增华,马凤才,等4(595)

Ag掺杂对高重复频率飞秒激光诱导Gd2O3-MoO3-B2O3玻璃析晶的影响 ……………………………韩咏梅,易传祥,刘丽萍,等4(600)

超强激光照射三维时变等离子体散射新机制 ……………………………………………………………………………高海林,郝东山5(759)

飞秒激光中高能质子的产生与加速的研究 ………………………………………………………………王昌军,王光昶,王亚平,等5(764)

甲苯的激光拉曼光谱研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………马 靖6(935)

提高等离子体密度抑制逃逸电子束不稳定性的实验研究 …………………………………………………………………………竹锦霞6(941)


弱相互作用玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中涡旋动力学与量子混沌轨道 …………………………………………………崇桂书,Borondo F 1(100)

分子高次谐波产生过程中同位素效应的理论研究 ………………………………………………………………………韩 静,苗向阳1(112)

Compton散射下离子初始速度对等离子体鞘层厚度的影响 ……………………………………………………………刘经天,郝东山3(443)

激光诱导空气等离子体光谱时间演化特性的研究 ………………………………………………………………………许 鹤,袁 萍3(447)

多光子Jaynes-Cummings模型中与Glauber-Lachs态相互作用原子的熵压缩 ……………………………冯 川,萨楚尔夫,李红星4(604)

带有三体相互作用的XXX 自旋链模型的隐形传态 ……………………………………………………………郗玉兴,单传家,黄燕霞5(769)

单模辐射场作用下两二能级原子的Wigner-Yanase偏态信息 ………………………………………………………李 敏,刘万芳6(945)

声子色散对量子点中弱耦合磁极化子声子平均数的影响 ………………………………………………冀文慧,杨洪涛,胡文弢,等6(951)

无限深量子阱量子比特及其声子效应 ……………………………………………………………………………………王秀清,闫 伟6(955)

耦合系数的线性变化对量子纠缠的调控 ……………………………………………………………………………………………胡要花6(959)

耗散系统中原子和场的熵交换与纠缠 ……………………………………………………………………………………岳转林,闫学群6(964)


硼磷掺杂小直径单壁碳纳米管的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………………………罗福生,邵庆益,周宝艳,等1(117)

双外场对费米气体Joule-Thomson效应的调控 …………………………………………………………孙彦清,龙姝明,黄朝军,等1(122)

电子通过量子点输运的微分电导 …………………………………………………………………………陈明伦,梁 敢,曹艳华,等1(128)

Ga掺杂ZnS的电子结构和光学性质 ……………………………………………………………………………李建华,崔元顺,陈贵宾1(133)

利用液体夹心法测量LiF单晶高压热导率 ………………………………………………………………赵万广,周显明,李加波,等1(140)

TaC和Ta2C结构稳定性、电子结构及力学性能的研究 …………………………………………………马淑红,焦照勇,黄肖芬,等1(149)

Half-Heusler合金Cu1-xFexMnSb的电子结构和反铁磁-铁磁相变 …………………………………………高钦翔,杨秀德,付 云1(155)

HCOOH 在Pd-Fe(111)(nPd∶nFe=1∶1)表面吸附的密度泛函理论研究 ……………………………张福兰,徐伯华,徐建华,等1(161)

第一性原理计算Ti掺杂CrSi2的光电特性 ………………………………………………………………闫万珺,张春红,周士芸,等1(167)

原子力显微镜研究DPPC磷脂多层膜结构与力学性能 …………………………………………………………………赵新军,张国梁2(285)

染料分子固定基团-CN,-NH2,-OH,-COOH,-SH 在ZnO(101-0)表面吸附 ………………李汝虎,王红艳,刘其军,等2(292)

共轭高聚物中的杂质分布:晶格形态及高浓度掺杂效应 ………………………………………………………………王 羽,邱 宇2(299)

第一性原理计算Al元素含量对高熵合金AlxCoCrCuFeNi的影响 …………………………………………王兰馨,姚 山,温 斌2(305)

分子动力学和丙氨酸变异研究MDM2与抑制剂P4的结合模式 ………………………………………陈建中,梁志强,王 伟,等2(311)

模拟盒参数对汽液体系模拟过程的影响 ………………………………………………………………………何 川,李少华,时 雯2(317)

第一性原理计算Fe从bcc到hcp结构的相变路径及其磁性边界 ……………………………………………卢志鹏,祝文军,卢铁城2(323)

长程电子关联对聚噻吩中极化子的影响 ………………………………………………………………………李彦宇,赵 铧,陈少波2(333)

稀土元素La掺杂β-FeSi2的几何结构和电子结构的第一性原理研究 …………………………………张忠政,张春红,闫万珺,等2(338)

1,1-二氨基-2,2-二硝基乙烯晶体热膨胀各向异性的模拟研究 …………………………………………钱 文,张朝阳,宗和厚,等3(454)

第一性原理计算Ni原子吸附在Al(111)表面原子结构和电子态 ………………………………………张金平,朱晓玲,张洋洋,等3(463)

Al,Cr共偏析α-Fe晶界对其结合强度影响的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………………李春霞,党随虎,韩培德3(470)

2H-PbI2晶体的电子结构和力学性质 ………………………………………………………………………涂小强,朱簪巨,丁迎春,等3(475)

太阳能材料CuInS2的晶体结构、电子和光学特性 …………………………………………………………张向丹,乔庆鹏,余功奇,等3(482)

模拟分析少子复合速率及吸收层对HIT 太阳电池性能的影响 …………………………………………任瑞晨,张研研,李彩霞,等3(488)

相结构形成因子统计值对钢中化合物形成的影响 ………………………………………………………王晓亮,张 琴,李 伟,等3(495)

液态铝基合金微观结构及其性质的分子动力学模拟研究 ………………………………………………吴言宁,黄银生,张开银,等3(500)

中高能入射条件下裸碳离子碰撞氦原子单电离的全微分截面 …………………………………………张瑞芳,方小英,段慧晓,等3(508)

纳米铝杆拉伸过程的分子动力学模拟 ……………………………………………………………………………………蒋庆刚,曾灏宪4(613)

MDM2与抑制剂PDIQ 作用机制的结合自由能计算研究 ……………………………………………………时术华,张少龙,张庆刚4(618)

高压下超导体YBa2Cu3O7弹性性质的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………………王和雪松,周晓林,逯来玉,等4(624)

新型半金属材料-Cr掺杂纳孔结构AlN 的第一性原理研究 ……………………………………………李淑慧,王新强,刘志锋,等4(630)

S在Pt皮肤Pt3Ni(111)面吸附的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………………………张喜林,殷 岩,李沙沙,等4(635)

硅纳米晶体薄膜热膨胀性质的分子动力学研究 …………………………………………………………黄建平,杨 程,胡诗一,等4(639)

甲氧基在Ir(111)表面吸附的密度泛函理论研究 …………………………………………………………黄武英,程 春,陶 涛,等4(643)

第一性原理计算A、B位掺杂对NaNbO3电子结构的影响 ………………………………………………………………蓝奔月,史海峰4(648)

稀土La掺杂CrSi2电子结构与光学性质的第一性原理研究 ……………………………………………张忠政,张春红,闫万珺,等4(652)

电制备巨囊泡的方法和机理探索 …………………………………………………………………………盛 洁,哈丽旦,王 平,等4(657)

粒子在二维开放型四分之一圆形微腔中的逃逸研究 ……………………………………………………………………刘 声,王德华4(664)

利用第一性原理方法研究CuXSe2(X=B,Al,Ga,In,Tl)力学性质 ……………………………………………………刘晶晶,史力斌4(672)

多组分磷脂巨囊泡的相结构和胆固醇对微畴成长的影响 …………………………………………杨方源,哈丽旦·居马 汗,蒋中英4(677)

谐振子势阱囚禁玻色气体的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚 …………………………………………………………………………………李玉山4(683)

过渡金属铝化物FeAl和CoAl弹性性质的第一性原理研究 ……………………………………………耿晓菊,武少华,冯明海,等5(774)

异质薄膜外延生长中温度对失配位错出现厚度的影响 …………………………………………………张凤林,肖 亮,许卫兵,等5(781)

色散缓变掺铒光纤放大器的调制不稳定性 ………………………………………………………………王旭东,贾维国,乔海龙,等5(789)

LiH 的热力学性质及分子内部运动对体系热力学性质的影响 …………………………………………………………黎 波,任维义5(795)

磁场作用下PMN-PT/CFO 的磁电效应研究 …………………………………………………………………郭红力,杨焕银,陶 冶5(802)

Ti3Al合金短程序和中程序的分子动力学模拟 ……………………………………………………………夏继宏,伏春平,程正富,等5(807)

X 射线在金-硅界面剂量增强系数与金和硅厚度关系的模拟研究 …………………………………………张建芳,李春芝,黄志军5(812)

两体和三体相互作用下的非线性Landau-Zener隧穿的圈结构研究 ……………………………………………………魏秀芳,刘子江5(816)

数值方法研究谐振子势阱和磁场中的带电荷玻色气体 ……………………………………………………………………………李玉山5(821)

BaHfO3纳米薄膜电子结构、光学和弹性性质的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………顾 芳,陈云云,李 敏,等5(826)

基底对离子束与层状二维电子气作用的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………菅阳阳,李春芝5(833)

两种势下硅锗合金熔体快速凝固过程的分子动力学模拟 ………………………………………………郭笑天,闫万珺,高廷红,等5(838)

N、C共掺杂锐钛矿相TiO2电子结构和光学性质的第一性原理研究 ………………………………………李宗宝,贾礼超,王 霞5(844)

基于原子间相互作用的低温硅单晶负热膨胀机制的研究 ………………………………………………………………黄建平,胡诗一5(851)

Hg2CuTi型Heusler合金Mn2NiB马氏体相变微观机理的研究 ………………………………………罗礼进,仲崇贵,杨建华,等6(971)

新型Heusler合金RuMn2Sn的态密度、磁性对压力、四方变形的响应 …………………………………杨丽娟,崔 磊,张兆慧,等6(977)

采用Rietveld精修方法解析粉末晶体MgF2、SrF2的原子热振动 ………………………………………………………赵敏兰,香 莲6(982)

Al89La6Ni5非晶合金的第一性原理分子动力学模拟 ………………………………………………………………………………田 华6(987)

第一性原理研究厚度和空位缺陷对Si/SiO2界面电子结构与光学性质的影响 …………………………顾 芳,陈云云,张仙岭,等6(993)

聚吡咯/碳纳米管复合物的制备及电性能研究 …………………………………………………………吴 雪,沈俊海,陈海峰,等6(1000)

不同硼掺杂几何形态下石墨烯纳米带热导率与热整流的分子动力学研究 …………………………………黄 希,袁 莉,史经辉6(1009)

由热学性质获取氩晶体原子间各阶力常数 ……………………………………………………………………………黄建平,胡诗一6(1015)

生物磁铁矿的磁各向异性与磁接收器 ……………………………………………………………………钱 霞,阮树仁,盛淑芳,等6(1019)

高压下锐钛矿TiO2的电阻率及能带结构的研究 ………………………………………………………王 月,张凤霞,王春杰,等6(1027)



·Atomic and Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy·

Ab initio study ofspectroscopic constants and the anharmonic forcefiled of NeNO ………………………………………………………SUN Yue-Qiang,ZHU Zi-Liang,WANG Mei-Shan 1(1)

Structure and analytic potential energy functions for ground state of Bn(n=2,3)molecular……………………………………………ZHU Heng-Jiang,LU Jun-Zhe,WEI Jie,et al 1(6)

Charge transport and third-order nonlinear optical properties of triphenylene derivative molecules substituted with ester and pridine functional groups ………………………………………………………………………………YANG Qiong-Fen,LI Quan,ZHAO Ke-Qing 1(15)

Variational studies of potential energy function for the electronic state A2∏of AlH+…………………………………………………LIU Guo-Yue,LIAO Bi-Tao,WU Ying 1(21)

Impact on the electronic transmission characteristic and negative differential resistance effects of fullerene C50by Mg and Na atom inserted………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Lei,HUO Xin-Xia,ZHANG Xiu-Mei 1(26)

Quantum chemical study on the fluorescence spectra of three kinds ofβ-mercaptoethylamine Schiff base molecules …………………YUAN Shuai,LIU Zhen,LI Wei,et al 1(31)

Approximate analytical solutions of arbitrary l-wave bound states for the ring-shaped-like Hulthén potential…………………………LU Fa-Lin,YOU Yuan,CHEN Chang-Yuan 1(37)

MRCI calculations for the excited states of SiH molecule … …………………………………………ZHANG Xi,ZHANG Shu-Dong 1(45)

Franck-condon simulation of photoelectron spectroscopy of DOO-:Including duschinsky effects………………………………………LI Ren-Zhong,ZHANG Huan-Huan,JING Jun-Feng,et al 2(173)

A theoretical study onmolecular structure and electronic properties of NpFn………………………………………………………………DU Lei-Qiang,WU Fang-Xian,DONG Chen-Zhong,et al 2(181)

Study on the properties of L1OH molecule under the external electric field …………WU Xue-Ke,LIANG Dong-Mei,JIN Tao 2(187)

Structures and potential energy functions of Mg2Ni molecule ………………………HONG Wen Qin,HU Ai Rong,RUAN Wen 2(192)

Molecular structure and potential energy function of CH molecule under external electric field …………………………………………WU Dong-Lan,TU Juan,WAN Hui-Jun,et al 2(197)

Dissociation of cyclopropanone molecule and Ion ……………………………………………………………………………CUI Jin-Yu 2(202)

Thethird-order nonlinear optical properties of thiadiazole derivatives………………………………………………………………………XU You-Hui,CHEN Zi-Ran,ZHANG Yu-Hong,et al 2(207)

Micro-structure and the spectral properties of taxol C13side chain ………………LIU Xin-Ping,NIE Guan-Hua,WANG Yang 2(213)

Theoreticalinvestigation on the mechanism of the deamination of cyclohexylamine catalyzed by cytochrome P450

…………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiao-Qian,LI Chao-Zheng,LIU Yu-Fang 3(343)

Hydrogen bond transfer and proton transfer of dihyrated alanine complexes … ……………………………………MENG Xiang-Jun 3(350)

Theoretic study on hydrolysis mechanism of 8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine ……………ZHENG Yan,YOU Yong,LIANG Xiao-Qin 3(355)

Structures and analytic potential energy functions for ground state of Lin(n=2,3)molecules ………………………………………… LU Jun-Zhe,ZHU Heng-Jiang 3(364)

Theoretical study of spectroscopic constants and anharmonic force field of PO2free radical ……………………………………………QI Chong-Hai,WANG Mei-Shan,YANG Chuan-Lu,et al 3(371)

3D-QSAR studies of the quantitative structure activity relationship for phenylethylthiazolylthiourea of anti-HIV drug using random sampling analysis on molecular surface … ……………………………………………TONG Jian-Bo,ZHONG Li,ZHAO Xiang,et al 3(377)

Calculations of valence shells ionization potentials of XF3(X=N,P,As)using the third-order algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme……………………………………………………………………………………………………YANG Wen-Yan,CHEN Heng-Jie 4(515)

Spectrum of UO2under inner radiation fields …………………………………XIE An-Dong,XIE Jing,ZHOU Ling-Ling,et al 4(521)

Theoretical study of phenylalanine:conformers and ionization energies……………………………………………………………………WANG Mei-Ting,GUAN Jun,WANG Ke-dong,et al 4(525)

Theoretical investigation of nuclear dynamics forin Coulomb explosion………………………………………………………………ZHANG Cai-Ping,SHI Hao-Ting,MIAO Xiang-Yang 4(532)

Theoreticalstudy on the reaction mechanism for the synthesis of 2-perhydroazepinone catalyzed by Cu(I)……………………………ZHANG Lin,ZHANG Ming,LI Lai-Cai 4(536)

Two-photon absorption properties of D-A dithienophospholes derivatives … ………………DING Hong-Juan,WANG Chuan-Kui 4(545)

Synthesis and spectra properties of europium complexes with 2-hydroxyquinoline-4-carboxylic acid ……………………………………ZHU Qian-Hua,WAN Bang-Jiang,YANG Qiong,et al 4(550)

Study on physical adsorption mechanism of methane on the porous Si surface ……………………………………………………………YAN Dong-Zhi,YAN Zheng-Xin,GONG An,et al 4(555)

Van der Waals interaction between ground state atoms and perfect surface of a metal and calculation of C3in hyperfine atomic levels…………………………………………………………………………………WEI Nai-Ping,LI Li,ZHANG Xiang-Wu,et al 4(560)

Density functional theory study on the mechanism of decomposition of condensed nitromethane ………………………………………DONG Guang-Xing,CHENG Xin-Lu,GE Su-Hong,et al 5(687)

Numerical study on detached electron flux of hydrogen anion ……………………………………TANG Tian-Tian,ZHANG-Min 5(695)

Ab initio calculation for the absorption of neon in molecular sieve of silver silicon-aluminate……………………………………………YAN Yue-Yang,WANG Qian,HUANG Zheng,et al 5(701)

Na atom under Debye screened potential …………………………………………………KANG Shuai,XU Ning,LUO Guang-Yi 5(706)

The second-order nonlinear optical properties of Styrene bridge side chain Triazine-based derivatives………………………………QI Xing-Jian,CHEN Zi-Ran 5(712)

Insight into interaction mode of HIV-1protease with inhibitor BEG based molecular docking method …………………………………YI Chang-Hong,LIANG Zhi-Qiang,WANG Wei,et al 5(718)

Effects of interaction between bipolaron and polaron upon charge mobility in a conjugated polymer chain ……………………………SHOU Yuan-Peng,QIU Yu 5(724)

Theoretical investigation on the reaction mechanism of styrenes with N-fluorobenzenesulfonimide catalyzed by Pd(Ⅱ)………………GUO Ya-Qiong,WANG Xiao-Lan,MAO Shuang,et al 6(855)

Theoretical study of the C-H bond of methane activation by VO2+in the gas phase ……………………………………………………CHEN Xiao-Xia,WANG Yong-Cheng,ZHANG Xiu-Lan 6(861)

Charge transport and thermodynamic properties of triphenylene discotic liquid crystals with acetylamino chain ………………………LI Xue-Mei,ZHANG Jian-Ping,MAO Yan 6(868)

The study of anharmonic force fields,spectroscopic constants and vibrational levels of HOF using iterative triplet couple cluster approach……………………………………………………………………………CHEN Heng-Jie,FANG Wang,LIU Feng-Kui,et al 6(873)

The molecular structure and properties of BN under external electric field ………………………XU Hong-Ping,YIN Yue-Hong 6(880)

The diverse of isotopes7Li and6Li……………………………………………………………………………………………………………ZHU Zheng-He,SONG Jiang-Feng,LUO De-Li 6(887)

Theoretical calculation on the fine structure splittings for the high angular momentum states 1s2ng(n=5~9)of the lithium-like systems……………………………………………………………………………………HAN Xue-Fei,WANG Shuo,SHAO Lin,et al 6(893)

·Atomic Molecular and Cluster Physics·

Research progress of hydrogen clusters and their applications … ……………………ZANG Qiang,CAO Mao-Qi,XIE Yang,et al 1(50)

Structures and magnetic properties of Pdn(n=1~9)clusters:first-principles calculation ………………………………………………WEN Jun-Qing,YANO Pai,LI Dong-Ming,et al 1(57)

Ab initio study on the aromaticity of all-metallic anion………………………LIU Yong,QI Hong-Yan,LUO Ya-Wen,et al 1(66)

Density functional theory study of AunLa(n=1~8)clusters ………………………ZHANG Jian-Ting,LI Jing,SHENG Yong 1(71)

Density functional theory study of the structures and electronic properties of Nin,(n=1~5)clusters……………………………ZHANG Bei,LIU Dong Dong,CHEN Chu,et al 1(79)

Measurement on the ratio of H2D+andin hydrogen mixed gas ion source……………………………………………………………YUAN Xue-Dong,ZHU Zhou-Sen,MIAO Jing-Wei,et al 2(218)

Density functional theory study on stability and defect feature of Ga-rich GanAs(n=1~9)clusters……………………………………MA De-Ming,QIAO Hong-Bo,LI En-Ling,et al 2(223)

Impact on the electronic transmission characteristic and negative differential resistance effects of fullerene C32by B atom doping …HUO Xin-Xia,ZHANG Xiu-Mei 2(229)

Density functional study of the structural and magnetic properties of neutral and charged Al12X(X=Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs)clusters …JIANG Yuan-Yuan,TUERSUN Rebiguli,ABULIZI Abulaiti,et al 2(234)

The structures andaromaticity of Zn,Cd,Hg dianion clusters ……………………GUO Ya-Jing,LI Xiu-Yan,YANG Zhi,et al 2(241)

Electronic structures and spectrum properties of WmCn(m+n≤7)clusters ………………………………………………………………ZHANG Xiu-Rong,LI Wei-Jun,WANG Yang-Yang,et al 2(249)

A density functional investigation of(n=1~6)clusters … ……………HOU Ru,GUO Ping,CHEN Yong-Zhuang,et al 3(385)

Modelling structural changes of a Cu87cluster on heating and quenching at atomic scale ………ZOU Zhuang-Hui,ZHANG Lin 3(393)

Simulation study of the effets of various cooling rates on evolution properties of micro-cluster structure during solidification processes of liquid metal Cu …………………………………………………………YI Xue-Hua,BU Shou-Liang,ZHONG Qing-Hu,et al 3(398)

Density functional theory study of geometries and stabilities of GanZn(n=1~7)clusters ……………………………HE De-Chun 3(407)

Theoretical study of adsorption of H2on Li-doped Al7C+cluster …………………………………………………………………………QIN Yan-Jun,CHEN Hong-Shan,MA Zhan-Lin,et al 3(414)

First-principles study of the protection of pyrrolidone towards Aun(n=2-10)clusters …………………………………………………GAO Yan-Rong,YU Sheng-Ping,ZHAO Zhi-Gang,et al 3(419)

Theoretical study on the interactions of C2H3radical with IB metal small clusters ………………………………………………………XU Qiu-Hong,LI Da-Zhi,SONG Ming-Zhi,et al 4(568)

Density functional theory study on the stability and electronic properties of Cun(n=2~20)clusters …………………………………LI Xiang-Fu,LI Gao-Qing 4(575)

Measurement on the ratio of HD+and H3+in hydrogen mixed gas ion source …………………………………………………………ZHU Zhou-Sen,MIAO Jing-Wei,YUAN Xue-Dong,et al 4(581)

DFT study on the La-doped MgnLa(n=2-6)clusters …………………………………………………FU Qing-Shan,YU Zu-Xiao 5(729)

Research on physical properties of transition metal doped ZnO cluster … ………………………XIE Jian-Ming,CHEN Hong-Xia 5(734)

Density Functional Theory study on interaction between Cr9clusters and nucleobases …………………………………………………LI Zhen-Zhang,WANG Xian-Ju,SUN Guang-Dong,et al 5(740)

Theoretical study of H2adsorbed on Yn(n=1-12)clusters … ……………YAO Jian-Gang,TIAN Zhao-Yun,ZHANG Chao-Min 5(746)

Density functional study on the structure stability and electronic properties of H20@C80F60……………………………………………CAO Qing-Song,LIU Yu-Zhen,YUAN Yong-Bo,et al 6(897)

Density functional theory study on structure and stability of Bn(n=2-8)clusters………………………………………………………CAO Xin-Wei,JINAG Zhen-Yi,XUE Rui-Bo 6(902)

Structure and magnetic properties of Fe-doped ZnTe cluster ………………………………………………………CHEN Hong-Xia 6(909)

Structural,electronic and magnetic properties of the trimetallic nitride fullerenes Sc3N@C80with Ihand D5hsymmetry ……………GUO Xiao-Jian,DENG Kai-Ming,LIU Yu-Zhen,et al 6(916)

·Atomic and Molecular Collisions·

The multiple excitation of Xe L,M shell electrons by the impact of 7.0 MeV Xe30+ions on Au target ………………………………LI Yao-Zong,ZHANG Xiao-An,LIANG Chang-Hui,et al 1(85)

Internalfield of a spherical particle at resonant conditions ……………LIU Wan-Qiang,SUN Xian-Ming,GAO Shan-Shan,et al 1(90)

Theoretical study on electron impact excitation of Au51+、Au50+and Au49+ions…………………………………………………………YANG Ning-Xuan,ZHANG Jian-Jun,DONG Chen-Zhong 2(260)

Elastic collision between a bipolaron and a polaron in a conjugated polymer chain ……………………SHOU Yuan-Peng,QIU Yu 2(269)

Theoretical interpretation of the experiment on collision-induced rotational energy transfer in CN(XΠ)system………………………LI Jian,JU Li-Ping,WANG Wei-Li,et al 3(424)

State-to-state rotation cross-sections of collision system …………………………………………………WANG Wei-Li,FU Hua 4(585)

Reaction andelectronic-vibrational energy transfer between K(5P)and H2………………………………………………………………LI Jia-Ling,ZHANG Wen-Jun,FENG Li,et al 4(589)

Calculation of the van der waals interaction coefficients C3between excited state(|52P1/2F>、|52P3/2F>)of85Rb atoms and perfect surface of a metal in hyperfine atomic levels ………………………………………WEI Nai-Ping,LI Li,ZHANG Xiang-Wu,et al 5(752)

Rotation-vibration energy transfer between rovibrationally excited H2(v=1,J=3)and Cs2(X1) ………………………………ZHONG Chong-Yu,WANG Shu-Ying,LIU Jing,et al 6(923)

Initial state distortion and final state correlation effects in(e,2e)processes on hydrogen ………………………………………………XU Yong-Liang,JIANG Xiao-Han,PAN Lin-Qing,et al 6(928)

·Atomic and Molecular Physics under Extreme Condition·

The spontaneous emission rate of polarized atom near a mirror ………………………………………………………TANG Wen-Tao 1(94)

Theoretical investigation of ionization process forin chirped laser field … ……………ZHANG Cai-Ping,MIAO Xiang-Yang 2(274)

The single attosecond pulse generated by helium atom exposed to two-color combined laser field ………………………………………ZHANG Zong,ZHOU Xiao-Xin,WANG Guo-Li,et al 2(279)

Theoretical exploration of the molecular high-order harmonic yields of/HD+ions … ………PEI Ya-Nan,MIAO Xiang-Yang 3(431)

Time-dependent dynamic deformation of sapphire single crystal ……………………CAO Xiu-Xia,LI Jia-Bo,LI Xu-Hai,et al 3(436)

Theoreticalstudies on the ionization rate of 2pzhydrogen atomin an intense laser field …………………………………………………CHU Yu-Ling,TANG Zeng-Hua,MA Feng-Cai,et al 4(595)

The influence on the crystallization of Ag doped Gd2O3-MoO3-B2O3glass induced by 250kHz,800nm femtosecond laser irradiation……………………………………………………………………………HAN Yong-Mei,YI Chuan-Xiang,LIU Li-Ping,et al 4(600)

A new mechanism on scattering of 3Dtime-varying plasma … ……………………………………GAO Hai-Lin,HAO Dong-Shan 5(759)

Study of high energy protons generate and accelerate in femtosecond laser interaction …………………………………………………WANG Chang-Jun,WANG Guang-Chang,WANG Ya-Ping,et al 5(764)

The study of toluene by using laser Raman spectroscopy … ……………………………………………………………………MA Jing 6(935)

Experimental investigation of the suppression of runaway electron beam instability by increasing plasma density ……………………ZHU Jin-Xia 6(941)

·Quantum Optics and Laser Physics·

Vortex dynamics and quantum chaotic trajectories inweakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensation ……………………………………CHONG Gui-Shu,Borondo F 1(100)

Theoretical exploration of the isotopic effect on the generations of the molecular high-order harmonics ………………………………HAN Jing,MIAO Xiang-Yang 1(112)

Influence of initial velocity of ion on plasma sheath thickness under Compton scattering ………………………………………………HUENG Guang-Hui,HAO Dong-Shan 3(443)

The temporal evolution study of laser induced air plasma spectra … ……………………………………………XU He,YUAN Ping 3(447)

Entropy squeezing of a multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings atom with the Glauber-Lachs state………………………………………………FENG Chuan,Sa chuerfu,LI Hong-Xing 4(604)

Quantum teleportation in XXX spin chain system with three-site interaction……………………………………………………………XIYu-Xing,SHAN Chuan-Jia,HUANG Yan-Xia 5(769)

Wigner-Yanase skew information in two two-level atoms interacting with single mode field … …………LI Min,LIU Wan-Fang 6(945)

The influence of phonon dispersion on the average phonon number of weak-coupling magnetopolaron in a parabolic quantum dot………………………………………………………………………………JI Wen-Hui,YANG Hong-Tao,HU Wen-Tao,et al 6(951)

Infinite quantum well qubit and its optical phonon effect ………………………………………………WANG Xiu-Qing,YAN Wei 6(955)

Controlling quantum entanglement by linear change of the atom-field couplings ………………………………………HU Yao-Hua 6(959)

Entropy exchange and entanglement between atom and field in a dissipation field ………………YUE Zhuan-Lin,YAN Xue-Qun 6(964)

·Interdisciplinary Subject with Atomic and Molecular Physics·

First-principles study on the boron-phosphorus doping small diameter carbon nanotubes ………………………………………………LUO Fu-Sheng,SHAO Qing-Yi,ZHOU Bao-Yan,et al 1(117)

The regulation of the dual external field on the Joule-Thomson effect of Fermi gas………………………………………………………SUN Yan-Qing,LONG Shu-Ming,HUANG Chao-Jun,et al 1(122)

Differential conductance of electrons passing through a quantum dot ……CHEN Ming-Lun,LIANG Gan,CAO Yan-Hua,et al 1(128)

Electronic structures and optical properties of Ga-doped in ZnS …………………LI Jian-Hua,CUI Yuan-Shun,CHEN Gui-Bin 1(133)

Thermal conductivity of shocked LiF single crystal measurement by liquid sandwich method……………………………………………ZHAO Wan-Guang,ZHOU Xuan-Ming,LI Jia-Bo,et al 1(140)

A theoretical study of structure stability,electronic and mechanical properties of TaC and Ta2C ………………………………………MA Shu-Hong,JIAO Zhao-Yong,HUANG Xiao-Fen,et al 1(149)

Electronic structural,magnetic properties and antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition of Heusler alloy Cu1-xFexMnSb …GAO Qin-Xiang,YANG Xiu-De,FU Yun 1(155)

Densityfunctional theory study of HCOOH adsorption on Pd-Fe(111)(nPd∶nFe=1∶1)surfaces ……………………………………ZHANG Fu-Lan,XU Bo-Hua,XU Jian-Hua,et al 1(161)

First principle calculation ofoptical-electrical characteristics of Ti-doped CrSi2……………………………………………………………YAN Wan-Jun,ZHANG Chun-Hong,ZHOU Shi-Yun,et al 1(167)

Atomic force microscopy study of structure and mechanical characteristics of DPPC multilayer…………………………………………ZHAO Xin-Jun,ZHANG Guo-Liang 2(285)

Adsorption of fixed groups-CN,-NH2,-OH,-COOH and-SH of dye molecules on the ZnO(101-0)Surface ………………LI Ru-Hu,WANG Hong-Yan,LIU Qi-Jun,et al 2(292)

Impuritydistribution in conjugated polymers:lattice configuration and heavy doping effect … …………………WANG Yu,QIU Yu 2(299)

First-principle studies of AlxCoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloys with the different mole fractions of Al …………………………………WANG Lan-Xin,YAO Shan,WEN Bin 2(305)

Insight into binding mode of inhibitor P4to MDM2based on molecular dynamics and alanine mutation calculations …………………CHEN Jian-Zhong,LIANG Zhi-Qiang,WANG Wei,et al 2(311)

The influence of simulation box parameters on molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor system …………………………………HE Chuan,LI Shao-Hua,SHI Wen 2(317)

Ab initio calculations of the pathways and magnetic boundaries for the bcc to hcp transition in Fe ……………………………………LU Zhi-Peng,ZHU Wen-Jun,LU Tie-Cheng 2(323)

The effect of long-range electronic correlation on polythiophene polaron … ……………LI Yan-Yu,ZHAO Hua,CHEN Shao-Bo 2(333)

First principle study on geometric structure and electronic structure ofβ-FeSi2doped rare earth element La …………………………ZHANG Zhong-Zheng,ZHANG Chun-Hong,YAN Wan-Jun,et al 2(338)

Simulation study on the anisotropy of thermal expansion for crystalline 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene………………………………QIAN Wen,ZHANG Chao-Yang,ZONG He-Hou,et al 3(454)

Investigations of the atomic structure and electronic states for Ni atatom adsorption on Al(111)surface using first-principles ……ZHANG Jin-Ping,ZHU Xiao-Ling,ZHANG Yang-Yang,et al 3(463)

First-principles study on the effects of co-segregation of Al,Cr on the cohesion of theα-Fe grain boundary …………………………LI Chun-Xia,DANG Sui-Hu,HAN Pei-De 3(470)

Electronic structure and mechanical properties of 2H-PbI2………………TU Xiao-Qiang,ZHU Zan-Ju,DING Ying-Chun,et al 3(475)

Thecrystal structural,electronic and optical properties of a solar energy material:CuInS2………………………………………………ZHANG Xiang-Dan,QIAO Qing-Peng,YU Gong-Qi,et al 3(482)

Influence of minority carrier recombination velocity and absorber on the performance of HIT solar cell by simulation and analysis……………………………………………………………………………REN Rui-Chen,ZHANG Yan-Yan,LI Cai-Xia,et al 3(488)

Influence of the statistical value of phase structure formation factors on the compounds formation in steel……………………………WANG Xiao-Liang,ZHANG Qin,LI Wei,et al 3(495)

Molecular dynamics simulations of atomic transport property and structure in Al-based alloys …………………………………………WU Yan-Ning,HUANG Yin-Sheng,ZHANG Kai-Yin,et al 3(500)

Fully differential cross-sections in single ionization of helium by C6+impact at intermediate and high collision energies ……………ZHANG Rui-Fang,FANG Xiao-Ying,DUAN Hui-Xiao,et al 3(508)

Research of nano-aluminium-bar's mechanical behavior with molecular dynamics simulations …………………………………………JIANG Qing-Gang,ZENG Hao-Xian 4(613)

Binding free energy insight into interaction mechanism of inhibitor PDIQ with MDM2 …………………………………………………SHI Shu-Hua,ZHANG Shao-Long,ZHANG Qing-Gang 4(618)

First-principle calculation of eastic properties for the superconduction YBa2Cu3O7under pressure ……………………………………WANG He-Xue-Song,ZHOU Xiao-Lin,LU Lai-Yu,et al 4(624)

First principles study on new half-metallic materials of Cr dopednanoporous structure AlN ……………………………………………LI Shu-Hui,WANG Xin-Qiang ,LIU Zhi-Feng,et al 4(630)

First-principles studies on the adsorption of S on the Pt skin Pt3Ni(111)surface ………………………………………………………ZHANG Xi-Lin,YIN Yan,Li Sha-Sha,et al 4(635)

Molecular dynamics study on the thermal expansion property of Si nanocrystal film ……………………………………………………HUANG Jian-Ping,YANG Cheng,HU Shi-Yi,et al 4(639)

Density functional theory study of methoxy adsorption on Ir(111)surface ………………………………………………………………HUANG Wu-Ying,CHENG Chun,TAO Tao,et al 4(643)

Influences of A and B site dopings on the electronic band structures of NaNbO3from first-principle calculations ……………………LAN Ben-Yue,SHI Hai-Feng 4(648)

First principle study on electronic structure and optical properties of CrSi2doped rare earth element La ………………………………ZHANG Zhong-Zheng,ZHANG Chun-Hong,YAN Wan-Jun,et al 4(652)

Method and mechanical explorations on electroformation of giant unilamellar vesicles……………………………………………………SHENG Jie,Halyda,WANG Ping,et al 4(657)

Study of the escape of particle from an open quarter-circular microcavity ……………………………LIU Sheng,WANG De-Hua 4(664)

A study on mechanical properties of CuXSe2(X=B,Al,Ga,In,Tl)by the first-principle calculations …………………………………LIU Jing-Jing,SHI Li-Bin 4(672)

Phase structure of multicomponent phospholipid giant unilamellar vesicles and the influence of cholesterol on domain growth YANG Fang-Yuang,JUMAHAN Halydan,JIANG Zhong-Ying 4(677)

Bose-Einstein condensation of Bose gases trapped in a harmonic potential … ………………………………………………LI Yu-Shan 4(683)

First-principles study on the elastic properties of the transition-metal aluminides:FeAl and CoAl ……………………………………GENG Xiao-Ju,WU Shao-Hua,FENG Ming-Hai,et al 5(774)

Temperature effect on appearance thickness of misfit dislocations in heterogeneous epitaxial films ……………………………………ZHANG Feng-Lin,XIAO Liang,XU Wei-Bin,et al 5(781)

Modulation instability in dispersion-decreasing erbium-doped fiber amplifier …………………………………………………………WANG Xu-Dong,JIA Wei-Guo,QIAO Hai-Long,et al 5(789)

Thermodynamic properties of LiH and the effect of internal motion of LiH molecules on the thermodynamic properties of system……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………LI Bo,REN Wei-Yi 5(795)

Research of the magnetoelectric effect of PMN-PT/CFO in Magnetic field … ………GUO Hong-Li,YANG Huan-Yin,TAO Ye 5(802)

Molecular dynamics simulation of short to medium ranger order in Ti3Al alloys …………………………………………………………XIAJi-Hong,FU Chun-Ping,CHENG Zheng-Fu,et al 5(807)

Simulation of the dependence of X ray dose enhancement factor on gold and silicon at gold-silicon interface …………………………ZHANG Jian-Fang,LI Chun-Zhi,HUANG Zhi-Jun 5(812)

Research on loop structure of nonlinear Landau-Zener tunneling with two and three-body interactions…………………………………WEI Xiu-Fang,LIU Zi-Jiang 5(816)

Numerical method to charged Bose gases under harmonic trap and magnetic field ………………………………………LI Yu-Shan 5(821)

First-principles study of electronic structure,optical and elastic properties of BaHfO3nanofilms ………………………………………GU Fang,CHEN Yun-Yun,LI Min,et al 5(826)

Effect of substrate on interactions of ion beams with two-dimensional layered electron gases …………………………………………JIAN Yang-Yang,LI Chun-Zhi 5(833)

A comparative study of different potentials for molecular dynamics simulations ofrapid solidification process of SiGe alloy melt ……GUO Xiao-Tian,YAN Wan-Jun,GAO Ting-Hong,et al 5(838)

Density function theory study on the electronic structure and optical property of anatase TiO2codoped with N and C ………………LI Zong-Bao,JIA Li-Chao,WANG Xia 5(844)

Study on the mechanism of negative thermal expansion of silicon crystal based on the interatomic interaction…………………………HUANG Jian-Ping,HU Shi-Yi 5(851)

The study of microcosmic mechanism of martensitic transformation in Hg2CuTi-type Heusler alloy Mn2NiB ………………………LUO Li-Jin,ZHONG Chong-Gui,YANG Jian-Hua,et al 6(971)

The responses of density of states and magnetism to pressure and tetragonal distortion in the new Heusler alloy RuMn2Sn ………YANG Li-Juan,CUI Lei,ZHANG Zhao-Hui,et al 6(977)

Analysis of atomic thermal vibration by rietvled method in powder MgF2and SrF2………………ZHAO Min-Lan,XIANG Lian 6(982)

Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of Al89La6Ni5metallic glass ……………………………………………………TIAN Hua 6(987)

First-principles study of the impact of thickness and vacancy defects on the electronic structure and optical properties of the Si/SiO2interface ……………………………………………………………………GU Fang,CHEN Yun-Yun,ZHANG Xian-Ling,et al 6(993)

The preparation and electrical properties of polypyrrole/carbon nanotubes composites …………………………………………………WU Xue,SHEN Jun-Hai,CHEN Hai-Feng,et al 6(1000)

The thermal conductivity and thermal rectification in graphene nanoribbons with geometric variations of doped boron:A molecular dynamics study ……………………………………………………………………………………HUANG Xi,YUAN Li,SHI Jing-Hui 6(1009)

Calculations of the interatomic force constants of argon crystal from its thermal properties ……………………………………………HUANG Jian-Ping,HU Shi-Yi 6(1015)

Magnetic anisotropy of biomagnetite and magnetoreceptor ……………QIAN Xia,RUAN Shu-Ren,SHENG Shu-Fang,et al 6(1019)

Pressure dependence of electrical resistivity and band structure of anatase TiO2under pressure ………………………………………WANG Yue,ZHANG Feng-Xia,WANG Chun-Jie,et al 6(1027)
