Leibniz 2-cocycles of the Central Extension of Lie algebra W(0,1)*

2014-03-09 07:13GAOShoulanYAOChenhui
湖州师范学院学报 2014年2期

GAO Shoulan,YAO Chenhui

(School of Science,Huzhou University,Huzhou 313000)

0 Introduction

In[1],Jean-Louis Loday firstly introduced the concept of Leibniz algebra in his study of the socalled Leibniz homology as a noncommutative analog of Lie algebra homology.A vector space L equipped with a C-bilinear map[-,-]:L×L→L is called a Leibniz algebra if the following Leibniz identity satisfies

Obviously,Lie algebras are Leibniz algebras.A Leibniz algebra L is a Lie algebra if and only if[x,x]=0 for all x∈L.

Jean-Louis Loday and Teimuraz Pirashvili established the concept of universal enveloping algebras of Leibniz algebras and interpreted the Leibniz(co)homology HL*(resp.HL*)as a Tor-functor(resp.Ext-functor)in[1].A bilinear C-valued formφon L is called a Leibniz 2-cocycle if

Similar to the 2-cocycle on Lie algebras,a linear function f on L can induce a Leibniz 2-cocycleφf,that is,

Such a Leibniz 2-cocycle is called trival.The one-dimensional Leibniz central extension corresponding to a trivial Leibniz 2-cocycle is also trivial.

View a Lie algebra as a Leibniz algebra,it is a natural question to compare its Leibniz and Lie central extensions.For many well-known Lie algebras such as the Witt algebra,Kac-Moody algebras,and the Lie algebras of differential operators,this question has already been answered(see for[1,2,3,4]).In this spaper,we determine the second Leibniz cohomology group HL2(L,C)of L(see defini-tion 1 for detail)in the category of Leibniz algebras.

Throughout the paper,we denote by Z the set of integers and all the vector spaces are assumed over the complex field C.

1 The Leibniz Central Extensions of L

Definition 1[4]The Lie algebra L is a vector space spanned by a basis{Lm,Im,C|m ∈Z}with the following brackets:for all m,n∈Z.

L is one-dimensional central extension of W(0,1)Lie algebra(see[4]for detail).And it is not perfect because I0can not be generated by others elements in L.

Letφbe a Leibniz 2-cocycle on L.Define a linear function f on L by

[1]Loday J L,Pirashvili T.Universal enveloping algebras of Leibniz algebras and (co)-homology[J].Math Ann,1993(296):138-158.

[2]Gao S,Jiang C,Pei Y.Structure of the extended Schrodinger-Virasoro Lie alg ~ebra e sv[J].Algebra Colloq,2009,16(4):549-566.

[3]Hu N,Pei Y,Liu D.A cohomological characterization of Leibniz central extensions of Lie algebras[J].Proc Amer Math Soc,2008(136):437-447.

[4]Gao S,Jiang C,Pei Y.Low-dimensional cohomology groups of the Lie algebras W(a,b)[J].Communication in Algebra,2011,39(2):397-423.

MSC 2000:17B40