2014-03-06 04:54:02mlgrmmrDsKpitlWUMengZHENGChenkun

ml grmmr Ds KpitlWU Meng & ZHENG Chen-kun

On Marx’s view of history from the perspective of philosophical revolutionMENG Rui-feng

The problem awareness of classical pragmatism:on the link and distinction between Peirce, James and DeweyZHANG Qing-xiong

McDowell’s two theories of natureHAN Lin-he

The form is not separated substance: an interpretations of Metaphysics Ζ14 LIU Yu-peng & DENG Xin

The Confucian revival, the Anti-Japanese War and construction of a modern state in an idealistic faith: a comment on Helin’s Culture and Human LifeZHANG Xiang-long

On women’s trauma and self-identity construction in Comfort Woman from the gothic perspectiveHU Rui & LI Ping

Annual activities of Huang GongduKE Zhen-jin & TAN Xin-hong

Tocqueville’s comment on the political implications of religion DUAN De-min

An assessment index system for the county-level financial efficiency in the underdeveloped regionLIU Kai

The actor between the ancients and the moderns: an interpretation of the quotation from Plutarch in Lessing’s LaokoonZHANG Xuan-ci

On Kant’s aesthetic sensus communisZhengmi Zhouhuang

Freedom and art: dimension of aesthetics in Marx’s political theory FANG Bo

Influence of Emperor Yellow culture on the costume culture of ancient China: a historical study of the custom of “worshiping yellow” LIU Jing-xuan

A preliminary study of the concept of harmony in Chinese ancient buildingsLI Ling & LI Jun

WU Meng & ZHENG Chen-kun

This paper tries to establish a formal grammar for interpretingDasKapital, which aims to reveal the idea of Karl Marx through his “expressive form”. The grammar inDasKapitalis quite special because the language inDasKapitalis related to political and economic critique as an ideological critique. If the contemporary propositional logic is used to analyzeDasKapitalin the perspective of formal grammar, the specialty of the grammatical structure in Das Kapital will be clearly revealed.

MENG Rui-feng

The current academic circles have controversial views about whether the historical materialism contains the dimension of value. This paper points out that the answer to this question must be based on a correct understanding of Marx’s view of history as the premise, and Marx’s conception of history is formed in the revolution of philosophical critique of the traditional metaphysics. In the traditional metaphysics, people try to explain everything in the world by dint of abstract metaphysical entities in order to explain the nature of history and its significance. Rooted in the real world, Marx established the reality of human practice as the starting point of the view of history, overturned the traditional metaphysical concept under the guidance of history, and affirmed the status and value of human body in the historical development. Then, historical materialism as the premise of such a historical concept does contain the dimension of value.

ZHANG Qing-xiong

The problem awareness of classical pragmatism finds expression mainly in the relationship between theory and practice. The proposition “usefulness is the truth” is characteristic of the pragmatist practice-oriented view of the effect of the truth, but it is easy to be vulgar. How to overcome this tendency of vulgarization in theory and practice? This is related to another problem that pragmatic philosophers have to deal with. Peirce’s pragmatic methodology and view of truth is rooted in a theory of scientific inquiry based on the thinking mode of “chemistry experiment”. James has it extended to the field of life including psychological and religious activities. Dewey has affirmed James’s proposition about “pragmatism as a philosophy of life,” meanwhile he has also tried to clear up the misunderstanding caused by James because of some of his misleading expressions and to overcome the subjectivist bias in his radical empiricism.

HAN Lin-he

The central subject of McDowell’s philosophy is to dissolve some characteristic anxieties of modern philosophy-anxieties that center on the relation between mind and world. These anxieties are further explained as that about the world-directedness or the objective purport of the mental. McDowell claims that the anxiety issues from the distinction of the two logical spaces and the modern conception of nature. Hence, we need to redefine our conception of nature in order to dissolve it, letting it include the second nature. This paper aims to analyze these ideas of McDowell, and to point out their difficulties.

LIU Yu-peng & DENG Xin

After the arguments inMetaphysicsΖ13, Aristotle refutes the idea or form of separation by Plato inMetaphysicsΖ14, and discuses mainly the unity of substance, the identity of substance and the relationship between genus and differentia in several aspects. Finally, he points out that the separation will bring about “where does the form come from?” as a pseudo-problem.

ZHANG Xiang-long

As the “outer ones” of Helin’s works,CultureandHumanLifeapplies his philosophy of spiritual Idealism to apprehending the truths of historical reality and cultural life. The articles of this book can be divided into four classes: (1)Those of making known the self-insistence, self-criticism and self-improvement of Confucian culture in modern times by making dialogues with western philosophy, religion and arts. (2)Establishing a modern legal state with Chinese tradition in terms of taking the momentum of the Anti-Japanese War. (3)Recognizing the faith and religious dimension in human mind and finding or provoking it in contemporary Confucianism and Chinese spiritual life. (4)Analyzing and evaluating the past as well as present cultural schools, and proposing his own ideas of education. The four classes are mutually related and together show the rich and deep significance of the “mind is principle” which is the core of Helin’sInterpretationsofModernIdealism.

HU Rui & LI Ping

The paper interprets Nora Keller’sComfortWomanfrom the gothic perspective and reveals the women’s physical and mental traumas as well as the loss and construction of self-identity. It also expounds how Gothic elements function in the above-mentioned aspects.

KE Zhen-jin & TAN Xin-hong

As one of the most famous poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, Huang Gongdu scored an achievement in poetry, prose and Ci poetry. Because of his political criticism, his official career was full of twists and turns and he was rejected by Qin Kuai. With such materials as historical records, local chronicles and anthologies, this paper makes a systematic textual research of Huang Gongdu’s family, writings, official career and circle of acquaintances in order to offer an objective review of Huang Gongdu.

DUAN De-min

The issue of religion constitutes a very important part in Alexis de Tocqueville’s political thought. Particularly, the relationship between religion and (political) freedom is one of the central arguments he puts forward in his works. For Tocqueville, a free modern society cannot exist without the support of religion. But religion can only have its influence when it is separated from politics. This article tries to single out the issue of religion in its relationship with freedom in Tocqueville’s theory and analyze it with regard to the crisis of modern democratic society.


Finance is the blood of economy. The development of a regional economy relies on the strong support of finance while the county-level economy of an underdeveloped region depends heavily on financial aid. At present, the county-level economy of an underdeveloped region usually shows low efficiency and slow development. The solution relies on the improvement of financial efficiency. Thus, an assessment index system for the county-level financial efficiency is in dire need if efficient measures are to be taken. Based on some fieldwork and review of related literature, this paper propose an assessment index system for the county-level financial efficiency in the underdeveloped region which covers the market-operation efficiency, the government-performance efficiency and the financial eco-efficiency, which should have much significance to the future studies in this field and to the economic promotion of the underdeveloped region.

ZHANG Xuan-ci

Lessing’sLaokoonhas three subtitles. The Greek quotation from Plutarch as the second one lies in the middle place. The surface meaning of the quotation refers to the differences between poetry and painting; however, the deeper awareness of the issue is related to the relationship between poetry and education. It is very important to Plutarch and Lessing who are the thinkers, actors, and educators between the ancients and the moderns. Through interpreting the quotation from Plutarch, we can understand not only the discussion of the limits of poetry and painting, but also Lessing’s thoughts about the relationship between the ancients and the moderns which is embodied inLaokoon.

Zhengmi Zhouhuang

Through its application in aesthetics, Kant modifies the concept of sensus communis creatively: first, he reconciles its two ways of explanation in the history of this concept; second, he enriches its content following the development of his aesthetic thought, and integrates it with the analysis of the judgment of taste. This paper reveals its rich implications and functions by expounding the basic construction of the judgment of taste and by comparing the different uses of the concept of sensus communis in the development of Kant’s aesthetics.


In his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 based on the understanding of man as a free being in philosophical anthropology, Marx constructs the political theory focusing on the transformation of human nature to human alienation and then to human emancipation, in which the dimension of aesthetics is evidenced. Marx holds that human freedom can be obtained only in his artistic creation and aesthetic experience based on the law of beauty. Communist society is such an ideal society in which man can fully develop his basic ability in free creative activities.

LIU Jing-xuan

The custom of worshiping the color yellow emerged in China in ancient times and began in the era of Emperor Yellow. This custom originated from the worship of the sun and the earth in the agricultural civilization of ancient China, and yellow was endowed with rich implications. “Worshiping yellow” was an important element of Emperor Yellow culture. Because of the historical position and prestige of Emperor Yellow and the lasting impact of Emperor Yellow culture, this custom has survived and deloped. “Worshiping yellow” as a custom has exerted much influence on the costume culture of ancient China, which found expression in the popular use of yellow as an honor in different dynasties.

LI Ling & LI Jun

The emergence, development and maturity of the concept of harmony in ancient buildings of China experienced three stages, that is, the practical concept of simplicity and naturalness, the architectural ethics of hierarchal order in society and the ideal architectural concept. This paper gives a historical analysis of the implications of the concept of harmony in ancient buildings of China, the stage of harmonious relation between man and nature, the stage of harmonious relation among humans, and the stage of harmonious humans themselves. It also discusses the internal relations between traditional Chinese culture and Chinese ancient buildings and reveals the rich cultural implications of Chinese ancient buildings as well as their enlightenment to the ecology-friendly buildings of modern China.