2014-02-22 06:00:26
世界建筑 2014年1期



If a building is considered beautiful, it tends to stand longer, thereby saving precious resources. But what constitutes beauty? Can it be instrumentalised?


These architects say that to be sustainable, a building must last and that for a building to last, it should be appreciated by as many people as possible.The use of colour in the façade was for them a way to accomplish this goal.


What about the modernist idea, that beauty is a matter of elegant design? If "sustainable design" is "good design", is it per definition “beautiful”?


Is there new beauty to be found in forgotten buildings? This renovation project is quite well known in architectural circles. These broadly published images are certainly not typical glossy money shots. Or maybe they are? Is there a danger in promoting even this kind of aesthetic?


But of all these options, which will be the most appreciated? Can beauty be measured?


This design takes an opposite approach to the same kind of argument. The sober, monolithic building is said to be designed to appeal as widely as possible.


Or if it isn't, can we teach ourselves and others to appreciate any environmentally conscious design? If it is a good environmental strategy to reuse materials that are lying around, maybe we should at least try to like that kind of aesthetic?


Innovation in the name of aesthetics to save the company from bankruptcy. If these samples are indeed pretty, is that beauty a marketing trick, or a way to seduce citizens that wouldn't otherwise install solar panels on their roof to join the effort? Is it OK to instrumentalise beauty?


Or is it only for beauty's sake that beauty should be produced?

1 “美”展台/The table of "Beauty"





ZHOU Yufang: The logic here is that, for our sakes, environmentally friendly architecture simply has to exist longer. And its lasting longer relies on everyone finding it beautiful. But what are the qualities of this beauty? Does it mean colorfulness or austerity? Should we educate ourselves to recognize beauty only in environmental friendly buildings? Can we at least think it is wrong for anyone to want to synchronize beauty's criteria? The effect would be like when, in the heyday of modernism, the domination of modern architectural aesthetics exterminated signs of regional building culture like a nuclear weapon. The recognition of beauty comes through the education of culture and history. The new generation must follow and surpass us.

ZHANG Li:Hooray! Finally someone comes out with the notion that beauty is a necessity to sustainability, after all platitudes of morality, science, and positivism. We have seen so many ugly samples of the consumerization and materialization of sustainability.That is why the fact that the notion of beauty appears in an exhibition about sustainability alone is a great relief.

2 为寻找立面正确色彩组合的研究期间所做的覆层样品存档照片。“对我们来说,色彩是一种额外的工具,就好像形状和光”,建筑师把建筑的美以及如何将其融入到环境中,视为可持续性的一个基本方面。

Archive photos of cladding samples used during extensive research conducted to identify the right colour combinations for the façade. "For us colour is an additional tool, just like form and light", explain the architects who consider the beauty of their buildings and how they blend into their context a fundamental aspect of sustainability.

项目/Project: 布兰德霍斯特博物馆,索布鲁赫·胡顿建筑事务所,慕尼黑(德国),2008年/Brandhorst Museum by Sauerbruch Hutton, Munich(Germany), 2008

3-6 德国环境部立面研究模型(1:40)。立面集成了复杂的被动通风特征,但这些研究最终是为了美。


Study models (1:40) for the facade of the German ministry of the environment. The facade integrates complex passive ventilation features, but the finality of these studies is aesthetic. "If you tell people, 'Eat less, consume less, fly less,' it sounds like the most boring thing in the world. To put some kind of pleasure, some kind of delight into the whole idea of consuming less [is] our major theme."

项目/Project: 联邦环保局,索布鲁赫·胡顿建筑事务所(德国),2005年/Federal Environment Agency by Sauerbruch Hutton, Dessau (Germany), 2005

7、8 一家目前正在建设中的10.5万m2医院的平面和照片。这个3层的“健康城市”由尽量少的柱子支撑,以打造灵活的内部空间。大部分承重由预制混凝土立面支撑。这个综合体的建造要为未来几代的时间做好准备,在未来,它很有可能要超越医院的功能。建筑师们试图尽可能地使建筑具有美的吸引力,以保证它不会被后代使用者拆毁。

Plan and photos of a 105000m2hospital, currently under construction. To create a flexible interior space the 3 storeys of this "City of Health" are supported by a minimal number of columns. Most loads are carried by the prefab concrete facade.The complex is built to last several generations, possibly beyond the hospital program itself. The architects tried to make the buildings as aesthetically attractive as possible to safeguard the building against demolition by future generations of users.

项目/Project: AZ罗宁格医院,鲍姆施拉格尔-埃贝勒事务所,科特赖克(比利时),2017年/Hospital AZ Groeninge by Baumschlager Eberle, Kortrijk (Belgium), 2017(摄影/Photo:Werner Huthmacher)

9、10 当一栋1960年代的住宅塔楼被责令拆除时,建筑师说服业主可以用重建一半的价格进行一次全面翻修。这里的居民将可以在此继续居住,在翻修期间相对不受干扰。建筑的每个面都加了一种新的自支撑结构,逐步取代现有的立面。这些加建通过冬季花园和露台扩大了每间公寓的生活空间,同时增加了建筑的能源效率。图为装修后拍摄的照片。

When a 1960's housing estate tower was slated for demolition, the architects convinced the owner that a complete refurbishment could be done for half the price of a clean sweep. The inhabitants would furthermore be able to stay, relatively undisturbed during renovation works. A new, selfsupporting structure was appended to all sides of the building, gradually replacing the existing facade. These grafts extend the living space of each apartment with winter gardens and terraces, while increasing the energy efficiency of the building. Photos taken after the renovation.

项目/Project: Tour Bois le Prêtre,Druot + Lacaton & Vassal,巴黎(法国),2011年/Tour Bois le Prêtre by Druot + Lacaton & Vassal, Paris (France), 2011

11、12 一个学校建筑的室内柱面层被重新用作外立面覆层。虽然学校的朝向具有再利用的环境优势,但对建筑师设计的审美价值仍有质疑。a. 立面板样品(图12)

b. 建筑师注明本次展会期间要临时移除说明的照片(图11)

Interior column covers from a school building were re-used as exterior facade cladding. While the school's direction agrees with the environmental advantages of on-site reuse, it is skeptical about the aesthetic merits of the architects' design.

a. Sample of facade sheet (Fig. 12)

b. Photograph of the architect's note indicating their temporary removal for the duration of this exhibition (Fig. 11)

项目/Project: Athénée Royal Riva Bella,阿兰·理查德建筑工作室,布赖恩拉勒(比利时),2012年/Athénée Royal Riva Bella by Atelier d'architecture Alain Richard, Braine-l' Alleud (Belgium), 2012

13 由研制更加吸引建筑师的光伏电池的制造商生产的样品。该公司将硅片浸泡在酸中,以获得惯用深蓝色的替代色彩。它在廉价的中国光伏电池板充斥国际市场后不久,就申请破产了。

Samples produced by a manufacturer developing PV-cells that would appeal more to the taste of architects. The company experimented with submerging silicon wafers in acid baths to obtain alternative colours to the usual dark blue. It filed for bankruptcy shortly after, when cheap Chinese PV panels flooded the international market.

彩色光伏电池,Photovoltech公司,鲁汶(比利时),2011年/Coloured PV-Cells by Photovoltech, Leuven (Belgium), 2011

14 种子炸弹用来在难以达到常规播种条件的地方种植野花。这些装有种子的游击式园丁的武器,都由可再生且可降解的有机材料制成,随着时间的推移会分解,在种子发芽后为生长留出空间。网站上写着:“与大自然一起,占领毫无生气的城市空间,用色彩来改造它们!”

Seedbomb designed to plant wild flowers in places that are difficult to reach for conventional sowing. Packed with seeds, these guerilla gardener's weapons are made out of recycled, organic and biodegradable materials that break down over time and give way to a planted plot when the seeds sprout. The website reads "Join forces with nature, take ownership of lifeless urban spaces and transform them with a blast of colour!"

种子炸弹,Kabloom公司,英国,2009年/Seedbom by Kabloom, UK, 2009

Pearl Izumi发布新的“社会使命”声明以及可持续性相关的宏伟目标
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