
2014-02-22 06:00:23
世界建筑 2014年1期




For every ton of cement produced, nearly 900kg of CO2are emitted to the atmosphere. With an annual world production of 3.6 billion tons, cement production is responsible for about 5% of global CO2emissions caused by humans. Under scrutiny from governments and public opinion, cement producers are seeking ways to improve their track record and reputation.


Making cement, (the main ingredient of concrete), consumes massive amounts of fossil fuels. The race is on to find ways to off-set that consumption. For instance, by using materials with cement-like properties that are waste from other industries.


Or at least to get rid of all the concrete that is structurally not necessary.


Perhaps the solution is not to use less concrete, but to use less of everything else. This experimental "ultra light concrete" is load bearing and insulating at the same time, thereby revoking the need for cladding or interior finishes.


Using alternative fuels is another option, but diluting traces of dangerous chemical wastes over thousands of m3of concrete is scary.


Making lighter cements weighs less on the rest of the structure, thus again limiting the vertical bearing structure.


As always communication is key. The shape of this award is meant to symbolize “balance” and the three-fold objectives of sustainable construction.


Another approach is to develop stronger concretes. Better performances mean that component dimensions and the amounts of materials consumed can be reduced.


Some lightweight cements contain so many gas bubbles that they can also be used as insulating material, simultaneously offering increased energy efficiency.


It was awarded to a humble project that, remarkably, used only a little bit of cement.

1 “混凝土”展台/The table of "Concrete"





HE Keren:Although concrete is not an ecologically friendly material, it is not realistic to abandon it entirely. People have to consider the options: using another material to replace cement or minimizing the role of concrete in a design. With careful calculation we can remove concrete in beams in the areas where there is no need for it, thus saving material and reducing its load. A type of porous concrete is so light that it can be used as both the load bearing wall and its insulation. These sorts of strategies for improving the sustainability of concrete are realistic but they rely on the concerted effort and active cooperation of designers, engineers and manufacturers.

ZHANG Li:The concrete is a basic building material after industrialization. But is it always dirty, carbon emitting and unsustainable? Are the problems of industrialization unsolvable? The answer here is no.The cavity concrete on display is a beautiful example.

2 CO2/水泥实验室样品。能源密集型水泥部分由生产钢的高炉废渣所取代。样品用来测试不同混合物的机械性能。

Laboratory samples of CO2/cement. Energy intensive cement is in part replaced by slag from steel producing blast furnace ovens. The samples were made to test the mechanical properties of different mixtures.

CO2/水泥,建筑材料二次资源(SReBMat),鲁汶大学,鲁汶(比利时),2012年/CO2/cement by Secondary Resources for Building Materials (SReBMat), KU Leuven, Leuven (Belgium), 2012

3 演示混凝土楼板空心模系统的实体模型。容器由回收塑料制成,混凝土在承受结构性应力较小的楼板中形成气孔。其结果是混凝土整体消耗降低,板坯重量减轻,从而减少了整个支撑结构的静载。

Mock-up demonstrating a system of void formers for concrete floor slabs. The containers, made from recycled plastic, create pockets of air in the concrete at places where the floor slabs undergo less structural stresses. The result is an overall reduction of concrete consumption and slab weight, hence a reduction of the dead load on the entire support structure.

项目/Project: 超薄型空心模,Cobiax ,瑞士,2004年/Slimline Void Formers by Cobiax, Switzerland, 2004

4 承重墙蒸压加气混凝土砌块。据制造商所说,该材料可用于被动式建筑,而不需要进一步的保温层。

Building blocks in autoclaved cellular concrete for load bearing walls. According to the manufacturer, the materials can be used for passive construction, without the need for further insulation layers.

Passifbloc,Cellumat,比利时,2012年/Passifbloc by Cellumat, Belgium, 2012

5、6 特隆赫姆科技大学(NTNU)混凝土创新中心实验室的3个样品,显示用薄钢板纤维代替传统钢筋加固的混凝土。



c.经受工字梁剪切试验的相同混凝土中的工字梁切片(图6)Three samples from the labs of the Concrete Innovation Centre at the Technical University of Trondheim (NTNU), showing concrete reinforced with thin steel fibres instead of traditional rebar.

a. Cylindrical sample (Fig. 5, up)

b. Fragments of a sample after being crushed in a compression test. Prior to the test, the sample was placed in a CT scan to verify whether fibre orientation, as a result of the pouring process, corresponded to predictions (Fig. 5, down).

c. Slice of an I-beam in the same concrete that underwent an I-beam shear test (Fig. 6)

项目/Project: 钢纤维加强混凝土,COIN,特隆赫姆科技大学,特隆赫姆(挪威),2012年/Steel-Fibre Reinforced Concrete by COIN, NTNU, Trondheim (Norway), 2012

7 表示fibreC制造过程的图片,fibreC是一种由玻璃纤维增强水泥制成的薄覆层材料。这些图片是Domus建筑杂志2011年“绿色能源”专辑中一幅图片的一部分,号称fibreC是一种可持续材料,一种“解决问题的混凝土”。

Images illustrating the manufacturing of fibreC, a thin cladding material made from glass fibre reinforced cement. The images were part of a piece in a 2011 "Green Energy" issue of Domus architecture magazine, touting fibreC as a sustainable material and a "problem solving concrete".

fibreC,里德尔,奥地利,2004年/fibreC by Rieder, Austria, 2004

8 促进对“未来智能建筑材料”探索的汉堡IBA (国际建筑展览会)住宅方案。“次轻质混凝土”同时承重和保温:“承重结构保持内外暴露,没有任何额外的表面处理或冷桥问题。”

a. 模型(1:20)


Dwelling proposed for the Hamburg IBA (International Building Exhibition) that promotes an exploration of "smart construction materials of the future". The curved walls, in a special "infralightweight concrete", are both load-bearing and insulating: “The bearing structure remains exposed both inside and outside, without any additional finishes or cold bridge problems."

a. Model (1:20)

b. Sample of "infra-lightweight concrete"

项目/Project: 智能材料房,巴考-莱宾格建筑师事务所,汉堡(德国),2010年/Smart Material House by Barkow Leibinger, Hamburg (Germany), 2010

9、10 一位柏林建筑师凭借在他的家乡布基纳法索建造的被动式通风学校获奖。授奖方豪瑞集团是世界领先的水泥和骨料的供应商。“豪瑞基金会很荣幸把金奖颁给这个项目,并对来自凯雷建筑事务所和甘多社区的团队致力于从事超出建筑本身的可持续性发展表示敬意。我们也被告知,叠贝多·弗朗西斯·凯雷已把从豪瑞大奖赛收到的所有奖金用于该项目。”

a. 颁奖典礼图片(图9)

b. 奖杯(图10)

A Berlin based architect from Burkina Faso won a prize for a school with passive ventilation built in his native town. Holcim, who presented the prize, is one of the world’s leading suppliers of cement and aggregates. "The Holcim Foundation is proud to present the gold award to this project, and honor the commitment of the team from Kéré Architecture and the Gando community to engage in sustainability beyond construction. We also acknowledge that Diébédo Francis Kéré has allocated all prize money received from the Holcim Awards competition to the project."

a. Image of the award ceremony (Fig. 9)

b. The award itself (Fig. 10)

项目/Project: 甘多小学,凯雷建筑事务所,甘多(布基纳法索),2001年/Gando Primary School by Kéré Architecture, Gando (Burkina Faso), 2001

11-13 一所由压缩土砖建成的小学的图片。当地温度高达35℃,所以被动式散热是该建筑设计的关注点。屋顶天篷和树木提供遮荫,而土墙赋予建筑物良好的热惰性。土砖砌成的天花板被穿孔,以利于自然通风。


Images of a primary school built from compressed earth blocks. With local temperatures of up to 35°C, the building is designed with passive cooling in mind. The roof canopy and trees provide shade while the earth walls confer the building with good thermal inertia. The earth block ceiling is perforated to facilitate natural ventilation.

"The architect needed to convince the locals of the durability and strength of clay which is poured and cast similar to concrete, improving its structural performance by adding a small proportion of cement. The approach uses clay and stones that are collected from land adjacent to the village, and introduces new and more sustainable construction techniques."

项目/Project: 甘多小学,凯雷建筑事务所,甘多(布基纳法索),2001年/Gando Primary School by Kéré Architecture, Gando (Burkina Faso), 2001(摄影/Photos: Erik-Jan Ouwerkerk)

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