
2014-02-22 06:00:20
世界建筑 2014年1期




They see global warming as the urgent problem, and sustainability as the solution. Hence the increased need for operationalization, for a way to "roll out" the best solutions conceived of by humanity’s brightest and most ambitious, as fast as possible. Their idea seems to be that, if we can imagine the solutions, we can upscale them in record time and change our destiny.


Tying together social, environmental and economic goals, the notion “sustainable development” made it possible for industries and governments to pursue a common agenda.


There isn't a country or an industry that doesn't want a head start in "the next industrial revolution".


Unexpected problems arise…


Diplomatic channels are used to push local industries.


…and certain, too successful campaigns, end up backfiring. Drastic counter measures are then called for, leaving citizens and businesses in disarray.


Companies market their products as sustainable, states support them in the hope of contributing to a better environment, while stimulating economic growth.


But not everything that works on a small scale, also works on a large scale.


Nobody ever said that the transition to a balanced society wouldn't cause some unbalance along the way.

1 “升级”展台/The table of "Upscaling"




ZHOU Yufang:Man's pursuit of an improving quality of life and his reflection on his own mistakes couple to create the force that propels civilization. And the idea of "green architecture" has kindled a construction revolution and a new architectural paradigm. But our desire for growth (quality of life addiction) could turn this construction into an uncontrollable experiment, one that will probably fail. Who is going to "clean the exhaust" of this experiment? Are we heading into a time when human beings develop only by correcting our own mistakes?

HUANG Weiwen:Sustainable development has become the vanguard of economic upgrading all over the world. Various countries, regions and industrial sectors are competing to be pioneers in what may even be considered as a new industrial revolution. But there is a popular saying, "haste makes waste." Quite a few industrial technologies and standards are flawed or even counterproductive. Take the OAT exhibition's display of foam polystyrene insulation materials as an example. This highly flammable material caught fire in two highly publicized incidents, Beijing's CCTV tower, built shortly after the Olympic games, and a high-rise tower in Shanghai, built shortly after the World Expo.The exhibition also displays the "Sky City" Plan of the Changsha Yuanda Group, who planned to construct and complete the world tallest building within seven months. Rotor, the curators of the exhibition, were very puzzled that the soundtrack of Yuanda's exhibit was as majestic and sonorous as it was. They kept on asking me about the feasibility of their plan. How could I answer their questions? They haven't lived in the fast paced, but majestic and sonorous, era that Yuanda's founder ZHANG Yue has experienced in China. How can I tell them about the current crop of innovation found everywhere in China, even in rural courtyards? Compared to the rigid government's rigid institutions, these exciting innovators, designing cars, airplanes, submarines, and even enormous buildings, represent an alternate outlet for creativity that is worth trying out. These innovators exist outside the government run research institutes, with the people. That being said, maybe these curators were right, perhaps the soundtrack is a bit too majestic.

2 描绘在一栋1980年代办公楼屋顶上安装太阳能电池板的效果图,这是将其转换成一个“发电站”工程的一部分,该建筑产生的能量超过其使用者消耗的能量。


Render showing solar panels being installed on the rooftop of a 1980's office building as part of the changes made to convert it into a "powerhouse", a building that produces more energy than its occupants consume.

"As far as we know, no one has previously renovated an existing office building to this energy standard. This is unique, yet it is something anyone can do", says Thorsen, director and partner in the architectural firm.

项目/Project: 桑维卡Kjørbo发电站,FutureBuilt、Snøhetta、Skanska、ZERO、Hydro、Entra Eidom,桑维卡(挪威),2014年/Powerhouse Kjørbo in Sandvika by FutureBuilt, Snøhetta, Skanska, ZERO, Hydro, Entra Eidom, Sandvika (Norway), 2014

3 这个由预制元件组装、计划在6个月内建成、高830m的220层大楼,欲成为世界上最高的大楼。该大楼将容纳超过1.7万住户,将相当于整个城市的人集中在一个建筑物中。施工计划于2013年6月开始。工程由于涉及到许可证的问题而被叫停。图为预组装厂和运送预制楼板的照片。

Planned to be built in six months, this 830m and 220-storey tower, assembled from prefabricated elements, aspires to become the world's tallest tower. The tower will house more than 17 000 residents, concentrating the equivalent of an entire city into a single building. Construction was scheduled to begin in June 2013. Works were halted due to complications with permits. Photographs of the pre-assembly factory and transport of prefabricated floorplates.

项目/Project: 天空之城,远大可持续建筑公司,长沙(中国),2014年/Sky City One by Broad Sustainable Building, Changsha (China), 2014(摄影/ Photos: Noah Sheldon)

4 欧盟用来测试紫外线激活二氧化钛吸收交通排放二氧化氮颗粒的能力、而在隧道中安装装置的图片。没有记录到明显的污染减排。该紫外灯有限的能力以及空气湿度,被认为是导致测试不能复制在实验室条件下得到结果的原因。


Image of an installation set up in a tunnel by a European consortium to test the capacity of titanium dioxide activated by UV light to absorb NO2particles emitted by traffic. No noticeable pollution reduction was registered. The limited capacity of the UV lighting, as well as the air humidity, were given as reasons for the failure of the test to replicate results obtained in laboratory conditions.

Frans Fierens of the environmental administration comments:"Several similar tests had already failed. The essence of air policy should be to avoid air pollution, not the cleaning of polluted air."光催化治理演示,PhotoPAQ,布鲁塞尔(比利时),2013年/Demonstration of photocatalytic remediation by PhotoPAQ, Brussels (Belgium), 2013

5 2009年联合国气候变化大会“丹麦专有技术”展示用学生服务设施。该建筑是由科技创新局出资,辅以私人合作伙伴(包括威卢克斯公司、洛科威公司、Veksø、可耐福和Danogips) 11%的实物赞助。图为参观该建筑物的俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫与丹麦官员合影。

A student services facility designed as a showcase of "Danish know-how" for the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference. The building was paid for by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, complemented with 11% of sponsoring in kind from private partners including: Velux, Rockwool, Veksø, Knauf and Danogips.

Image of the Russian President Medvedev and Danish officials visiting the building.

项目/Project:绿色灯塔,克里斯滕森建筑事务所,哥本哈根(丹麦),2009年/Green Lighthouse by Christensen & Co Arkitekter, Copenhagen (Denmark), 2009(摄影/Photo: Lizette Kabré)

6 西班牙首相拉霍伊特写海报,用在一次针对禁止在西班牙使用离网型太阳能的新法律提案的抗议中。从2007年起,西班牙政府采取财政上的激励措施,鼓励人们在家庭和企业安装光伏电池板。这些措施非常成功,现在光伏容量已经远远大于电力公司的处理能力,而补贴造成巨大的公共预算赤字。为此,政府转而要求电力公司购买太阳能,并开始收太阳能发电税。

Poster, featuring Spanish prime minister Rajoy, used at a protest against a new law proposal that would make off-grid solar energy consumption illegal in Spain. From 2007 onwards, the Spanish government provided financial incentives for people to install PV panels on homes and businesses. These measures proved so successful that the PV capacity is now far bigger than power companies can handle, while the subsidies cause huge public budget deficits. In response, the government reversed the obligation for power companies to buy solar energy and started taxing solar electricity production.

Rubén Griñena Cobo for Albasolar Energy,巴塞罗那(西班牙),2013年/Rubén Griñena Cobo for Albasolar Energy, Barcelona (Spain), 2013

7、8 德国《明镜周刊》发表的烧毁立面的图片。在德国,关于使用发泡聚苯乙烯保温材料已经产生了争议。在对房屋强制要求保温值的政府法规的刺激下,对聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的消费一直在急剧增加。虽然它常被认为是一种高性能且易于使用的产品,但反对意见强调,其高度易燃的特性构成了一种严重的安全隐患。

Images of burnt facades published by the German magazine Der Spiegel. In Germany, controversy has arisen around the use of foamed polystyrene insulation materials. Stirred by government regulations imposing higher insulation values for houses, there has been a sharp increase in the consumption of polystyrene foam. While often considered a high-performance and easy-touse product, critics stress that its highly flammable properties pose a serious safety hazard.

保温材料可燃性研究,不伦瑞克技术大学,不伦瑞克(德国),2005年/Research on Flammability of Insulation Materials by Technical University Braunschweig, Braunschweig (Germany), 2005(摄影/Photos: Güven Purtul)

9-11 一个为了优化光伏发电、隔热、通风和照明的原型几何体的参数化建模。



Parametric modelling of a prototype's geometry in order to optimise photovoltaic electricity production, insulation, ventilation and lighting.

a. Model (1:40) of a case study four-storey pavilion (Fig. 9)

b. Photos of the realised prototype, commissioned by and named after a local electricity company (Fig. 10, 11)

项目/Project:西班牙国家电力公司馆,MaRGeN-lab协同加泰罗利亚高等建筑学院(IaaC)和西班牙国家电力公司,巴塞罗那(西班牙),2011年/Endesa Pavilion by MaRGeN-Lab with IaaC and Endesa, Barcelona (Spain), 2011(摄影/Photos:Adriá Goula)

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