Today, the average life expectancy of a typical building is little more than 30 years. It ends its life as an enormous pile of mixed waste. Some architects argue that buildings should be conceived so that they can easily be taken apart again and its materials reused or recycled.
Designers and manufacturers extend their responsibility beyond the legal minima to optimize material streams, and realize their designs accordingly.
These bricks are attached mechanically to allow for dismantling. So far no cases of re-use have been recorded. The product is still very young. Will future generations appreciate the look of the bricks?
A building that was designed to be easily dismantled. In the meantime, it has become an icon, it's very unlikely it will be taken down soon.
Advice from the professional building materials salvagers who use these tools: "whatever you do, don't glue it."
HE Keren:Today's new buildings have an average the life span of about 30 years. Should their architects and manufacturers extend their purviews to consider how these buildings might be dismantled at the end of their useful lives? These examples of this kind of thinkingthe kitchen in which all parts might be removed and reused, the house built of unfinished limestone blocks and the terra-cotta wall laid without mortar or gluepropose ways to make building a house like assembling furniture down to the detailed instructions and specially designed tools. The motto is "Whatever you do, don't glue it!"
HUANG Weiwen:Dismantlement and reuse are sustainable strategies. Assembling bricks on a facade with removable stainless steel clips instead of permanent cement or glue is conceptually similar to the European tradition-thousands of years oldof paving the ground with reusable stones. In order to repeatedly dismantle a structure, a complete set of tools for efficiently removing nails and other fasteners should be designed. But opportunities to dismantle a whole building are still rare, despite the long-standing claim that it is possible to disassemble the HSBC building in Hong Kong. As an individual from a urban environment where old buildings are quickly demolished and new buildings are as rapidly built, I can only hope that an architectural system based on deconstruction and reuse could become commonplace. But I worry whether we would dismantle each brick as patiently as we build it. After the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, the architect LIU Jiakun produced compressed recycled bricks from debris of destroyed buildings, and this type of brick is already being mass-produced by factories. In Shenzhen, some large factories have started to produce other types of building materials from building waste. Those two ideas of recycling reflect different techniques and certainly different building cultures.
1 “拆解”展台/The table of "Deconstruction"
2、3 模块化厨房家具图片和图示,这些家具可重复使用率达90%,回收率达100%。 Valcucine承诺在用户使用后收集和回收产品。
Image and diagram of modular kitchen furniture designed to be 90% reusable and 100% recyclable. Valcucine commits to collect and recover the product when the user is done with it.
项目/Project: Meccanica and Invitrum,Demode & Valcucine,意大利,2011年/Meccanica and Invitrum by Demode & Valcucine, Italy, 2011(草图/Sketch: Meccanica by Demode Engineered & Valcucine, 摄影/Photo: Invitrum by Valcucine)
4 粘土烧制的立面砖,用不锈钢夹子代替水泥或胶组装成形。这可以很容易地拆解,制造商希望砖块能被再次使用。Facade bricks in fired clay, shaped to be assembled with stainless steel clips instead of cement or glue. This allows for easy dismantling and, the manufacturer hopes, the reuse of the bricks.
ClickBrick, Daas Baksteen, Azewijn(荷兰),2012年/ ClickBrick by Daas Baksteen, Azewijn (Netherlands), 2012
5 “ReUse People”所使用的工具,这个专业从事建筑拆解的非营利组织,以环保方式代替拆除。他们回收的建材被出售再利用。
a.Reconnx 取钉器是一种气动取钉器,用于取出木材和地板的钉子(图5右)。
Tools used by the ReUse People, a non-profit organisation specialising in building deconstruction as an environmentally friendly alternative to demolition. The building materials they salvage are sold for reuse.
a. Reconnx Nail Kicker is a pneumatic nail remover, used for denailing lumber and flooring (Fig. 5, right).
b. Instruction sheet for the Nail Kicker with hand drawn illustrations (Fig. 5, left).
c. Customised pick axe: the pointed edge was cut off. The tool (with handle) functions as a long lever to easily pry out nailed floorboards without damaging them (Fig. 4, middle).
The Reuse People,美国,1993年/The Reuse People, USA, 1993
6 一所自身能够满足供热需求的独户房模型(1:100)。太阳能电池产生足够的电力,用于能源概念和控制工程。用螺栓和榫接连接使住宅可以拆卸,更易于回收。建筑师为自己建造了这座样板房;它成为高科技可持续发展的一个标志。
Model (1:100) of a single family house that is self-sufficient in meeting its heating requirements. Solar cells produce sufficient electricity for the energy concept and control engineering. Bolted and mortise-and-tenon joints make the dwelling dismountable and easier to recycle. The architect built this prototype house for himself. It figures as an icon of high-tech sustainability.
项目/Project:住宅R128,维尔纳·索贝克,斯图加特(德国),2000年/House R128 by Werner Sobek, Stuttgart (Germany), 2000
7 一个由大块石灰石板材建造的社会福利住房项目局部模型(1:20)。用于室内和室外40cm厚墙体上的承重砌块都是干粘,并且没有经过表面处理。建筑师想使用天然石材建造,因为据他说,由于没有经过表面处理,再加上良好的热惰性,以及可以方便地重复使用,建筑将具有出色的环境性能。
A social housing estate built with large limestone slabs (Partial model, 1:20). The load bearing blocks are dry assembled and left unfinished, both on the interior and the exterior of the 40cm thick walls. The architect came to specialise in natural stone construction because, according to him, it allows for outstanding environmental performance thanks to the absence of finish, good thermal inertia and the fact that the blocks can be easily reused.
项目/Project:科尔内巴略社会福利住房,Perraudin建筑事务所,科尔内巴略(法国),2011年/Cornebarrieu Social Housing by Perraudin Architecture, Cornebarrieu (France), 2011