Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a voluntary rating system widely used to assess the "sustainability" of a building. It works with credits that can be earned for sustainable features. Depending on the number of points collected, projects are certified Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum. Can the world become sustainable one building at a time?
LEED is by far the most influential private initiative in sustainable construction in the USA and it is rapidly exporting itself: 50000 projects worldwide, comprising 2.8 billion m2of commercial and institutional space, and more than 117000 housing units. LEED is used in 135 countries.
But is a building that ticks all the boxes of technological fixes necessarily a sustainable building? Regardless of its function? Can a car park be a sustainable building? Should a car park be labelled "sustainable"?
With the LEED certification system, sustainability and architectural style are clearly uncoupled. Credits can be earned for any design.
By making specific design choices, credits in different categories (water efficiency, materials & resources, etc.) are earned. Manufacturers lobby for their products to yield LEED credits, and adapt designs to conform to LEED prescriptions.
加油站呢?可持续性是否只是相对的?加油站上面的口号“a little better”,似乎也有此深意。这个加油站是在英国石油公司深水地平线石油泄漏事件的前两年建造的。
What about a petrol station? Is sustainability only relative? The slogan above the petrol station, "a little better", seems to think so. This station was built two years prior to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Question: can a building used to glorify two pointless wars be considered a serous contribution to making the world a better place?
ZHOU Yufang:The USGBC's LEED standards have become the world's most popular Green Architecture rating system. Most clients and architects are happy enough to achieve a LEED ratings for their buildings. But the system is not an entirely effective panacea, one that doesn't seem to have answers for some fundamental questions-Can a LEED awarded parking building be considered "green"? How do LEED criteria work in the case of morally controversial-but perhaps technically expert-architecture? Might not LEED be better understood as a technical guide for optimization, rather than a standard, award or even symbol?
SUN Lingbo:LEED's efforts to define sustainable building standards and its promotion of the whole sustainable industry are well known. But can we really evaluate the sustainability of our living environment simply on the basis of performance-oriented credits? When all buildings yield high credits will the world be sustainable? The parking building and gas station here are a strong reminder that too much focus on technological efficiency tends to deaden and stupefy the initiatives. Maybe a sustainable, simple and long-term life style could be more effective than these technological advancements.
1 “LEED”展台/The table of "LEED"
2 “世界上最大的致力于绿色建筑的国际会议和展览”G r e e n b u i l d视频,每年由美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)主办。在全体会议开幕式上,USGBC的总裁、首席执行官兼创始人里克·费德里奇谈到LEED认证体系所取得的成就。
Video from Greenbuild, "the world's largest international conference and expo dedicated to green buildings" organised annually by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). During the plenary opening session, Rick Fedrizzi, President, CEO and co-founder of USGBC talks about the accomplishments of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification scheme.
绿色建筑大会,美国绿色建筑协会,加利福尼亚州旧金山(美国),2012年/Greenbuild Conference by United States Green Building Council in San Francisco CA, (USA), 2012
3 教授使用欧特克建筑信息模型软件设计机械、电气和水暖管道以获得LEED评分的视频教程。
Video tutorial on how to gain LEED credits for plumbing systems using the software suite Autodesk Revit Architecture in combination with MEP, a mechanical, electrical and plumbing plug-in.
项目/Project: 欧特克绿色建筑分析,加利福尼亚州圣拉斐尔(美国),2009年/Autodesk Ecotect Analyses by Autodesk, San Rafael CA (USA), 2009
4 “车辆都被漆成绿色,军队作战服都用绿线缝制,官方军队的历史载入绿皮书。如今,世界各地的军队装置通过实施绿色建筑相关实践,共同实现总体的可持续发展目标。”
"Vehicles are painted green; Army combat uniforms are stitched with green thread, and official Army history is captured in the Green Books. Today, Army installations throughout the world are linked through the implementation of green building practices to collectively achieve overarching sustainability goals." 285 000-square-foot U.S. Army Europe headquarters building, the General Shalikashvili Mission Command Center.
项目/Project: 威斯巴登陆军机场,美国陆军工兵部队,威斯巴登(德国),2012年/Wiesbaden Army Airfield, by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wiesbaden (Germany), 2012
5、6 美国首个获得LEED认证的停车场照片及分析图示。该建筑可容纳882辆车,并专门为电动车预留14个车位。其可持续性特点包括:一个雨水处理系统、来自本地的可回收建筑材料,以及散发少量挥发性有机成分的涂料。屋顶及东西立面装有太阳能电池板,提供建筑的能源需求。
Images and diagrams of America's first LEED certified parking structure. The building houses up to 882 cars and reserves 14 places devoted to electric vehicles. Its sustainable features include: a storm water treatment system, locally sourced and recycled construction materials and paints that emit few volatile organic components. Solar panels on the roof, east and west facing facades provide the building's energy requirements.
项目/Project: 市民中心停车场,莫尔-罗布-雅戴尔建筑与规划事务所,国际停车厂设计公司,加利福尼亚州圣莫尼卡(美国),2007年/Civic Center Parking Structure, by Moore Ruble Yudell Architects & Planners and International Parking Design, Santa Monica, CA (USA), 2007(摄影/Photo: John Edward Linden)
7 一个经过LEED认证的英国石油公司加油站。其可持续性特点包括绿化屋顶、太阳能板、节能照明和对旧加油站服务终端的再利用。新建成的天篷由1653块不锈钢板组成。
Photo of a LEED certified BP petrol station. Its sustainability features include green roofs, solar panels, energy-efficient lighting and the reuse of the kiosk stand from the previous petrol station. The newly built canopy consists of 1, 653 stainless steel panels.
项目/Project: 太阳神大厦加油站,Office dA事务所,约翰逊·马克里,加利福尼亚州洛杉矶(美国),2007年/Helios House Petrol Station, by Office dA and Johnston Marklee, Los Angeles, CA (USA), 2007(摄影/Photo: Eric Staudenmaier)