
2014-02-22 05:59:57
世界建筑 2014年1期




Advocating (energy) efficiency is popular because it is easy to do. It involves no political risks, it sets no limits. It implies no value judgment. Everyone can go on and do the same as before, but now equipped with energy saving technology. With no one objecting, efficiency is sure to become a new cultural paradigm. But it will never inspire.


Dow Chemical Company has been producing foamed polystyrene since 1941. It wasn’t initially branded as a "green" product. Now it is. The economic prospects are good: world production is expected to increase from 15 million tons in 2010 to 23.5 million tons in 2020.

挪威政府已经决定,从2015年起,所有新建住宅项目必须达到《被动式房屋标准》要求。这项名为TEK 15的新规定在建筑业引起轰动。

The Norwegian government has decided that from 2015, the Passive House Standard will be compulsory for all new residential projects. This new regulation, called TEK 15, is causing a stir among building professionals.


Energy-efficient buildings with computer steered climate-control features are like complex instruments: they need extensive tuning before they operate to their fullest capacity. In this postoccupancy evaluation climate engineers check whether wind streams follow the anticipated paths.


A passive house is a house that is so well insulated that it requires almost no energy for heating or cooling. Often, the heat produced by the appliances and occupants, is enough to ensure comfortable indoor temperature. New wall systems are currently appearing on the market to help people attain "super-insulation" levels prescribed by the Passive House Standard.


Passive norms impose a maximum consumption of energy per square meter. At first sight this might seem an objective measure, but is it? The quota for a family of 5 living in a small apartment could actually be lower than that of a bachelor living alone in a big villa.

聚氨酯 (PU)泡沫是两种液体化学品和一种发泡剂之间反应的结果。该材料极佳的粘合力意味着膨胀泡沫通常是直接涂到表面上用于保温隔热,这使得它很容易填充气体。

Polyurethane (PU) foams are the result of a reaction between two liquid chemicals and a foaming agent. The excellent adhesive qualities of the material mean that the expansive foam is usually applied directly onto the surface intended for insulation which makes it easy to fill with gas.


Passive houses must be virtually air-tight. The slightest air leak lets indoor heat escape. Any perforation of the outer wall of a passive house poses a problem. Passive houses consume large amounts of membranes and a whole set of tapes and other adhesive products to remain air-tight.


How much can you insulate before it all becomes ridiculous? Some Architects point out that building components require a lot of energy to produce. In some cases, this so called "embodied energy" offsets the energy economy they offer.


Highly insulated buildings have far lower ventilation rates than conventional buildings, this makes indoor air quality a critical issue. Opponents of the passive obligation regularly point out that this issue is underestimated.

1 “效能”展台/The table of "Performance"





ZHOU Yufang:With the state of current technology, people are able to establish absolute control over their living environment. But what meaning does this have? The evolution of building materials and technologies provides the possibility of physical comfort but thinking back over thousands of years of human dwelling, what has it done to the relationship we have with nature? In our boxes encased in polyethylene foam, is our hard won comfort really comfortable? The improvement of materials should be established upon a foundation of respect for the natural environment. When we turn on an "energy saving" vacuum shouldn't we pause a moment to think-to consider our fit in that same environment, the nature part of human being?

SUN Lingbo: The high efficiency technologies and products shown here are undoubtedly great engineering achievements. But the particular limitations of each of these efforts technique could very well lead to misunderstanding about the "performance" topic, confusion which could cause more serious waste. It is the architect's responsibility to learn about advanced technologies and to use them properly.

2 发泡聚苯乙烯保温块广告。在能源效率作为一种环境关注问题普及之前,这款产品主要的卖点是它所提供的舒适性。

Advert for expanded polystyrene insulation blocks. Before the popularisation of energy efficiency as an environmental concern, the main selling point for this product was the comfort it provides.

陶氏化学公司出品,美国,1966年/by Dow Chemical Company, USA, 1966

3 为展销会制作的实体模型。这种用于被动式房屋建造的整体墙系统所使用的预制元素,包括一个混凝土内核、一道发泡保温层以及一道纤维增强灰泥装饰性覆层。

Mock-up made for trade fairs. This integrated wall system for passive house construction uses prefabricated elements that consist of a concrete core, a layer of foamed insulation and a decorative cladding in fibre-reinforced stucco.

PAMAflex,Alphabeton,比利时,2012年/AMAflex by Alphabeton, Belgium, 2012

4 一系列用于提高建筑气密性的(不同尺度)产品模型。受控的空气循环是被动式房屋的先决条件。为了节省冬季供暖,被动式房屋使用排出的空气来预热进入的新鲜空气。

Model (various scales) presenting a range of products used to improve the air tightness of buildings. A controlled circulation of air is a prerequisite for passive housing. To save on heating in winter months passive houses use outgoing air to preheat incoming fresh air.

Isoproc,布鲁塞尔(比利时),2013年/Isoproc, Brussels (Belgium), 2013

5、6 要建在奥斯陆的第一个被动式房屋施工期间定期拍摄的视频。房屋内外的大块木材隔板由一层连续的矿棉和密闭膜隔开。在施工期间,为了保护这些构件,工地上必须建造一个简易篷。

Timelapse video of the construction of the first passive house to be built in Oslo in Ladeveien 20, Skøyen. The inner and the outer shell of the house, both of massive wood, are separated by a continuous layer of mineral wool and airtight membranes. To protect these components from the elements during construction, a temporary tent had to built over the site.

项目/Project: 被动式房屋,Ratio Arkitekter & Stein Stoknes,奥斯陆(挪威),2009年/Passive House by Ratio Arkitekter & Stein Stoknes, Oslo (Norway), 2009

7 一个公共环保部门用来鼓励房屋业主投资改善其房屋能效的“三代窗型材”展示。

Portable display with "three generations of window profiles" used during workshops by a public environmental administration to encourage house owners to make investments to improve the energy efficiency of their properties.

示范模型,布鲁塞尔环境管理研究所,布鲁塞尔(比利时),2012年/Demonstration Model by Institut Bruxellois pour la Gestion de l'Environnement, Brussels (Belgium), 2012

8 一个天窗剖面,天窗装有3层玻璃和一个额外的前置玻璃,用于节能和被动式房屋,以确保高效保温隔热。该产品已停产,因为窗户保温效果太好而导致冬季结霜。

Section of a skylight with triple glazing and an additional front glass designed for use in energy efficient and passive house constructions to ensure high levels of thermal insulation. The product was discontinued when it turned out the windows were so insulating that in the winter they were covered with layers of frost.

威卢克斯出品,丹麦,2010年/by Velux, Denmark, 2010

9 演示一种自膨胀聚氨酯保温泡沫即使在一些建筑构件移动时也能确保气密性的高弹性恢复能力的气动模型。

Pneumatic model to demonstrate the high elastic recovery capacity of a self-expanding polyurethane insulation foam to insure air-tightness even when some building components move.

Flexifoam,Soudal公司,比利时,2010年/Flexifoam by Soudal, Belgium, 2010

10 一家加拿大公司发明的聚氨酯泡沫样品。它符合严格的国家环境法规。与其他国家相比,这些环境法规出台时间较早。这种泡沫之所以“绿色”,是因为与传统的聚氨酯泡沫不同,当它的两个组分反应时不会释放有害的化学物质。

Sample of a polyurethane foam invented by a Canadian company. It complies with strict national environmental regulations. Compared to other countries, these environmental regulations were introduced early on. The foam is touted "green" because, contrary to traditional PU-foams, it doesn't release harmful chemicals when its two components react.

LD-C-50保温泡沫,Icynene公司,安大略省(加拿大),1986年/LD-C-50 insulation foam by Icynene, Ontario (Canada), 1986

11 外部立面保温系统实物模型。该系统规定建筑师使用经批准的细节设计,并提供了专门制造的配件选择。这里展示的是一个窗台的模型。

Mock-up for an exterior facade insulation system. The system prescribes that architects use approved detailing and offers a choice of specially manufactured accessories. Featured here, a window sill.

被动式房屋StoTherm Classic,德国,2012年/StoTherm Classic for Passive Houses, Germany, 2012

12 -14 Transsolar公司共同创始人亚历山大·克尼尔施说明用于检查空气流通系统效率的烟雾测试的视频。被测试的建筑能耗少于加拿大A级标准的1/4,并获得了LEED白金级认证。

Video of Alexander Knirsch, co-founder of Transsolar, illustrating smoke tests used to check the efficiency of advanced air-circulation systems. The building tested consumes less than a fourth of the Canadian Class A standards and is LEED Platinum certified.

项目/Project: Manitoba Hydro公司总部,Transsolar气候工程公司,温尼伯(马尼托巴省,加拿大),2009年/ Manitoba Hydro-Corporate Head Office by Transsolar Climate Engineering, Winnipeg MB (Canada), 2009

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