
2014-02-22 05:59:55
世界建筑 2014年1期





Sustainability demands that resources are used efficiently. Waste, the unproductive part of human output, is to be avoided at all costs.

Meanwhile, more than ever before, everywhere we go and all around us, waste is being produced. To cope with this permanent failure a new jargon was needed. Recyclables are the new waste.


It is safe to say that for many of us, recycling is now part of our everyday life. The concept is so mainstream that it seems quite normal to see it appear in toys for children.


Apparently, lots of weird waste products can be mixed with cement and glues to make buildings materials.


But what happens to all of these "recycled" materials? It sometimes seems as is recycling is more about waste-management than resource conservation.


Can waste be altogether avoided? A family dedicated to avoiding waste: is it a collective hysteria, or a manifestation of a societal ideal?


But what will happen to these mixed materials when they become waste themselves? On a sorting line like this one these hybrids can never be separated. In 2002 the book Cradle to Cradle stated that we need to rethink our entire material economy to make endless recycling possible.


The book advises readers to get inspiration from nature, where the waste of one organism is food for another. Now, seeing the author support the world's biggest food corporation, that is executing a planetary commodification of drinking water, is a bit sad.





HUANG Weiwen:We all recognize that waste is a result of misallocated resources and many people are interested in finding creative ways to use it to create new products, including houses. Some of these products, made up of what has been deemed useless, find consumer demand and therefore become useful. But others remain useless and inevitably consume additional useful materials. Although recycling is an effective method of reducing waste, a better method is to reexamine today's consumption lifestyle and to eliminate demand at the very start of the consumption process. Thirty years ago most Chinese were still living in an era of widespread material scarcity. But today's Chinese cities, rural areas and natural environments are all glutted with waste, disposable goods and needless packaging. Because of the great increase in material consumption, many people are now suffering from "diseases of affluence" such as obesity, diabetes, and gout.

SHE Yishuang:To say "no" to waste requires more technology and thinking. This chapter showcases how to limit or effectively utilize waste: Houses built with recycled materials, rooms with zero waste, videos of refuse classification, mobile environmentfriendly vehicles. Waste is a huge industry. And the introduction here only touches its surface, suggesting a vague and seemingly beautiful future for the visitors. But the road ahead is really, really long.

1 “废物”展台/The table of "Waste"

2 “孩子们可以用这种切实可行的环保车保持自己玩具模型中城市街道的干净整洁。配有两个人偶和3个带轮垃圾桶,收集所有的回收物。配有一个闪光灯,帮助保持交通畅顺,一个垃圾箱升降机和一个可移动的小屋屋顶。”

"Kids can keep the streets of their Playmobil city clean and tidy with this realistic recycling truck. Complete with two figures and three wheelie bins to collect all the recycling. Complete with a flashing light to help keep the traffic moving, a bin lifting mechanism and a removable cabin roof."

项目/Project: Playmobil 玩具带闪光灯的回收卡车,德国,2012年/Recycling Truck with Flashing Light by Playmobil, Germany, 2012(引用/Quote: 节选自产品说明/from product description)

3 一栋证明在建筑中使用各种回收材料可能性的房子的图片。


Image of a house demonstrating the possibility of using of a wide variety of recycled materials in construction.

A journalist writes: "The building blocks, which look orthodox at first sight, prove to be quite surprising. In one, ordinary gravel is replaced by waste from steel manufacturing. Another one contains ashes from municipal waste incineration. The facing stones are most striking: shredded computer screens and televisions texture the concrete blocks with a delicate grain. The window profiles, which recall French limestone, are made of shredded glass covered in resin..."

项目/Project: 回收屋,BBRI比利时建筑研究所,利姆莱特(比利时),2001年/Recyhouse by BBRI, Belgian Building Research Institute), Limelette (Belgium), 2001(摄影/Photo:CoBoNet!& Ivan Verzar)

4-6 一个家庭住房的内部照片。家居布置关注于最大程度地限制废物量,例如,使用可以重复填充使用的罐子来储存大批量购买的食品。这个家庭一年只产生1L的废物。母亲有一个博客,她在博客上分享自己的技巧和经验。

Interior photographs of a family home. The living arrangements focus on limiting the production of waste to an absolute minimum by, for instance, using refillable jars to store foodstuff purchased in bulk. The household only produces one litre of waste a year. The mother has a blog on which she shares tips and experiences.

项目/Project: 零废物家庭,贝亚·约翰逊,加利福尼亚州米尔谷(美国),2006年/Zero Waste Home by Bea Johnson, Mill Valley CA (USA), 2006

7 显示一个建筑垃圾分拣厂日常程序的视频。这种分拣的盈利能力取决于掩埋异质材料和分拣材料市场价值之间的差异。当经济放缓,二次材料价值往往降低,而垃圾处理则更为便宜,导致分拣厂暂时关闭。

Video showing the daily procedures of a sorting plant for building waste. The profitability of such sorting depends on the difference in cost between landfilling the heterogeneous material and the market value of sorted materials. When the economy slows down, secondary materials tend to be worth less and waste disposal tends to be cheaper, resulting in the temporary shutdown of sorting plants.

De Coninck建筑垃圾分拣,鲁汶(比利时),2012年/Sorting of Building Waste in De Coninck, Leuven (Belgium), 2012(视频/Video: Rotor)

8 新近翻修的垃圾分拣厂的两名员工。


Picture of two employees at a recently renovated waste-sorting plant.

"With an architectural and conceptual return to nature, the new structure completely transforms the entire site, exchanging the bleak imagery and crude machinery ... with an intriguing new environment that draws the mind to the notion of a sophisticated organic machine ... which embodies natural and healthy procedures."

项目/Project: ISI回收厂,巴洛姆(挪威),2012年/Isi Recycling Plant by Reiulf Ramstad, Bærum (Norway), 2012(摄影/Photo: Ulf Hansen)

9 2012年的一个宣传视频“无限的可能性”,威廉·麦克唐纳和雀巢行政总裁的特写,其中塑料水瓶被称为“可再生资源”。

Endless Possibilities, a promotional video from 2012, featuring William McDonough and the CEO of Nestlé Waters, in which plastic water bottles are presented as "renewable resources".

《从摇篮到摇篮》,威廉·麦克唐纳,迈克尔·布朗嘉,夏洛茨维尔(弗吉尼亚州,美国),2002年/Cradle to Cradle by William McDonough & Michael Braungart, Charlottesville (Virginia, USA), 2002

10、11 通过将塑料废物粉碎并添加到水泥中作为传统骨料替代品的“再循环”(即:去除)方法的专利。


Patent for a method of "recycling" (read: getting rid of) plastic waste material by shredding it and adding it to concrete as a substitute for traditional aggregate.

"The recycled plastic includes up to twenty-five percent, by volume, of the building material. This provides economical and ecologically sound disposal of otherwise waste plastic…"

项目/Project: 美国专利混凝土中的回收塑胶废物,约翰·索耶,德克萨斯州拉伯克(美国),1995年/US Patent Recycling Plastic Waste in Concrete by John P. Sawyers, Lubbock TX (USA), 1995

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