
2014-02-22 05:59:51
世界建筑 2014年1期




The history of how humans have related to other forms of life on earth is complex, to say the least. It seems that today, they want to address it. Since formal apologies wouldn't be understood, people are trying to express their regrets and gratitude in other ways.


We have seen them:


Promise that they won't pollute animal habitats too much anymore.


Celebrate the quirky shapes of undomesticated trees.


Retreat and decide which spaces should not be meddled with.


Promptly intervene to rectify situations they created by removing "migrant" species that have ended up in the "wrong" habitat.


Generously provided birds with comfortable seating.


Make alliances in an effort to clean up mess.


Rid the planet of some CO2producers, at the same time.


Install features on their buildings that become nesting grounds for birds.


Compensate for landscapes they destroyed elsewhere.


Help other species find a purpose in life.


Install features on their buildings that help birds to not hurt themselves.


Layer surfaces in some urban periphery.


Nominate themselves as custodians of the world's heritage of seeds, just in case a catastrophe wipes everything out.


Try to make their presence as inconspicuous as possible.

1 “自然”展台/The table of "Nature"


Build tiny infrastructure that blends in.


Cohabit with other species.


Applaud the spectacle of nature taking over, without a human helping land.






HE Keren:How do human beings understand their relationship with Nature today? The majority of responsible people realize that we have already deeply damaged Nature. As has been said in the introduction, "people are trying to express their regret and gratitude in other ways." This part of exhibition, themed "Nature," selects a few multidisciplinary projects-from a "vertical forest" containing 900 trees to a table of branches harvested from live trees-each of which responds to Nature in a unique way and, at the same time, represents a strong pleasing design solution.

SHE Yishuang: "Nature" is a human construct.

However hard designers have worked on this topic, the "nature" here is generated by design. From protectiona coating to prevent birds from colliding with glass and a post for birds to stop on-to grafting-locating trees on the surface of buildings or piecing together tables of branches-to the ecosystem-an artificial rainstorm terrace in underground parking lots or "air trees"simulating real trees-designers cannot relinquish control. However, maybe the best approach of design is to do "nothing", just like the primordial forest "bred" in the Parc Matisse in Lille, France.

2 呼吁消灭挪威土地上所有貉的海报。这种源自东亚的动物被认为是扰乱现有生态系统平衡的危险入侵物种。


Poster campaigning for the extermination of all raccoon dogs on Norwegian soil. The animal, a native of East Asia, is considered a hazardous invasive species that upsets the balance of the existing ecosystem.

"We do not want the raccoon dog in Norway. Your knowledge and activity decides."

Miljødirektoratet/挪威环境部,2010年/Miljødirektoratet/ Norwegian Environmental Agency, 2010

3 已经刺破立面灰泥层、准备在发泡聚苯乙烯保温层中筑巢的2只椋鸟。鸟类和啮齿动物对保温材料造成的经常性破坏,以及它们带来的湿度和真菌问题,已成为对大量使用保温材料的批评者的主要关注。

Image of two starlings that have punctured the stucco finish of a facade to build a nest in the underlying foamed polystyrene insulation. Recurrent damage caused by birds and rodents, and the problems with humidity and fungi that they entail, are raised as concerns by critics of the massive use and promotion of insulation materials.

德国,2011年/Germany, 2011(摄影/Photo: Güven Purtul)

4 带紫外光反射涂层的玻璃样品,肉眼几乎看不到这种涂层,但可防止鸟类撞击窗玻璃。“在拉多夫采尔观鸟站进行的测试表明,75%的鸟会发现Ornilux窗玻璃并飞向传统的窗玻璃。”

Glass sample with a UV light reflective coating that is barely visible to the human eye, but prevents birds from striking against window panes. "Tests at the Radolfzell Ornithological Station show that 75% of the birds spotted the Ornilux pane and flew towards the conventional pane."

Ornilux鸟类保护玻璃,阿诺德玻璃厂,雷姆斯哈尔登(德国),2006年/Ornilux Bird Protection Glass by Arnold Glaswerke, Remshalden (Germany), 2006

5 (上)为在伦敦一家画廊举办的“转动桌子”展览而设计和制作的桌子。由4块砍伐下的松木制成的原型桌,松木经过数控铣削小心地锁在一起。该项目与建筑师正在进行的“以计算机制模接近木材天然特性”的研究刚好吻合。

Table designed and made for the exhibition Turning the Tables at a London gallery. Prototype table made from 4 pieces of pine, harvested from live trees, that were CNC-milled to carefully lock together. The project is part of the architect's ongoing investigations into computer modelling as a means of tapping wood's natural properties.

项目/Project: 餐树,Helen & Hard建筑事务所,挪威,2012年/Tree of Dining by Helen & Hard, Norway, 2012

5 (下)羊毛保温材料样品。本产品中的纤维由于等级较低或者颜色问题而被其他行业拒绝。羊毛保温可能比传统的玻璃纤维昂贵,但能达到更高的保温效果,对建筑物使用者和安装人员的健康影响较少。据制造商说:“羊毛是一种可持续、可再生的天然材料,完全可以重复使用,并且最终可以生物降解。由于其隐含能源最低,再加上它的自然生产过程,绵羊毛保温具有无可比拟的环保资质。”

Sample of wool insulation material. The fibres in this product were refused by other industries because of their lower grade or colour. Wool insulation may be more expensive than conventional fibreglass, but achieves higher insulation values and affects the health of building occupants and installation crews less. According to the manufacturers: "Wool is a sustainable and renewable natural material that is fully reusable and ultimately biodegradable. With the lowest embodied energy and a natural production process, Sheep Wool Insulation has unrivalled environmental credentials."

绵羊毛保温科技有限公司出品,爱尔兰,2002年/by Sheep Wool Insulation Ltd., Ireland, 2002

6 某自然保护区中一系列混凝土柱的照片,它们为鸟类提供休息的地方。该照片刊登在Domus杂志的一篇文章中,文中景观设计师认为,“自然”是一种人类建筑。

Photo of a series of concrete poles in a nature reserve which provide birds with a resting place. The image featured in a Domus magazine article in which the landscape architect argues that "nature" is a human construct.

Focognano池塘,卡罗·斯科钱蒂,佛罗伦萨(意大利),1999年/Ponds of Focognano by Carlo Scoccianti, Florence (Italy), 1999

7 一个8hm2公园的拼贴。欧洲里尔城市开发的一部分,公园位于新高速火车站、老城和商业区之间。这个花园最不寻常的特点是一个被称为德布朗斯岛的7m高混凝土高台。故意设计无法进入的结构使得生态演替过程可以自然发生,无需人工干预。景观设计师打算把这个岛作为一个种子库,加强周围区域的生物多样性。

Collage of an 8 hectare park. Part of the vast Euralille city development. The park lies between the new high-speed train station, the historical city and the business district. The most unusual feature of this garden is a 7m high concrete plateau known as Derborence Island. The deliberately inaccessible structure allows for processes of ecological succession to take place spontaneously, without human intervention. The landscape designers intended the island to function as a seed bank, enhancing bio-diversity in the areas that surround it.

项目/Project: 马蒂斯公园,Derborence工作室:吉尔斯·克莱门特,Acanthe事务所:埃里克·柏林,西尔万·弗利波,Empreinte事务所:克劳德·库特屈斯,里尔(法国),1995年/Parc Matisse by Atelier Derborence: Gilles Clément, Acanthe:Eric Berlin & Sylvain Flipo and Empreinte: Claude Courtecuisse, Lille (France), 1995

8、9 一个地下停车场上受气候控制的城市空间照片及剖面。反射太阳光的白色混凝土表面、种植的树木和雨水排放雾化器保证了此处在丹麦夏季凉爽的微气候环境。


Image and section of a climate controlled urban space above an underground car park. White concrete surfaces that reflect the sun, planted trees and rainwater emitting atomizers ensure a cool micro-climate in the Danish summer.

"It is a new manner of seeing and experiencing nature in the city. The ambition is to create an urban view of nature through a design that clarifies the presence of nature as a process, while simultaneously supporting acclimatization and other functional conditions."

项目/Project: 城市沙丘,SLA,哥本哈根(丹麦),2010年/The City Dune by SLA, Copenhagen (Denmark), 2010

10 期望通过堆叠6个景观来优化空间的36m高的建筑模型(1:100)。


Model (1:100) of a 36m tall building that aspires to optimize space by stacking six landscapes.

"... what role will nature, in the widest sense, play in such an increase in density? Is not the issue here "new nature" literally and metaphorically? The World Fair in Hannover 2000 ... seems to be devoted particularly to a nostalgic glimpse of ecology:a simple critique of technology and the consumer society, of asphalt and machinery. What the Dutch entry shows is precisely a mix of technology and nature, emphasizing nature's makeability and artificiality: technology and nature need not be mutually exclusive, they can perfectly well reinforce one another."

项目/Project: 2000年世博会荷兰馆,汉诺威(德国),2000年/Dutch Pavilion for Expo 2000 by MVRDV, Hannover (Germany), 2000(引用/Quote:建筑师对项目的描述/ Architects' project description.)

11 一个高悬在地面上的旅馆,17m2的巢居只能通过一个可伸缩的梯子进入。地板采暖系统使用本地产生的电能。


Image of a hotel room. Suspended high above ground, the 17m2nest can only be accessed via a retractable ladder. It uses locally produced electricity for an underfloor heating system.

"The Bird's Nest Room's exterior is nothing but a gigantic bird's nest. It gives a camouflage so you quickly disappear and become part of the surroundings. The interior, on the other hand, is familiar and exclusive. It's a spacious environment where a family with two children can comfortably spread out."

项目/Project: 树屋酒店(鸟巢房),哈拉斯(瑞典),2010年/Treehotel (Bird's Nest Room) by Inredningsgruppen, Harads (Sweden), 2010

12、13 由实心木材或混凝土预制墙体和屋顶元素组装的模块化水力发电站项目的模型(1:500)和效果图。该发电站由一家私营电力公司Fjellkraft委托建造。形状根据场地条件和其安置涡轮的类型有所不同。委托人认为,这种类型的小装置的介入影响较小,在使用寿命结束时更容易拆除,且不需要进行河流改道。在该公司被卖掉时,这个项目被取消了。

Models (1:500) and rendering for a project of modular hydroelectric power stations, assembled from prefabricated wall and roof elements in solid wood or concrete. The stations were commissioned by Fjellkraft, a private power company. The shapes differ depending on site conditions and the type of turbine they house. The commissioner argues that small installations of this type are less intrusive, easier to remove at the end of their lifetime and do not require river diversions. This particular project was cancelled when the company was sold.

项目/Project: Fjellkraft模块化水力发电站,曼泰·库拉,内斯比恩(挪威),2007年/Modular Hydro Power Stations for Fjellkraft by Manthey Kula, Nesbyen (Norway), 2007

14 -17 为了在城市中增加绿地,两座高楼的立面被设计为可容纳900棵乔木、灌木和植物的垂直森林。

a. 市中心一个豪华住宅及商业开发的演示模型(1:200,图14)

b. 更大背景中的一座塔楼混凝土结构的照片(图15)

c. 城外苗圃树木的照片,必须先用两年的时间来培植出适宜的根部结构,才能让树在建筑立面上存活(图16)

d. 2012年拍摄的照片,起重机正在把第一棵树放到建筑物的悬臂上(图17)

In an effort to increase green spaces in the city the façades of two towers were designed to accommodate a Vertical Forest of 900 trees, shrubs and plants.

a. Presentation model (1:200) of a luxury residential and commercial development in the city centre (Fig. 14)

b. Photo of the concrete structure of one tower in its wider context (Fig.15)

c. Photo of the trees in nurseries outside the city where they must first spend two years developing the right root structure in order to survive the shock of being translated onto the building façades (Fig.16)

d. Photo taken in 2012 of the crane ceremoniously placing the first tree onto the building's cantilevers (Fig. 17)

项目/Project: Torri Isola Bosco Verticale,博埃里工作室,米兰(意大利),2014年/Boeri Studio (Stefano Boeri, Gianandrea Barreca, Giovanni La Varra), Milan (Italy), 2014(摄影/Photos:Iwan Baan, Marco Garofalo)

18 一个观景平台的照片。该观景平台只能通过步行到达,可以观赏上阿尔代什高原崎岖的地形以及生长在岩石上的地衣。景观设计师和一个当地组织一起对这个地区的特性进行了调研。这些有特色的山坡需要很长一段时间来培养。用现代化和农业机械不可能进入,它们现在又被大自然接手了。按照吉尔斯·克莱门特的说法,这些已经成为了野生的“生物库”,他对类似“荒地”的植物特别感兴趣。他称这些被遗忘的地方为“第三景观”或“地球花园的未评定片段”。

Photo of a viewing platform, only accessible by foot, offering outlooks on the rugged landscape of the upper Ardèche plateau and on the lichens that grow on its rocks. Together with a local organisation, the landscape architect led an investigation into the properties of the area. For a long time the characteristic hill slopes were cultivated. Impossible to access with modern agricultural machinery, they are now taken over by nature again. These have become wild "biodiversity repositories" according to Gilles Clément, who is particularly interested in the flora of similar "wastelands". He calls these leftover areas “the third landscape" or "the undecided fragment of the planetary garden".

项目/Project: Le Belvédère des Lichens,吉尔斯·克莱门特,阿尔代什山(法国),2007年/Le Belvédère des Lichens by Gilles Clément, Monts d'Ardèche (France), 2007(摄影/Photo: Pierre-Olivier Arnaud)

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