Architects: Li Xiaodong Atelier
The Yuhu Elementary School,Lijiang,Yunnan,China,2004
Architects: Li Xiaodong Atelier
项目信息/Credits and Data
主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 李晓东/LI Xiaodong
项目团队/Project Team: Yeo Kangshua,Cheong Kenhua,Lim Guanxiong
建筑面积/Floor Area: 800m2
摄影/Photos: 李晓东/LI Xiaodong
1 草图/Sketch
2.1 关于挑战与课题
2.2 关于目的与理念
2.3 关于布局
2.4 关于建筑
7.8 外景,社区院落/Exterior view,community courtyard
2 外景,学校院落/Exterior view,school courtyard
3 外景,社区院落/Exterior view,community courtyard
4 外景,社区院落/Exterior view,community courtyard
Yuhu is a small Naxi village in Lijiang-an area under the protection of World Cultural Heritage Program The name Yuhu takes its name from the Jade Lake-a lake formed by melted water from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain The small village sits at the foot of the Mountain at an altitude of 2,760 meters and enjoys a pleasant climate of "warm in winter and cool in summer." The picturesque Snow Mountain and crystal glacier peaks make a spectacular backdrop for the village.
The rural Yuhu Elementary School was established in 2001 In 2002,when LI Xiaodong and his students visited on a research trip from Singapore,the school could no longer meet its teaching requirements-it was in urgent need of expansion but there was a severe shortage of educational funds at the local level The integration of contemporary architecture and regional culture has always been a very interesting topic for architects and the group of architects were concerned with social and public welfare A decision was made to overcome all difficulties and build a Hope primary school there No design fee would be charged on the project and the team not only donated 80,000 yuan,but collected funds through multiple channels (mostly Singaporean and Chinese donors) including grants from the local government The land for the expansion was even donated by local residents - a site located north of the original Yuhu Elementary School and adjacent to the former residence of Joseph Rock (1922-1962),a wellknown Austrian-American botanist and journalist for National Geographic.
5 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
6 二层平面/Floor 1 plan
2.1 About Task and Challenges
The project site lies within the World Cultural Heritage area,adjacent to historic buildings under protection The particular culture of the place fed the project but also presented its biggest challenges The design needed to not only address and respect the local environment,history and culture and meet the functional demands of a school.It also had to cope with the financial difficulties,resource shortage,and technical constraints of the place The principal issue of the project became how to integrate limited resources and maximize efficiency in utilizing these resources The design needed to take into consideration spatial,relational,formal and material design aspects; find a solution that would allow the integration of modern building language,traditional culture,and vernacular feelings; and construct buildings suitable for local conditions and sustainable development.
2.2 About Objective and Principle
Sympathetic to all the particularities of the site,the architects defined their design objective as combining education,research,design,and construction practices-culturally,economically,resourcefully and environmentally-in a way that would set an example for the sustainable development of world heritage sites.
The philosophy was to ground the design in the architects' research of local tradition,building technology and resources The project integrated research and design and tried to reinterpret the vernacular architecture of Lijiang with environmental understanding,social sensitivity and an interest in building preservation.
2.3 About Layout
The architects considered the whole site and developed a three-part site strategy consisting of a community center and exhibition space open to the village and two two-story classroom wings The architecture borrowed from but also broke with the typology of traditional Naxi quadrangle houses Using an old maple tree at one end as the center of the scheme,the design adopted a z-shaped layout and divided the courtyard into two smaller courts.The school courtyard was defined by two individual classrooms and flanked by farmland; the other,public,courtyard is defined by one classroom,the community center and the wall Joseph Rock's former residence Rock's former residence became a "borrowed" part of the project-part of the backdrop of the quadrangle house-by coordinating the architectural vocabulary of the new buildings with it.A water area was designed near the entry area of the community center.The intention was to not only help adjust the humidity of the space but also produce reflections harmonious with the surrounding environment,including the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain far away.
9 剖面/Section
The spatial layout actually changed the dynamic of the village As there was no other public building in the village,the school became a public space Besides its educational function,the school also provided a space for villagers' leisure activities The courtyard at the entry became the center of the village.
2.4 About Architecture
The design intended to integrate new buildings with the local environment and to re-interpret vernacular architecture using a modern vocabulary instead of imitation All traditional decorative techniques and ornamentation were simplified: traditional curved roof ridges were straightened,old-style gable-end ornaments,inspired by farmers' grain-drying racks,were simplified as timber lattice frames The essence of vernacular architecture was extracted and then re-expressed in form and space In this way,the architects preserved the rudiments of sloping rooftops,their gray tiles and tilt,the standard division of interior space in an old-style house,etc.
Naxi culture views the "mountain as the skeleton and water as the soul," and the design deliberately maximizes the use of local materials and these elements For reasons of sustainability,the architects used a large amount of white calcareous sedimentary rocks and pebbles-rich local resources-in the project's stonewalls and pavements Since the buildings surrounding the school were mainly constructed of clay brick,white limestone made the building stand out while looking harmonious A large volume of local wood was used in the space-for the floors,in the facades and grilles Under the right lighting,the scene has a natural aura and ambiance.
Materials for the structure were another challenge Because of the limited budget,only simple and inexpensive materials should be considered but these materials needed to possess excellent antiseismic capability Although steel is an excellent material for stair structures,it was too expensive To save the cost,steel plates were from salvage yards and matched to wood templates in a ratio of 1:1.The steel plates were then cut to the same size as the templates And the staircases were finished.
For reasons of economic sustainability,the project was built by a local construction team and construction workers led by a Singaporean team of consultants This cooperation allowed traditional architectural materials and technologies to be integrated in modern ways.It was a productive process both despite and because of the debates that took place between the two technologies and cultures,as well as numerous trials,compromises,and adaptations.
LI Xiaodong is the first architect in China to build Hope primary schools,and the Yuhu Elementary School was his first attempt to incorporate issues of local sustainability into his architecture This project reflects his consistent endeavors to solve problems using minimal resources,how to interpret what is local in a modern way,and how to enter into conversations with the environment.
The completed project involved the joint effort of around 160 students and 1,300 villagers Despite twists and turns along the way,the villagers and several international prizes have recognized the final outcome Villagers have described the school as having a simultaneous feeling of familiarity and," It is not the kind of house we can build; but it echoes the old houses." The UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards jury comments describe the project's directive role and contribution to contemporary vernacular architecture: "Its delicate design skillfully interprets the traditional architectural environment through modern technology; its bold utilization of local materials and creative illustration of vernacular architecture not only creates a powerful form,but also pushes sustainable architectural design one step forward (Translated by ZHANG Qingfei)
10 水池/Reflecting pool
11 展览区域/Exhibition area
WANG Hui : The design of Yuhu Elementary School sparked LI Xiaodong's international reputation At the dawn of the new millennium,tremendous social opportunities in China were enabling radical design experimentation and the majority of emerging designers embarked on an avant-garde route But LI Xiaodong shifted his focus away from the metropolis,and began to selectively practice his supervisor Alexander Tzonis's idea of "critical regionalism." As LI Xiaodong incorporated the doctrine of the golden mean into his design of the Yuhu Elementary School,he was also stepping confidently onto a new stage Looking back now,after more than ten years,one can recognize the way this school design defined the tenets of LI Xiaodong's professional career:
The first of these is to be selective about a project's source of funding The Yuhu Elementary School clearly reveals LI Xiaodong's prudence in selecting how he will work Because the architects were the fundraisers for the project,they were able to avoid the "power of the purse" final say a typical client has in design decisions.The were,in effect,their own clients and in this way were able to ensure their control of the design process.
The second precedent set by the Yuhu School project was to be very selective in choosing the site for a project.The elementary school design clearly shows LI Xiaodong's interest in working with peculiar geographical locations,as well as his wit in nurturing the social aspects of a project.
The final tenet of his one can recognize is that of being selective about approach The Yuhu School clearly demonstrates LI Xiaodong's approach to developing the design language of a project.In his schemes special attention is paid to the integration of traditional craft with modernism,raw materials with delicate details,architectural space with natural landscape and,finally,real life with poetic scenarios.
The three tenets-control of funding,place and language-are obvious aspects of this later work,embody his vision of what architecture should be and have guaranteed his success as an architect.
Built academic architects,the Yuhu Elementary School acquired a scholarly disposition It is rooted in Naxi ethnic villages and has a strong connection to their forms but it also seems detached from its village It is only entering the village that you can sense the poetic conversation between the rustic situation and the refined aspirations of the scheme.