1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
这座2层的木结构住宅位于一块旗杆形的场地上。30m×30m见方的平面里是一个直径15m的内院。主起居室在内院中央。所有的空间都从入口处以放射形排列。分隔主起居室与内院的8扇推拉门可以随时开启,形成一个大空间。结构由75mm×350mm的L形木柱和梁组成,同样以放射形排列,形成一个单坡大屋顶。大屋顶的高度是变化的,形成从2.4m~7.5m不等的室内净空。(尚晋 译)
2 剖面/Section
3 庭院/Courtyard
The 2-storey wood structure residence is situated on a site of flag-pole shape. In the plan of 30m squares there is an interior courtyard with a diameter of 15m, in the center of which the main living room is situated. All spaces are arranged radially from the entrance. The 8 sliding doors separating the main living room and interior courtyard can be opened at any time to form a huge space. The structure is made up of wooden columns and beams, which are 75mm×350mm L-shaped pieces, and which are also arranged in a radial manner, creating a large one way sloped roof. The large roof varies in height, achieving ceiling heights between 2.4m to 7.5m.
项目信息/Credits and Data
项目团队/Project Team: Shigeru Ban, Nobutaka Hiraga, Jun Matsumori, Wataru Sakaki
结构设计/Structural Engineers: Hoshino Architect & Engineer
总承建方/General Contractor: Hakone Construction
主要结构/Main Structure: 木结构/Timber
场地面积/Site Area: 1770.00m2
基底面积/Building Area: 576.89m2
总建筑面积/Total Floor Area: 1452.60m2
层数/Number of Floor: +2
建成时间/Construction Period: 2013.08
摄影/Photos: Hiroyuki Hirai
4 总平面/Site plan
LIU Tongtong: Elementary geometric forms, simple spaces, natural materials and quiet elegant tone seem to be the common features of this generation's works. Similarly, rather than going after complicated forms and spaces, the architect expresses his understanding of site and space usage by a continuous interface and an interior completely open to the courtyard. In addition, the simple architectural space is endowed with a unique character with good quality construction, soft lights, natural texture of timber and rhythmic beauty of structure.
QING Feng: The main challenge of this project is how to occupy the over-sized land.The architect chose a laconic and efficient way, turning a large portion of land into an inner courtyard. The continuity and variety of structure is the most successful strategy of Shigeru Ban. It enhances the purity of architecture. In this building, the unified volume, plenitude of open spaces and clear linear circulation may easily mislead people to take it as a public building. On the other hand, the strange shapes of the major rooms might be inconvenient for the residents.
Villa at Sengokubara, Kanagawa, Japan, 2013
Architects: Shigeru Ban Architects
6 夜景/Night view
8 首层平面/Floor 0 plan
7 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram
11 细部/Detail
12 剖面细部/Details on the section
13.14 内景/Interior view
15 细部/Detail