
2014-02-20 05:41:42建筑设计AIR尤尔科夫斯基建筑事务所
世界建筑 2014年7期




1 夜景/Night view




建筑师抓住机会,通过精心的复原将之前的军事建筑改造成一座真正意义上的博物馆。对珍贵的砖墙进行了清洁和修补。旧的粉刷面被去除,露出最初的面砖。屋顶进行了延伸,还覆上了陶瓦。阴沉的地下室被改造。最后,内院加上了玻璃屋顶。改造后,这座博物馆的砖墙成为一道亮丽的风景,与所有的新功能完美地结合在一起。(尚晋 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: 地方军事博物馆/Muzeum Armii Krajowej

建设周期/Construction Period: 2009 - 2011

使用面积/Usable Floor Area: 5253m²

建筑用途/Building's Purpose: 博物馆/Museum

用砖类型/Brick Type: 原始面砖,粘土屋顶瓦/Original facing bricks, clay roof tiles

摄影/Photos: Wojciech Dziedzic(Fig.1-3,8-10), Piotr Piatek(Fig.4)

In order to comprehend the political and national significance of this place, one has to start with a bit of history. Many places have military museums filled to the rafters with weapons, and in which the technical exhibits tend to attenuate the horrific reality of war or serve merely to commemorate the heroic feats of the (country's own) troops.

The history of Poland has been a particularly painful one. In the 18th century it was wiped off the political map when neighbouring Prussia, Russia and Austria carved up the country and divided it amongst themselves. From 1795, Cracow was part of the Austrian empire. Franz Josef fearing a Russian attack, began to rebuild the city as a fortress. After the First World War, Poland was independent for a brief time, but in 1939 it was invaded once more from two sides, by Nazi Germany and by the Soviet Union. The Polish army was defeated after just a few weeks, and six years of occupation followed. Still, the Poles refused to give up, engaging in armed resistance with their underground Home Army, which was led by the Polish government in exile in London. The year 2000 saw the opening of the Home Army Museum, which found its home in this historic building of the Cracow Fortress.

When it was erected for the Austrian army in 1911, it was a two-storey building with an ample basement floor, an unusable roof and a rectangular inner courtyard. Exposed brickwork showed on the outer facades, while the courtyard facades had grey rendering. The basement, which served as a military shelter, featured ceilings and supports of reinforced concrete and exterior double-wythe brick masonry walls.

The architects seized the opportunity to convert the former military building into an authentic location for the museum by means of a careful restoration. The valuable brickwork walls were cleaned and sealed; the old render was stripped to expose the original facing bricks; the roof was extended and covered with clay roof tiles; the basement with its impressive atmosphere was adapted; and finally the courtyard was given a glass roof. Post-conversion, the museum building is distinguished by its brickwork aesthetic, and is ideally suited to all the new functions required of it.

2 内景/Interior view

3 外景/Exterior view

4 屋顶/Roof

5 剖面/Section





DING Liyang: The architects' attitude towards the preservation and renovation of historic buildings largely determined the strategy, treatment and result of this work. The building and the region it belongs to experienced WWI and WWII, which consequently turns the structure itself into the most significant display item for the museum. Therefore continuity and coherence turn out to be the first priority of architects' idea. The limited and controlled "activities" that architects carry out concentrated on the exposing the original facing bricks of the courtyard by wiping out the former grey plaster rendering. A glass roof was also added to cover the courtyard seamlessly turning the entire building into a single and whole object.

FAN Lu: The Home Army Museum was part of a project to renovate Cracow Fortress. But the architects regarded the fortress itself, built in 1911, as the museum's best exhibit. They did a lot of cleaning and made some surgical interventions to reveal the building's texture and atmosphere as much as possible. In this restoration project, the disposition of the courtyard is the most creative part. The open courtyard was given a glass roof as part of the renovation work and serves as an inner atrium in the new museum. The courtyard was stripped to expose the original red facing bricks. The museum's plaster walls now become prominent figures full of history, and can be perceived in a new way. In the atrium, the eternal sky is integrated into the presence and history of the fortress.

The Home Army Museum, Cracow, Poland, 2011

Architects: AIR Jurkowscy-Architekci

6.7 平面/Floor plan

8-10 内景/Interior view

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