贾文宝 曾 捷 单 卿 凌永生 黑大千 张 焱 魏勇红
(南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院 南京 210016)
贾文宝 曾 捷 单 卿 凌永生 黑大千 张 焱 魏勇红
(南京航空航天大学 材料科学与技术学院 南京 210016)
本文利用蒙特卡罗方法模拟了涂硼多气隙电阻板室(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber, MRPC)热中子探测器和3He正比计数管在常规条件和欠平衡条件下的补偿中子测井中的响应。模拟结果表明,使用涂硼MRPC热中子探测器时,得到近远探测器计数随孔隙度而增加,且与使用3He正比计数管时得到的结果基本一致,说明涂硼MRPC热中子探测器可用于补偿中子测井。
蒙特卡罗方法,补偿中子测井,涂硼多气隙电阻板室(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber, MRPC)热中子探测器
多气隙电阻板室(Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber, MRPC)研制于1995年[6],具有探测效率高、抗辐照性能强、结构简单、成本低廉等优点,我们拟在内层玻璃涂上热中子转换体(碳化硼),研制出一种新型的热中子探测器,其结构示意图如图1所示。本文通过蒙特卡罗方法模拟了在常规条件和欠平衡条件下,补偿中子测井中的涂硼MRPC热中子探测器的响应并与3He正比计数管的响应进行比较,研究其是否如3He正比计数管一样可用于补偿中子测井中。
图1 涂硼MRPC热中子探测器结构示意图Fig.1 Structure of the boron-coated MRPC thermal neutron detector.
利用Geant4程序进行数值模拟计算,计算模型如图2所示。井眼半径为10 cm,里面充满水或气体。地层为内外半径分别为10 cm和70 cm、高为140 cm的圆筒状几何模型,地层骨架为灰岩或砂岩,空隙里面充满水或者石油。屏蔽体为理想屏蔽体,水泥环的厚度为3 cm,套管厚度为0.3 cm。探测器为3He正比计数管或者涂硼MRPC,3He正比计数管大小为3 cm×20 cm,涂硼MRPC大小为3 cm ×2.5 cm×20 cm。源为4π空间均匀发射的、能量为14 MeV的中子源。每次模拟时抽样5×107个中子。
图2 补偿中子测井的模拟模型Fig.2 Sketch of compensated neutron logging in the simulation.
图3 不同介质SS/LS与孔隙度的关系Fig.3 Relationship between the porosity and SS/LS with different formation matrix in conventional conditions.■ Limestone boron-coated MRPC,● Limestone helium-3 proportional counter,▲ Sandston boron-coated MRPC,▼ Sandston helium-3 proportional counter
图4 不同井眼物质SS/LS与孔隙度的关系Fig.4 Relationship between the porosity and SS/LS withdifferent material in underbalanced conditions.■ Boron-coated MRPC, fresh water,● Helium-3 proportional counter, fresh water,▲ Boron-coated MRPC, 20%,▼ Helium-3 proportional counter, 20%,◆ Boron-coated MRPC, 40%,Helium-3 proportional counter, 40%,► Boron-coated MRPC, 60%,Helium-3 proportional counter, 60%
(1) 在常规条件下,对于不同的地层介质,涂硼MRPC热中子探测器可以和3He正比计数管一样,在补偿中子测井中取得比较好的效果。
(2) 在欠平衡条件下,在补偿中子测井技术中使用涂硼MRPC热中子探测器作为探测器是可行的。虽然在欠平衡条件下的补偿中子测井中,使用此探测器和3He正比计数管得到的近远探测器计数比与孔隙度的敏感性与液体介质有关,且气体成分越多,测井效果越差,但是两种探测器得到的近远探测器计数比几乎一致,因此若通过一定的修正,使用涂硼MRPC作为热中子探测器,测井的准确性也会很高。
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Monte Carlo simulation on the application of boron-coated MRPC thermal neutron detector to the compensated neutron logging
JIA Wenbao ZENG Jie SHAN Qing LING Yongsheng HEI Daqian ZHANG Yan WEI Yonghong
(College of Material Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China)
Background:The compensated neutron logging technology is widely used in oil exploration and development. The neutron detector commonly used in this technology is the helium-3 proportional counter. Due to the decreasing in supply of the helium-3 gas, the price of the helium-3 proportional counter rises quickly. Purpose: The aim is to develop a new type of neutron detector to replace the helium-3 tubes in the compensated neutron logging technology. Methods: A new thermal neutron detector coated with a layer of thermal neutron convertor in the inner glass of the Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) was developed. Under the conventional and underbalanced conditions, Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the response of the boron-coated MRPC thermal neutron detector and helium-3 proportional counter employed in compensated neutron logging technology. Results: It is shown that the SS/LS increases with the rise of porosity using either the boron-coated MRPC thermal neutron detector or the helium-3 proportional counter, and the results of these two detectors are basically identical. Conclusion: It indicates that the boron-coated MRPC thermal neutron detector can be used for compensated neutron logging.
Monte Carlo method, Compensated neutron logging, Boron-coated Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chamber (MRPC) thermal neutron detector