
2013-12-29 00:00:00刘梅香
成才之路 2013年25期



【内容简析】本课题为Dialogue B Do you like sports,系《英语1》(高等教育出版社基础模块)第五单元的第二课时,其主要内容涉及运动的词汇和谈论运动的对话,该话题与学生的生活紧密联系,容易引起学生共鸣。





(2)课堂教学。本堂课,我以组为单位,运用任务型教学法开展英语教学活动,并把活动结果体现在最后的形成性评价表中。英语课堂的学习是学生 information identification(信息辨别)、information extraction(信息提取)、information synthesis(信息合成)、information application(信息运用)和 information evaluation(信息评价)的过程。根据以上的理论,我对本堂课进行以下教学设计,我暂称之为信息化五步教学法。

StepⅠ. Information Identification(8’)


①Greeting:T says:“Hello everybody! I have a notice for you. Our school will hold a sports meeting next week. I want some of you to take part in it. Are you interested in it? ”


②Video show: First T shows a ping-pong ball competition video of Beijing Olympic Games. Then ask students “what kind of sports is showing in the video?”In guessing students give the clue: They are playing ping-pong ball. T ask:“So do you like sports?”and “Can you tell me some other sports names?” Then we can come to the next step naturally.


③Brainstorm:different sports names. Compare which group speaks out the most sports names. This group would get a smiling face. ( group competition)


StepⅡ.Information Extraction (10’)

①Listen and underline:After speaking out so many sports names,Ss can listen to a record of Dialogue B and they should underline the sentences talking about sports.


②Read and repeat: Listen to it again,Ss read after the tape,and then repeat the sentences,which requires Ss to imitate native intonation,pronunciation,stress and rhythm.


③Act out:After reading,Ss should imitate dialogue B and talk about their favorite sport in pairs. Allow them to add more sentences into this dialogue. T would give each group scores according to their performance.


Step Ⅲ. Information Synthesis(10’)

Task 1 Play a game:Pass the sentence:

After busy dialogue learning,Ss should take easy to play a game.

There are six sentences,each written on a piece of paper,and they are:I like playing basketball.I love playing football. I enjoy playing volleyball. I’m interested in badminton.

I’m crazy about playing tennis. Ping-pong ball is my favorite.

1)The first student of each group gets a piece of paper and tries to remember it in 10 seconds.

2)The first student tells the sentence to the second,the second to the third…

3)The last student of each group rushes to the front of her group and speaks out the sentence. The teacher judged which group passed the sentence faster and more correctly.


Task 2 Fill in the forms:After playing the game,Ss can speak out the six sentences fluently. T open the sports application form on the Vocational education Shinkansen. They should have a discussion and fill in the forms by using the six sentences. Then the four leaders upload their result to the Vocational education Shinkansen.


StepⅣ. Information Application(10’)

Task Interview:Ss have finished the sports application form. They can take part in the school sports meeting next week. T says:Now supposing you are a reporter in our school newspaper,can you interview the athletes who get medals? Each group has two reporters and four athletes. The reporters use the expressions on the left of the slide to ask questions. The athletes use phrases on the right to answer. After this,the reporters should finish the form. Four leaders should shoot video by mobile phone or DV. T playbacks the video of four performance groups and select one reporter,who would be awarded with the best reporter.


StepⅤ. Information Evaluation(7’)

①Summary:Ss read the words and expressions on the blackboard. T also tells Ss: Sport is good for our health. Everybody should do sports every day. Please remember: Love sports,love life.

②Teacher’s evaluation form。


③Homework:Students should search English names of the pictures representing the Olympic sports from the network link http://wenku.baidu.com/view/8f2c9bfe910ef12d2af9e7aa.html after class. Ss interview with family members and design a monthly family sports plan according to their favorite sports by using today’s words and expressions,Ss should upload the video and plan to teacher’s web page.



(1)教学评价。新课程理念倡导我们英语教师不仅要关心学生的学习结果,更要关注学生在整个英语学习过程中所表现出来的兴趣、情感和人格等方面的成长过程。因此,我采用了形成性评价和终结性评价两种教学评价形式。根据现在中职生英语基础差这一特点,形成性评价法显得尤为重要。我通常采用课堂观察法(classroom observation)。通过课堂观察,可以实时了解学生交际语言运用的能力。英语课堂是学生学习英语的主要场所,教师可以结合学生的课堂行为表现、小组活动记录等,得到学生参与语言实践活动的效果,从而形成对学生的课堂评价。为此,本人设计了一个小组活动记分表,对学生本堂课的表现作出形成性评价。

