研究任务:李老师每周课后反思,写成教学日志。语言可以中文,可以英文,由反思教师自己选择。反思内容以自己教学后的感受、体验、思考为主,也可以在日志里向指导教师 (本研究者)提出一些问题,共同探讨。研究者对所提出的问题可以提供个人想法和建议,仅供反思教师参考。
本研究利用教师反思日志作为研究手段,因为研究者认为反思有助于提升教师的教学经验,有研究者表明:经验 + 反思 = 成长。反思帮助教师把教学过程作为“学习教学”的过程,使经验更有意识,系统性更强。因此研究者相信:教学反思可以使教师的专业技能不断提高。当然,反思是否一定带来成长,或者积极的结果是一个见仁见智的问题。无论如何,反思使原始的经验被审视、修正、强化,经验得到提炼、得到升华。而且反思可以是多次的、循环的,会使认识得到深化。
本研究是单个案例研究,研究者以一线教师在一个学期内所撰写的教学反思日志作为研究数据进行分析与研究。对反思的撰写没有限定框架和要点①Brian Parkinson & Christina Howell-Richardson,Learner diaries.In Brumfit,C.& Mitchell,R.(eds.).Research in the language classroom.London:Modern English Publications in association with the British Council,1989,pp.128—40.,只要求课后对于刚刚上完的课进行回顾,记下感受。教师并非对每一节课都进行反思,而对自己特别有感觉、有想法、印象深的事情反思,根据自己安排时间,自主决定内容。这样,本研究案例以教学反思日志的形式持续进行了一个学期。
虽然反思教师所用的反思语言可以是英语,也可以是中文(主要让教师使用自己感觉舒服的语言表达),但结果李老师选择了使用英文,希望用目的语去写,一为增加语言练习机会,二希望研究者对日志中有语误的地方指正。但是,研究者并未对反思的语言进行过多纠正,始终把注意力放在反思的内容。对于语言表述不清的地方,用提问的方式询问,并且对李老师提出的问题给予解答。因此,整个指导过程形成了书面对话方式,即对话日志(dialog journal),解决了反思教师与研究者的时空问题。对话采取一对一形式,对反思教师给予及时反馈。②Jo McDonough & Steven McDonough, Research Methods for English Language Teachers.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press and Edward Arnold (Publishers)Limited,1977,p..
反思性的日志研究取得的数据属质性,对于数据的处理虽然可以量化,仍然含有较大的主观性。反思本身就主观,如果反思与所反思的教学活动时间间隔过长,准确性会受到影响。本研究的反思日志尽量及时,在教学后及时反思,以保证反思事件的相对准确性。本研究的教师利用教学、备课、工作的空隙时间,撰写反思日志。虽然日志数据的性质如此,但是对于我们研究的目的来说仍然有所帮助、仍然可以够使研究者从日志里发现教学中发生了什么,教师对事件的感觉如何,教师的观念、反应、期待等等都发生了哪些转变。③John Elliott,Action Research for Education Change.Milton Keynes and Philadelphia:Open University Press,1991.
数据分析关注三个特征。①Dick Allwright & Kathleen Bailey,Focus on the Language Classroom.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1993.数据中提到话题的频率(主题、关键词)、数据话题的分布(一个教师一个学期的日志),话题表述的强度(表述的语言显著性程度)。
图1 反思高频率内容
李老师的日志里教学经历中有成功的经历,也有令人不满意的经历、遗憾、担忧,还有的经历使教师自豪、自信,有时也沮丧。先看一个成功的经历Today,in my class,my students continued to listen to a description of one's favourite place—Hyde Park.And I encouraged my students to orally describe the most beautiful and important park in their hometown—Xiadu Park.They seemed interested and they could use their own words to describe it.New vocabulary flashed in their mind.And today's assignment is to write a short essay about Xiadu Park.// Today we continued to check answers to two passages.A boy gave supporting details when he explained the answers.I praised him for his good habits of underlining supporting details.And this is what I often stress about reading habits.Some students have already formed such a reading habit.I hope they will set a good example to the rest of the class.学生可以用所学表达自己的感受和经历,学生感兴趣的话题使他们的语言自然闪现而出。学生的良好阅读习惯受到教师表扬。学生的进步使教师感到满意或者得意,李老师的生动描述New vocabulary flashed in their mind.使其满意的心情跃然纸上。
学生的表现令教师高兴的体验Every other day,I will check their reading materials and sometimes I am happy to find that some students do read very carefully and they underline all the useful expressions that they can identify.And some look up the new vocabulary in the dictionary.Usually I will draw a simple picture as encouragement to them.学生学习的认真态度,完成教师布置的作业,使教师用图形方式给予表扬。
教师感到遗憾的体验To be honest,I can't give them better advice than to tell them reread their textbooks,work out the vocabulary and try to recite some sentences.But it is too late to make up for what has been lost.接近考试的时间,教师有些担忧。也有令教师欣喜的经历Every day,my students read at least one passage and half of them have already finished a nearly 200-page reading book.学生遵照教师的教诲,令教师欣喜。
学生的学习习惯:A new week begins,and it seems that students always dislike Mondays.Many students feel tired on Monday mornings and they say they have to do too much homework during the weekends.李老师看到了学生的疲惫不堪,也了解了学生的状态,但是,没有进一步去思考如何对付这种状况,虽然看到了实际情况,但是对此状况习以为常,或许对此状况无能为力。
学生的偏好和需求:Students prefer to do tests to improve themselves.However,everyone has a different need.I used to explain each question to my students regardless of their interests and patience.李老师意识到学生的不同需要,这是有经验教师通常具备的知识,会根据学生的不同需要进行教学。新手教师常常一个教案,一种安排,一种处理方式。
学生喜欢的练习形式:Students tend to pay more attention to grammar rules and do more grammar exercises for they think their English will improve a lot if they are good at grammar.
学生学习动机水平:For some students,their textbooks are almost as clean as new books.李老师发现有些学生不喜欢英语,不做笔记,这种现象时常出现。但是,对此处理的方法,不尽相同。李老师多采取意识到,理解的层次,而且对策不够积极,或者主动改进形状。实际上,教师采取了沮丧,无为、泄气的态度。面对学生的学习状况教师有时也表现出失望、困惑、同感、无奈。
学生共性问题:I have ever tutored several senior three students,and their common problem is that they lack basic training.李老师关注到学生在学习方面的共同弱点,为自己的教学提供依据。
学生的进步教师一般看得很清楚:This is big progress for them.And sometimes I remind them to go over what they have already read in order to better remember some vocabulary.Still I hope they will focus on difficult sentences.One passage each day and that is not enough in terms of reading quantity.学生的进步是教师最欣慰的时刻,是最有成就感的时刻,教师看到这些变化,也感到仍有不足之处,但是变化离教师的期待值还有差距。
对阅读材料内容的喜好教师也清清楚楚地察觉到:My students like such passages,though they could not express themselves the way I would like them to.Anyway,they have learned something meaningful and important and I can strongly feel the power of language.
李老师对反思日志态度十分诚恳,珍视通过日志交流的学习提高机会,每篇日志都表达谢意。表达谢意的方式多种多样,有时对提供的建议表示接受并采取行动(Thank you for your helpful advice.Now I am more determined to focus on reading practice.),有时表达喜悦心情(I am lucky enough to be one of your students.I really feel happy.),有时直接表达感激(This is the weekend and you still have to read my reflections tomorrow.I feel grateful.)。正因为李老师珍惜机会,反思能够坚持、感恩并且细心。
在李老师的日志中,频繁出现寻求建议和帮助的内容。例如,距离考试日期临近:if you were in my situation,what would you do within 50 days?
对于给学生布置课外阅读材料李老师的问题是:I don't know if it is a bad habit for a teacher to introduce something that she/he is interested in to the students in class,especially when the teacher is not sure whether the students are interested or not.Is that behavior arbitrary?
有时候,李老师采用直接求助的方式:Could you give some advice on teaching vocabulary?/ Can you think of some situational practice,i.e.they need to use relative clauses in the practice?/ So could you give me some effective advice?反思中寻求建议说明教师在教学过程中需要与同行交流,需要同行的帮助。广泛地进行同行交流,体现一种对于同行的信任,这种交流在学校里普遍流行,对于教学会有极大帮助。但是,往往同行之间的交流更多在不同学校,研讨会,学术交流会,进修等等场合。
教师作为指导者的角色,给学生提供建议和忠告。Just then,another student came to my office,and I asked this student to work together with her to work out the meaning of the passage.教师给出这个建议因为她了解学生的能力,给他们互相帮助的机会。结果,学生们自己解决了问题,这对于学生合作学习的能力有所帮助。
教师又是组织者:Students always need chances to improve and what we are doing now is give them chances./ As a teacher,I should choose suitable exercises and train them to focus on the context when dealing with grammar rules.Thus,they can better put grammar into practice.教师给学生提供学习的机会。
教师也是聆听者:Not until one of my students told me that my way of dealing with exercises made them sleepy did I realize how ineffective my lectures were.Now I would like to get them to explain many of the questions.Though they made mistakes and it takes more time,they no longer feel sleepy.教师与学生的关系是教学相长。
反思主要针对个人教学,然而教学中涉及到同事。教师在教学中受到周围环境的影响,有趋同的做法,同事做什么,我做什么,同事不做的,我也不做。这样容易保持同事之间的关系,不做出头鸟。即使心里知道应该做的事情,也不急于去做,随大流即可。比如关于同事的教学一例,I know my students may have difficulty in understanding some sentences,but I have never thought of how to cope with these problems since other teachers do nothing about it either.
有的问题需要全组的教师一起行动,I will work with other teachers and work out a best solution.才能完成。
合作也有困难,李老师意识到:What we are using for teaching must be open and shared,so usually I don't print anything extra for my students only.But I will make use of what we have.
有时教师也会与其他教师学习效果进行对比:This weekend I was busy marking their test papers.The average score of my students is quite normal.Compared with other students,there are not any sharp differences.And I begin to consider about it.No matter how hard a teacher works,the students still achieve almost the same score.Only one teacher is an exception.She dictates vocabulary to her students every day and her students seem to do relatively better in writing.Her practice has proved effective.This may be boring to students but it is easy and simple.But I need to improve,I should provide more forms.After the mid-term exams,I will try out dictation in different ways.
教学中遇到困难,往往使教师感到一种挫折感:Recently we are busy with the mid-term exams and today one of my favorite students told me that she didn't quite understand the passage in the test paper.
有时遇到困惑:But I still feel uncertain about the best way to deal with reading tests since my students are in different levels—some have difficulty with sentences and some have problems with reading speed.
有时有疑虑:My students don't often watch TV news since they spend most of their time at school,let alone English news.Some made no responses to me.And I doubt whether what I did was a waste of time in class.
语法课的描述:Today we learned grammar,the attributive clause introduced by relative pronouns.In order to help my students understand attributive clauses better,I used the following strategies:First,I got them to read the text,which contain attributive clauses and tried to pick out these attributive clauses.To my joy,they could spot all the attributive clauses.Second,I got them to identify the antecedents and the relative pronouns.Third,I asked them to put the antecedents in the original position in the attributive clauses.In this step,the students began to think about the meanings and functions of attributive clauses.从描述看来,教学过程圆满顺利。我们需要进一步考虑学生理解到使用的问题。