英語语言教育的重要性不言而喻,而其中英语词汇教学在英语语言教育过程中则起着举足轻重的作用,然而,不少师生面对单词记忆倍感“压力山大”!为了与学生一起攻克词汇关, 我们做了如下探索与实践:
1 依托教材,层层铺开
2.以2012年高考英语考试说明为蓝本(2013年考试说明尚未出台),以教育专家张思中的 “适当集中、反复循环,因材施教”为理论依据,将词汇按单元及字母顺序循环集中拼写,来落实单词的拼法、意思和词性。
1)Lots of animals were ________ by people to make way for agricultural land. (毁灭)
2)A grand dinner party was held in ________ of the scientists seventieth birthday. (纪念)
3)---Jim came out first. ---Thats great. Please give my ________ when you see him. (祝贺).
4)The WTO cannot live up to its name if it does not ________ a country that is home to one fifth of mankind. (包括)
5)The hall under construction will be large enough to ________ 2000 students. (容纳)
6)In ________ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents. (传统)
7)I saw Bob play the piano at the party and on that ________ he was simply brilliant. (场合)
Unit 9 Lesson 1
For years, people have been enjoying the 1.________ (好处) of cycling in Amsterdam, the “City of Bicycles”, because of the 2. ________ (convenient) for bicycles.
In the 1960s, cycling fans 3. ________ (油漆) hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in lots of neighborhoods around Amsterdam. Anyone was 4. ________ (允许) to take them and use them for short journeys. 5. ________ (where) someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use. The cycling fans believed that it 6._______ be better for everybody if cars werent allowed in the city center and only bicycles were. They were 7. ________ (hope) that this would help to save energy, reduce 8. p________ and provide free public transport. The problem was that it didnt work --- thieves took all the bicycles 9. ________ (在……内) weeks!
However, more than thirty years later, the “white bike” is 10. _______ (回来) in town --- this time with a computer chip to 11. ________ (记录) its every move! To take a bicycle, you have to insert a special card. The new “white bike ”is not 12. ________ (实际上) white but is an 13. ________ (usual) design with bright colors.
Indeed, 14. ________ to the good ideas, there is already 15.________ (little) traffic in central Amsterdam, because both locals and tourists have been using the white bikes.
2 辅以课外,巩固补充
1.教育心理学家B.Bloom曾说:“一个带着积极情感学习课程的学生,应该比那些缺乏热情、乐趣或兴趣的同学或者比那些对学习材料感到焦虑或恐惧的学生学习得更好,更轻松、更迅速”。从这个意义上来说,心理认同是学习成功的关键,因此,我们选定《3年高考2年模拟 》为一轮复习资料,避免学生对教材厌倦,对重点词汇进行集中突击。
3 步步为营,水到渠成
1.One of the greatest contributions to the first Oxford English Dictionary was also one of its most unusual.
2.We must draw a clear distinction between right and wrong.
3.The best thing for any child of a divorced parent is a stable life.
4.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists expectation.
5.In spite of the experiments,the idea of an animal compass seemed pretty extraordinary.