Experiment embryologist. Born in Junan, Shandong Province. Graduated from the Department of Biology, Shandong University in 1935. Studied in Germany in 1936 and received Dr. rer.nat. in 1939 and Dr. rer. nat. habil. In 1945. Professor and honorary director, Shanghai Institute of Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Zhuang studied the inductive specificity of adult tissues and organs on early embryonic cells and the correlation between induction and regionality of the host embryos and showed that adult organs contain different inductive factors. This was an important contribution to the study on the mechanism embryonic induction. He studied the development of the posterior trunk and the tail of urodelian amphibian and pointed out that these two parts are formed by morphogenetic movements after gastrula stage. He systematically investigated the differentiation and development of the mesoderm of urodelian embryos. In the study of nerveless amphibian larvae, he proved that the limb regeneration of nerveless larvae has no difference with that of the normal larvae. With the nerveless larvae grafted in telobiosis it was found that the larval epidermal cells are excitable and possess the ability to transmit impulse from cell to cell.
He was elected Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1980.