Well, in some parts of the world, if you dont have money or insurance, the problem isnt getting into the hospital, its getting out. Journalist Cindy Shiner got a first-hand look at the problem in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Cindy:I went to the citys main hospital, Kinshasa General. My initial impression was positive. You see, Id been to this hospital before—20 years ago. It was just after massive looting sprees, and the wards were nearly vacant.
Things have clearly improved since then. The grass is cut. The floors are swept. Windows have been repaired. And there are patients. In fact, on my recent visit, the benches in the hospitals outdoor corridors were full.
I went through the maternity ward. A new mother cradled her healthy child. The baby squirmed in her lap while trying to nurse, as the woman rocked back and forth to get the infant settled.
I walked to another room, all of these women—at least six—had lost their children in childbirth. And it was here that a nurse Kavita Masenga said something that brought me up short.
Kavita:(via translator) Generally, these women stay here more or less a week, but if they dont have the means to pay the hospital bill, they stay a little longer.
Cindy: Thats right—if they cant pay, they stay longer. You see, patients cant leave the hospital until they settle their bills, which means some of them can end up staying for a long time.
That was the case for a 23-year-old named Lorette. When I met her, she said she had been at the hospital for more than three weeks. The reason?“Its expensive,” she said, and she doesnt have enough money to pay her bill. She gave birth to a stillborn child and then became a virtual prisoner of her poverty. Mentally disabled, unable to even read to pass the time, she sat in a ward closed behind a blue iron gate, waiting.
Lorette said her mother was working to earn money to help get her out of the hospital, but there seemed to be little incentive for her family to help her. Lorette doesnt have a job. In poverty-stricken Kinshasa, shes a drain rather than a resource for her family.
And her problem would only worsen the longer she stayed. Each day she remained in the hospital, another $10 would be added to her bill. She already owed more than $200 when I met her, about what the average Congolese makes in an entire year.
Eventually, the medical workers would have to discharge Lorette, if only to make room for other patients who cant pay. Her family would presumably end up paying whatever they could manage.
But sometimes its not that easy. Families will enlist the help of a policeman or a soldier to exert pressure and negotiate a patients release.
The broader problem, though, is the system that both the patients and doctors find themselves in.
At public hospitals here, patients are supposed to receive medical care at a greatly reduced cost. The government is supposed to pay doctors monthly salaries, except it often doesnt. So the only way the doctors can continue to practice—and to buy medicine—is to charge higher fees to patients. And the doctors say the only way to ensure that patients pay is not to discharge them until they settle their bills.
Its an ad hoc system implemented all across Africa, and it leaves patients like Lorette with few options.
刚果民主共和国(法语:République Démocratique du Congo)位于非洲中部,简称民主刚果、刚果(金),以区分国名相似的刚果共和国,首都为金沙萨。该国陆地面积约234.5万平方公里,是非洲第二大和世界第十一大的国家;其人口超过7100万,是非洲人口第四多的国家。刚果民主共和国是联合国公布的世界最不发达国家之一。其采矿业占经济主导地位,加工工业不发达,农业落后,粮食不能自给。2011年,它的估计人均GDP仅有216美元。