Development Characteristics of Private P.E Economy

2013-08-15 00:54:11王丽娜
科技视界 2013年13期

王丽娜 王 麟

(河北联合大学 体育部,河北 唐山063009)

The non-national treatment of main body of industry. National treatment may not be implemented, leading to private P.E enterprises by the impact of social injustice in bank loans, land supply, tax incentives, project management rights, employee self -actualization,etc.. Market access restrictions of private P.E enterprise remain in existence, such as the number of professional clubs, television rights,P.E human resources and other social investment in development areas have not yet to open. Policies of labor helpers for the private P.E enterprises, personnel records management are difficult to put in place,caused lack of motivation by the industry main body. Over-reliance on institutional and environmental constraints and path selection. Private P.E economy excessively depends on ideas institutional environment constraints, the legal system environmental constraints, market access constraints, the market environment system constraints, financing system environmental constraints, personnel system constraints, which will directly lead to the lack of power and failure of innovative mechanisms and the development mechanism, impede further development of the private P.E economy.

There are many problems in development process of private P.E economy, briefly summarized as follows: extensive growth mode caused inefficient, industrial structure adjustment brought innovative reform inertia and barriers to industrial innovation upgrading, lack of innovation motivation, management system lag, policy support system has yet to be further improved, the drawbacks of non-nationals treatment of the industrial main body, over-reliance on institutional and environmental constraints and path selection. To face the reality of the problem, and put on the problem-solving strategies and countermeasures, which is an inevitable choice for comprehensive management. Emancipate the mind,renew the concept. Get away from the traditional “first big, second stateowned” the shackles of rigid ideas, clear responsibilities areas of stateowned P.E economy and private P.E economy, deepen the consciousness change and innovation of the private P.E economy, under the premise of complying with the principle of fair, openness, through various means let state-owned P.E economy out, market mechanism can play an effective role, fields of the private P.E production and provision, achieve privatization of social development field in the production and the provision of private P.E. The CPC third plenum of 16th conference passed the “CPC Central Committee Decision on Number of Issues of Perfecting the Socialist Market Economy System”, build up a sound legal system to protect private property, give a clear definition of private property rights and protection, make the legal system in practice be effectively implemented, so that the lawful private property rights of sport economic entities can be effective protected, provide reliable law guarantee for the private economic development. So that the private economic agents and state-owned P.E, foreign P.E economic agents, are equal in market access, financing, loans, land, taxes, utilities and so on,the private P.E economy and other types of economic development can compete in the same external environment. Set various types of subjects,create a scientific atmosphere of knowledge and bring together academics and P.E wisdom, scientific decision-making, the overall development plan of the private P.E economy, involved into overall development plan of regional economy, develop appropriate industrial policy and trade policy, make it better public sector to play a complementary and promoting role. Optimization of fiscal policy environment that constraints development of the private P.E economy, regulate the government revenue system, unify financial authority, determine to cancel all fees and charges of the regional powers, eradicate the phenomenon of the various departments and levies, reduce the financial burden of private P.E economy.

Cultivate core business of private P.E economy, establish brands of private P.E enterprises, aid to navigation and to establish a model. Insist on the combination of incremental optimization and the stock adjustments, capital operation and scientific management, and focus on supporting a number of private P.E enterprises grow bigger, build technical upgrading and structural adjustment, improve quality, and guide the private enterprises, especially P.E already have a certain strength of the main body development, to build private P.E economy brand with good reputation, high technology, and strong quality. Support development of regional characteristics and style, the product of comparative advantage, geographical and cultural advantages of various types of private endowment P.E enterprises, through the professional production,management innovation and process reengineering, etc., to foster regional economic entities of private P.E. Traditional P.E private economy gains further support and development.







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