丹麦当地时间8月5日,成都市与霍森斯市正式签署了建立友好城市关系协议书。成都与霍森斯将以此为新的开端,在平等互利的原则下,进一步增进双方的相互了解,深化和拓展两市在商贸、旅游、教育、文化等领域的全方位、深层次合作,开启蓉霍友好交往的新篇章。丹麦驻华大使裴德盛(Friis Arne Petersen)、我驻丹麦大使馆文化参赞李金生等出席并见证了蓉霍两市友城协议的签署。
Chengdu: Formal "Marriage" with Denmark Horsens
Denmark local time on August 5, Chengdu and Horsens city officially was signed establishing sister city relationship agreement.Horsens and Chengdu will take this as a new beginning, further promote the mutual understanding, deepening and expanding cities in areas such as trade, tourism, education, culture, deeper cooperation in all aspects under the principle of equality and mutual benefit, opening up a new chapter of friendly exchanges.Denmark's Ambassador to China Mr.Friis Arne Petersen, Culture Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in Denmark Li Jinsheng attended and witnessed the signing of the agreement.