
2013-08-01 08:12byJesseHunter
疯狂英语·阅读版 2013年7期

by Jesse Hunter

City kids know the deal; the excitement and danger of stepping onto a subway platform for the first time. I remember my mom holding my hand tight, with good reason, as this massive, screeching silver dragon (tattooed with graffiti) came hurdling around the corner at breakneck speed. It was beyond AWESOME!

I spent the better part of my childhood on that 103rd Street subway platform, waiting for the No. 1 local train. But my fondest subway related memories have to be the first time I heard the Bing-Bong-Bing-Bong as the doors closed behind me, since I still find myself singing along with that simple yet addictive tune today, and my first time standing at the front of the train, seeing what the conductor sees, as a flurry of golden twinkling comets(old flickering halogen bulbs) zoom past my peripheral vision, causing me to jerk my head from left to right in what must have been a pretty adorable scene at the time.

This century-old underground machine bears many names; Subway, Metro, Underground and Tube to name a few. But its purpose goes beyond mere transportation. Its an all important part of many urbanites lives, who can hail from all walks of life. Misunderstanding on the Metro shows how a lot can happen, and not happen, just going from one stop to the next. Have you ever shared a glance with someone, above the sea of heads on a subway car, and wondered...what if? Then I Fell in Love on the Subway is the story for you. 15 Minutes of Fame for Londons Underground examines the Tubes extensive acting career, and A 24 Hour New York City Subway Ride acts as mysterious metaphor for the journey of life.

I live in Guangzhou now, so I have to call it the Metro. But whatever its called, and wherever it goes, it will always be a part of me.






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