
2013-07-26 08:19
今日中学生(初二版) 2013年5期

1. 对,就这么办。All right just go ahead.

2. 对不起,给你添麻烦了。Sorry to have given you so much trouble.

3. 对不起,我得走了。Excuse me, but Ill have to go now.

4. 对不起,请你再讲一遍好吗?I beg your pardon, but would you repeat what you said?或I beg your pardon?

5. 你的脸色不对头。Youre not looking well.

6. 方法对头,效率就好。When the method is correct, efficiency is high. 或Good methods make for high efficiency.

7. 她的话不是对着你的。What she said was not directed at you.

8. 她的话是对事不对人的。What she said concerned herself with facts and not with individuals.

9. 足球赛是北京对上海。The football match will be Beijing versus Shanghai.

10. 他今天神色不对。He doesnt look himself today.

11. 茶太浓了,给我对点水。Add some water to the tea, its too strong for me.

12. 他发表了对这个问题的不同意见。He expressed different views on this question.

13. 他非常优秀,课堂上总是对答如流。He is so excellent that he is always answering very well in class.或...answers the questions without any hitch.

14. 雷锋对待同志像春天般的温暖。Lei Feng treated his comrades with the warmth of spring.

15. 这辆旧自行车先对付着用吧。Try to make do with this old bike for now.

16. 他就住在我家对面。His home is just oppsite my house.

17. 邮局就在街对面。The post office is just across the street.

18. 这本书的对象是中学生。This book is intended for middle school students.

19. 他不是你的对手。Hes no match for you.

20. 他说的和做的对不上号。His deeds dont match his words.

21. 常用词语汇集:

枪口对着敌人train the gun on the enemy; 对骂call each other names; 对着坐sit facing each other ;对饮(two people)have a drink together;对岸the opposite bank 或 the other side of the river;对胃口suit ones taste;对号码check numbers;猜对了guess right;鲜明的对比a sharp contrast;对策the way to deal with a situation或 counter measure;对称symmetry;对得起treat sb fairly或be worthy of ;对付deal with 或cope with;对立oppose或set sth against;对立情绪antagonism;对手opponent或adversary;唱对台戏put on a rival show;对外关系external(或foreign)relations;对外贸易foreign trade;对症下药suit the medicine to the illness或suit the remedy to the case;对峙stand facing each other或confront each other;对联antithetical couplet;对牛弹琴play the lute to a cow—choose the wrong audience

22.你弄错了。Youve got it wrong.

23.这是他的错,不怪你。You are not to blame; it is his fault.

24.他们的感情不错。They are on good terms.

25.今年的收成错不了。This years harvest is sure to be good.

26.错过这趟汽车,今天就走不成了。If we miss this hus, we wont be able to go today.

27.这样会给人造成错觉。This will give people a false impression.

28.这两个会不能同时举行,得错开一下。The two meetings cant be held at the same time; we have to stagger them.

29.这部小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜。The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating.


犬牙交错jigsawlike或interlocking;拿错东西take sth by mistake;错别字wrongly written or mispronounced characters;错案misjudged case;错过机会miss an opportunity;错乱in disorder或in confusion;精神错乱mentally deranged;错落不齐scattered here and there;犯错误make a mistake或commit an error;错误百出riddled with errors或full of mistakes
