
2013-07-23 07:26
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2013年6期

Every sport has its sacred[严肃的] records. In baseball, its the home run[本垒打] records—career and single season—though the hitting streak[连续安打] is also pretty special. Basketball has career points and, maybe more impossible to break, points in a single game. However, were not talking about sacred sports records today. Instead, were talking about goofy[傻瓜的] ones. Well, mostly goofy ones. Thats because today, were looking at ten awesome sports-related Guinness World Records.



注1:国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)缩写。

注2:联合国难民救济及工程局(United Nations Relief and Works Agency)缩写。

1. Fastest Half Marathon Pushing a Stroller[轻便婴孩车] (Female)


Record Holder: Nancy Schubring

Date Established: September 15th, 2000

Location: Vassar, Michigan, USA

This woman ran the “Mike May Races Half Marathon” in a respectable[可观的] 1:30:51.

Of course, they didnt specify[详细说明] the make of the stroller, and that could make all the difference. I mean, I assume it was one of those strollers with the huge bicycle wheels and not one of those clunky[笨重的] plastic-looking things you see people pushing around a shopping mall. But they dont say. Guinness really dropped the ball[犯错误] with this one.



2. Fastest 20m Carrying 300kg on Shoulders (Male)


Record Holder: Agris Kazelniks

Date Established: April 18th, 2009

Location: Milan, Italy

This would actually be a pretty cool Olympic sport; the IOC注1 should consider it.

As for this record, on the set of an Italian TV show, the man covered a 20m distance carrying 300kg in just 11.40 seconds. (I complain when I have to walk to the bus stop with my laptop in my backpack.)



3. Fastest 10K While Hula Hooping[(玩)呼拉圈]


Record Holder: Ashrita Furman

Date Established: June 12th, 2006

Location: Huntington, New York, USA

This guy hula hooped 10km in 1:25:09. I wonder if anyone thought to calculate how many calories he burned? That total must have been out of this world.


4. Biggest Wave Ever Surfed


Record Holder: Garrett McNamara

Date Established: November 1st, 2011

Location: Nazaré, Portugal

This 44-year-old pro surfer rode the largest wave of all time last November. Originally people were saying it was 90 feet, which would have shattered[粉碎] the old record by 13 feet. However, after examining the evidence Guinness declared the wave was only 78 feet—which beat the old record by just one foot. But hey, it doesnt matter how much you beat the record by. All that matters is that you beat it.


5. Most People Dribbling[运球] Basketballs at One Time


Record Holder: UNRWA注2

Date Established: July 22nd, 2010

Location: Gaza Strip, Palestine

Well, theyve tried everything else to bring peace to the Middle East. Why not basketball dribbling? Two years ago the UNRWA organized this event, in which they got 7,556 people to dribble basketballs at the same time. (I wonder how much it costs to ship 7,556 basketballs?)


6. Largest Snow Softball Tournament[锦标赛]


Record Holder: Freezing Fun For Families (Charity)

Date Established: March 8th, 2009

Location: Barre, Vermont, USA

Every year a charity organization in Vermont holds a charity “snow softball” tournament. In 2008, they raised $50,000 to build something called a comfort room at the Central Vermont Hospital. Then, in 2009, they had 61 teams and 795 players participate[参与], setting the Guinness World Record. And I think this one will stay a while—who wants to steal the world record from a charity?


7. Fastest Downhill Cycling…on Snow


Record Holder: Eric Barone

Date Established: April 21st, 2000

Location: Les Arcs, France

Downhill snow cycling? Sure, why not? And the speed record? Its 138 mph, which sounds pretty fast to me. My only question is: do they use special tires?


8. Fastest 4x100m Relay…in High Heels


Record Holder: Brittney McGlone, Jessica Penney, Laura Juliff, Casey Case

Date Established: September 28th, 2010

Location: Sydney, Australia

Brittney McGlone is an actual Olympic track athlete…so this one is kind of cheating. Her team ran a 4x100m in high heels in 1:49:19 back in 2010 at a charity event that raised $100,000 for breast cancer research.


9. Fastest 100m Hurdles[跨栏] Wearing Swim Fins[脚蹼] (Male)


Record Holder: Christopher Irmscher

Date Established: September 13th, 2008

Location: Dormagen, Germany

This guy ran the 100m hurdles, wearing swim fins, in just 14.82 seconds. Im fairly certain I couldnt get close to that time with regular shoes.


10. Fastest 100m on a Skateboard[滑板] by a Dog


Record Holder: Tillman the English Bulldog[斗牛犬]

Date Established: July 30th, 2009

Location: Los Angeles, USA

Apparently this record was set during X Games[极限运动] XV in Los Angeles…which actually makes sense. Anyway, the winner of the dog skateboarding race, that day, and the current world record holder, was a Bulldog named Tillman, who rode a skateboard 100 meters in 19.678 seconds.(Now this one Im fairly certain I could beat.)

