
2013-07-17 07:26
疯狂英语·口语版 2013年5期


Last week, my friend and I were at the coffee shop, drinking a couple of coffees and putting away a few pastries. Then in walks this guy acting like he was the master of the place—he was really putting on airs. He goes straight up to the counter and immediately starts to criticise and put down the different products on the menu. My friend and I were really put off. In fact, we were so displeased, that we tried to put some distance between him and us by moving to a table that was further away.

Then (can you believe it!), he walks over to our table and begins to put the moves on my friend.

He was actually hitting on her! She was sure he must have been putting her on because she just couldnt believe he was serious. She finally realized he wasnt joking when he put forward, or suggested, the idea of them going on a date. She was so shocked that she couldnt say anything! He just wouldnt leave her alone or be quiet, so I told him to put a cork in it, and he finally shut up and went away. My friend felt bad for him, though, and said that maybe Id been too harsh. So she told me to stay put and she chased after him to tell him about her party next weekend. He said hed put in an appearance, but I was really hoping he didnt show up.

Luckily, he never came to the party—and I just found out why yesterday! I was back in the same coffee shop and the waitress told me that the “creepy guy from last week”, as she put it, had been put away. At first, I was shocked to find out that hed been sent to prison, but then I realized that I wasnt really surprised. There had been something funny about him, but I just hadnt been able to put my finger on it or identify it completely. I asked the waitress what had happened, and she told me that hed been a jerk as usual, but she decided that she wasnt going to put up with it any more. She put her foot down and told him that they would no longer tolerate his rudeness, especially to the other customers. She said that he got really upset, but she wasnt going to give in this time. She was going to put up a fight! I told her I thought it was really brave for her to take a risk and put her neck on the line. In the end, she said, shed had to call the police and get them to take him away, which is when shed found out that the police were looking for him anyway. Crazy, right?!

I called my friend right away to tell her the story.“Put that in your pipe and smoke it!” I said to her. See! I was right!

put on airs(act like the master of):装腔作势,摆架子。

put down(criticise):批评。

put off(repel or repulse, as from bad manners):不安。

put some distance between(move or travel away from someone or something):离……远点。

put the moves on(attempt to seduce or proposition someone):引诱某人。

put someone on(try to deceive someone into believing something that is not true):欺骗。

put forward(suggest):提议,建议。

put a cork in it(tell someone to shut up or stop talking):让某人闭嘴或停止说话。

stay put(not to move; stay where someone is):原位不动。

put in an appearance(appear briefly at some place or at some event):露面,参加。

put something(express or state something):说,陈述。

put away(sentence someone to prison for a length of time):坐牢。

put finger on something(identify and state the essence of something):准确地说出。

put up with(tolerate):忍受。

put foot down(to assert something strongly):下决心做某事。

put up a fight(make a struggle, a fight):打一架。

put ones neck on the line(put oneself at great risk):冒险。

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!(an impolite way of telling someone that they must accept what you have just said even if they do not like it):你自己考虑考虑吧!/ 你不听也得听!
