by Jesse Hunter
The art of parenting is usually learned the hard way. There are plenty of informative guides out there, covering seemingly any and all possible parental predicaments one might encounter. But ask any parent and theyll tell you, no amount of planning prepares you for the emotional onslaught to come.
My newlywed wife and I plan on having children in the next few years. Ive always dreamt of being a dad, which goes beyond the mere planting of my seed. I may have come from my fathers genetic material, but many of my most positive traits come from my“Godfather”, who helped my mom raise me through thick and thin, out of the goodness of his heart.
In The Second-Hardest Job, youll see what its like to be a stepparent, tackling vicious stereotypes while doing one of the most thankless jobs in the world; one many unappreciated people take on, not because they are required to (since theyre not), but out of sheer love.
Stepparents arent the only ones who have it rough. At least my mom had help when she needed it. In What Is It Like to Be a Single Father, youll hear about all the obstacles one young widower faced, while simply trying to give his son a better life (or just a nice day at the park).
Can you imagine anything more difficult than caring for an infant whose fatal fate is sealed? For a heart wrenching story of patience and persistence, even under the most futile circumstances, read Notes From a Dragon Mom. (Warning: tears likely to be shed.)
Woah! Parenting seems scary. Countless fears lay dormant (for now) in my heart, but I will one day enter into parenthood with my eyes and heart wide open, ready for all the happiness and heartache to come.
时至今日,我严正声明:I was wrong!养个小孩,真的可以让你“几多欢喜几多愁”,让你“求生不得求死不能”。与此同时,我也不由得要为以往对父母亲表现出的种种叛逆、不屑、抱怨、索求表示深深的忏悔。“养儿方知父母恩”——这是另一位知己Q上的肺腑留言。对此,我把双手双脚都举起来表示同意,因为我可以告诉在座各位未来的父母们:养儿绝对是一件技术活、体力活;是一场阵地战、心理战、持久战。