
2013-04-29 00:44:03孙琪
中学生英语·中考指导版 2013年5期

姓名: 孙琪

出生日期: 1998 年 2月7 日

座右铭: 失败是成功之母

就读学校: 山东省汶上县汶上镇第二中学九年级六班

指导教师: 刘秀志

Lets Do Something for Our Mothers

Mothers Day is coming soon. As a child, I think we should do something useful for our mothers and make them happy.

One of the ways to celebrate Mothers Day is to give our mothers a day off. Let them relax while the rest of the family are doing the housework. Firstly, we should send our mothers some flowers or special small presents and say “Happy Mothers Day” to them. Secondly, we should do some housework, such as washing the dishes, cleaning the room and washing the clothes. We can also tell some jokes to our mothers and tell them something interesting in our school. I think these things can make our mothers happy. Finally, we should cook delicious food for our mothers. Its important for the whole family to have dinner together, because it will make our mothers feel happy.

I think the best way to thank our mothers is to study harder and get good grades in the exam. When we become high school students, they will be proud of us.

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