【摘 要】目的:了解新罗区2008—2012年登记肺结核来源情况,为有效在发现病例并对不同人群的预防控制措施分析相应对策。方法:收集新罗区2008—2012年活动性肺结核病各种登记本、结核病管理信息系统常规监测报表(定时统计)等有关资料。按照《中国结核病防治规划实施工作指南》等标准进行统计分析。结果:新罗区2008—2012年共登记肺结核病例1527例,其中来源于转诊746例,占48.85%,因症就诊者362例,占23.71%,追踪290例占18.99%,因症就诊者、转诊和追踪共1398例,占91.55%。农民591例,占了38.70%,民工和工人381例,占了24.96%。男性明显多于女性,男女性别比约为3∶1,35岁以上同年龄组男性患者所占比率明显多于女性患者。青中壮年25岁~54岁病例为807例,占了52.85%。结论:非结防机构已成为发现肺结核的主要场所,抓好非结防机构报告肺结核患者的转诊,使患者到结防机构就诊,成为结核病防治工作的关键。肺结核主要集中在农民、民工和工人,因此需要社会补偿以便更好地发现和治愈疾病。男性肺结核应作为当前结核病防治工作的重点来关注。
Analysis of Xinluo district from 2008 to 2012 registered
pulmonary tuberculosis case source
Hong Zhuhe Chen Runlian Xie Tianxin Fujian province Longyan Xinluo District CDC 364000
[Abstracr] Objective: To investigate the Xinluo district from 2008 to 2012 registered pulmonary tuberculosis sources, effective in case finding and analysis of the corresponding countermeasures to prevent the different crowd control. Methods: The Xinluo district from 2008 to 2012 years of active pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of the various registration management information system of routine monitoring report (timing statistics) and other relevant information. Statistical analysis was performed according to "Chinese tuberculosis control program implementation guide" and other standards. Results: from 2008 to 2012 in Xinluo District registered a total of 1527 cases ofTB cases, which originates from the referral in 746 cases, accounting for 48.85% of the 362 patients, disease treatment, accounted for 23.71%, followed 290 cases accounted for 18.99%, because the disease patients, referral and follow-up of 1398 cases, accounting for 91.55%. 591 cases were farmers, migrant workers and workers accounted for 38.70%, 381 cases, accounted for 24.96%. The male was more than female, male and female sex ratio was 3 ∶ 1, above 35 years old age group with the ratio of male patients was more than female patients. Young adults aged 25 to 54 years old were 807 cases, accounted for 52.85%. Conclusion: non tuberculosis organs have been found main place of pulmonary tuberculosis, do a good job of non-TB institutions report of tuberculosis patients referral, enable patients to TB institutions for treatment, become the key of tuberculosis prevention and control work. Pulmonary tuberculosis mainly focus on farmers, migrant workers and workers, and to the social compensation in order to better detect and cure disease. Male pulmonary tuberculosis should be the focus of the current tuberculosis prevention and control work to pay attention to.
[Key words] Tuberculosis; Source; Prevention and control countermeasures: male youths
1.1一般资料 资料来源于新罗区2008—2012年活动性肺结核病各种登记本、结核病管理信息系统常规监测报表(定时统计)等有关资料。
1.2方法 按照《中国结核病防治规划实施工作指南》等标准进行统计分析。根据来源情况探讨肺结核的早期发现与可行防控措施。
3.1 转诊、追踪、因症推荐到位并诊断为活动性肺结核1002例,占67.84%,说明非结防机构已成为发现肺结核的主要场所,抓好非结防机构报告肺结核患者的转诊,使患者到结防机构就诊,成为结核病防治工作的关键,是提高病人发现的有效方法。
3.2 在2008—2012年新罗区例登记结核病例中农民591例,占了38.70%,民工和工人381例,占24.96%,说明病例集中在农村和体力劳动者中,尤其是偏远山区、农村不发达地区及打工人群。这就告诉我们绝大多数病人仍在人群中,这或许是我国结核病呈上升趋势,居各类传染病之前的原因。因此需要采取得力措施,把人群中的肺结核患者尽早发现出来,合理安排医务人员主动到人群中发现病人。可以到偏远农村、矿山和流动人口较多的工厂做健康筛查。加强对外来务工人员的肺结核健康宣教和管理,对遏制肺结核疫情在本区的流行极其重要。
3.3 从登记肺结核病例分析来看,男性明显多于女性(3︰1),35岁以上病例数,明显多于35岁以下各年龄组,说明多数结核病人集中于男性青壮年,该人群男性作为家庭主要的经济支柱,收入低下,生活压力大,会导致生理、心理不健康以及吸烟、过量饮酒等,这些导致容易感染肺结核。该人群为主要社会劳动力,社会活动较多,流动性大,感染机会多,作为传染源对于社会危害性较大,因此男性青壮年应作为当前结核病防治工作的重点来关注。