
2013-04-29 00:44MsEditDobos
英语大王 2013年8期

Ms Edit Dobos


Flora is seven and a half years old. She lives with her parents in the city. This summer, she visited the countryside for the first time.* She lived there with Aunt Agnes and Uncle Tony. What adventures(冒险经历) did she have? Lets see!

New Friends

Flora woke up early. She ran to Aunt Agnes in the kitchen.

“Aunt Agnes, what are those noises(噪音)?” She asked.

“Uncle Tony let the chickens out, and the cows are going to walk to the pasture.* And Toby is up(起床的).”


This summer, she visited the countryside for the first time.


Uncle Tony let the chickens out, and the cows are going to walk to the pasture.


yard /jB:d/ n. 院子

move /mu:v/ v. 移动

tongue /tQN/ n. 舌头


What did she trip on? 是什么东西把她绊倒了呢?

“Who is Toby?” asked Flora. “I will go out to look at them!” Then Flora ran to the yard*.

When she ran out of the door, she tripped(绊倒). What did she trip on?* Oh! On the big black things.

Then the big black things moved* to Flora. They had black coats, pink tongues* and sharp teeth. “What are these?” Flora was very scared(害怕的).

“Dont be afraid!*” said Uncle Tony. “They are Furry and Buggy.”

The two big dogs sniffed at(嗅) Flora.

“Put out your hand,” said Uncle Tony. “You can pat* them. They like this.”

Flora timidly(胆小地) put her hand on the dogs. Soon, they became* good friends.


Dont be afraid! 别害怕!

pat /pAt/ v. 轻拍

became /bI5keIm/ v. 成为(become的过去式)

Flora met her first new friends on her uncles farm. The two dogs are lovely. They are smart, too.

“Can you whistle(吹口哨)?” Uncle Tony asked Flora.

“A little,” said Flora. “Let me show you.”

She kept her lips rounded, then let out a short, faint whistle.*


She kept her lips rounded, then let out a short, faint whistle.


“That will be difficult* to hear. Look, do it like this.” Uncle Tony put two fingers* in his mouth and whistled loudly(响亮地).

Flora tried to copy him.* Uncle Tony helped her. In fifteen minutes, Flora could whistle loudly.

“Why do you need* to whistle loudly?” asked Flora.

“Because it can control(控制) the dogs.” Uncle Tony said.

difficult /5dIfIkElt/ adj. 困难的

finger /5fIN^E/ n. 手指

need /ni:d/ v. 需要


Flora tried to copy him. 弗洛拉尝试着去效仿他。

Uncle Tony said to Flora, “They will be your friends all summer. Listen! If you call them, whistle like this.*” Uncle Tony let out a long and a short whistle.*

“If you want them to stop, use a short whistle ”

Uncle Tony was teaching Flora all morning. Flora learned fast.

It was time for lunch. Flora knew all the whistles.

本故事选自国外原版绘本Getting to Know Animals。本刊内容略有删改。


If you call them, whistle like this.


Uncle Tony let out a long and a short whistle.


太空奇遇, 从“口哨声”到“金色UFO”
失败的逃离 失落的灵魂