Asking for the Way

2013-04-29 00:44陈雪军
英语大王 2013年8期


Linda just visited the park. Now she wants to visit the museum, but she doesnt know the way. So she asks a policeman for help.

Please choose the correct answers to the questions.

1. Where does Linda want to go?

A. The park.

B. The museum.

C. The cinema.

D. The supermarket.

2. Who tells Linda the way?

A. A driver.

B. A doctor.

C. A student.

D. A policeman.

3. Where is the museum?

A. Its near the hospital.

B. Its next to the cinema.

C. Its near the post office.

D. Its next to the bookstore.

4. Can Linda take a bus to the museum?

A. Yes, she can take the No. 8 bus.

B. Yes, she can take the No. 18 bus.

C. No, she cant.

D. I dont know.

5. Where will Linda get off the bus?

A. At the park.

B. At the supermarket.

C. At the school.

D. At the library.

(answers in the next magazine)

Look at the picture on Page 70. Can you write a dialogue(对话) or a composition(作文) about asking for the way? Give it a try!
